ATTENDING- Kerry Macko, Todd Macko, Geoff Mandile, Virginia Signorelli, Gerry Varone, Roxanne Harris

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

1-FINANCIALS The board unanimously approved a donation to the Varsity team of $5500 for new home uniforms. The board also agreed to open a separate account for Varsity Head Coach Geoff Mandile to use for travel purposes. He will get his own card which Todd will hold onto when not in use. Todd asked the board to consider bringing back Proud Family Sponsor. This would not be mandatory but a way for families to make a donation on their players behalf. This can be set up through PayPal. Gerry will remove the previous treasurers name from the PayPal account and add Todd Macko’s name to it. Geoff informed us that we have a large credit from Nike which we all agreed to use for merchandise for sale throughout the season.

2-SCHEDULE Geoff handed out the 2017 schedule. We only have 3 home games this year. Dates were discussed for Homecoming, Senior Citizen night, Youth Football night, and Senior Night. Geoff will discuss with Ron Whitcomb the possibility of having homecoming on either Sept 22 or Sept 30th. Senior night has been decided for Oct 13.

3- PANCAKE BREAKFAST The date for the pancake breakfast has been set for March 26th from 9-11. Kerry has confirmed with Thirsty Turtle as well as Schoff for the syrup. Kerry will get tickets to Geoff. Geoff will get tickets to players as well as schedule shift times. Players will be required to sell 5 tickets each. Shifts will be from 8:30-10:00 and then 10:00-11:30. Breakfast will include fruit this year and tickets will be $8 a piece.

4-TEAM MEALS Kerry spoke with Thirsty Turtle and they are very interested in hosting team meals this year. Have offered a few different types of meals. Geoff highly recommended pasta and bread. Kerry also asked Thirsty Turtle if they would be able to accommodate 2 breakfast meals as well. They will be thinking about this. They have to consider late nights and early morning staffing.

5-CONCESSIONS Kerry spoke with an outside vendor in regards to concessions for the Modified and JV games. Vendor would set up a food truck of sorts and sell from that. We would still consider a staff of 1 to sell merchandise as well. Kerry will get back in touch with vendor to schedule a meeting with him and the board to discuss feasibility. If there isn't enough income for the vendor it won't be worth it to him.

6-GOLF TOURNAMENT Gerry has agreed to be golf chair as long as we can find volunteers to help with key roles. It was agreed that we need to find volunteers to help with maintaining the spreadsheet, creating a new cover letter, mailings and fundraising phone calls. We will need to secure corporate sponsor as well. Agreed that it makes sense to have one person in charge of all golf tournament arrangements and find others to help with all the other details.

Tournament is booked at Victor Hills for June 11, 2017. Victor Hills has informed us that the cost per person for food will increase by .25 to .50 per person. Actual golf pricing has stayed the same. Discussed increasing golfers fee.

7-NIGHT OF RECOGNITION Gerry was notified by email that the Victor Football Boosters has been nominated for the Camp Good Days Night of Recognition. It was agreed that there should be at least 2 present at this that night. Todd will check PO Box for letter regarding this.

8-PROGRAMS Board is expecting a drop in sales this year for our Season Program. Our first home game this year is not until Sept. 22. There was discussion about either pre-selling them at the Varsity picnic or possibly selling them at our away games on Sept. 8th and 16th.

9- TENT Gerry informed us that she heard back from the manufacturer of our tent and they let her know that the tears were from mishandling. They are sending us repair patches that we will see if ground maintenance can apply. It was discussed whether we should consider purchasing a new one or continue to use the schools. It was determined that we continue to use the schools this year because there are such few home games anyways.