Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report

Course Assessment

Division: Physical Education Discipline/Program: Health

Course Number and Name: Health 006 Nutrition for Healthful Living & Fitness Activities

Program Contact Person: _____Nabeel Barakat______Phone: __310.233.4351______

Reviewed by: Elena Reigadas, SLO Assessment Coordinator Date: January 2014

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Institutional Learning Outcomes / Course Intended Outcomes / Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data Collected / Use of Results
5 / 1. Identify and participate in physical activities to develop/maintain fitness. / Means: Verification of supervised hours of activity
Criteria: All students will complete at least 70 % of supervised hours as outlined by course outline (36). / Eighty-eight percent of all students completed at least 25 hours of activity.
(Spring 2012) / Continue to stress the importance of physical activity in the daily lifestyle to thus improve the completion rate to 90%
1 / 2. Name and define the components of fitness. / Means: Short answer question that requires students to list and define four components of fitness
Criteria: Random sample of 50% of students should score 75% or better on said question / Eighty-three percent of a random sample of 50% of students (23) in one class scored an average of 75% or higher. (Fall 2011) / Review the components of fitness during class time at least three times prior to the midterm
1 / 3. Follow general criteria for developing healthy food habits
(Choose My Plate/Food Guide Pyramid) / Means: Investigate to establish individual guidelines for healthy eating and evaluate hypothetical menu plans for cups/ounces of foods from five food groups that are represented
Criteria: Random sample of 50% of students should score 70% or higher on menu evaluation / A random sample of 50% of students (17) in one class scored an average of 63% on a graded menu evaluation (test item)
(Spring 2012) / Students have difficulty with the mathematical calculations required to evaluate a menu plan. More time in class is needed to practice typical calculations.
1 / 4. List guidelines for using over-the-counter medications. / Means: Short answer question that identifies five guidelines used when consuming over-the-counter medications
Criteria: Eighty percent of all students should score at least 80% or better on said question. / Eighty-three percent of students earned a score of 80% or better when identifying guidelines for use of OTCs. (Fall 2012) / Continue to emphasize the importance of following OTC guidelines to improve test results
1 / 5. Select foods by using nutritional labeling in order to make healthy food choices. / Means: Written report describing purchasing project that includes evaluating product using criteria for selecting a “healthy food”
Criteria: Seventy percent of all students in one or more class(s) will score 70% on the completed written purchasing project. / Twenty-four of 36 students completed the report with 67% earning a score of 70% or better. (Spring 2013) / Prepare an in-class activity to interpret the information on a Nutrition Facts Panel to evaluate the product for “healthy food” status
1 / 6. Identify the correlation between nutrition/diet and disease for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. / Means: Three objective questions for each disease state as a part of the appropriate examination given to all lecture sections of the course
Criteria: Random sample of 50% of students should score 70% or better on said questions / A random sample of 50% of students answered questions on heart disease/diet with 65% accuracy, cancer/diet with 69% accuracy and diabetes/
diet with 74% accuracy. (Fall 2013) / Implement practice of giving review quiz after each disease unit of study to improve results

Date: August 2012

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Institutional Learning Outcomes / Course Intended Outcomes / Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data Collected / Use of Results
5 / 1. Identify and participate in physical activities to develop/maintain fitness. / Means: Verification of supervised hours of activity
Criteria: All students will complete at least 70 % of supervised hours as outlined by course outline (36). / Eighty-eight percent of all students completed at least 25 hours of activity.
(Spring 2012) / Continue to stress the importance of physical activity in the daily lifestyle to thus improve the completion rate to 90%
1 / 2. Name and define the components of fitness. / Means: Short answer question that requires students to list and define four components of fitness
Criteria: Random sample of 50% of students should score 75% or better on said question / Eighty-three percent of a random sample of 50% of students (23) in one class scored an average of 75% or higher. (Fall 2011) / Review the components of fitness during class time at least three times prior to the midterm
1 / 3. Follow general criteria for developing healthy food habits
(Choose My Plate/Food Guide Pyramid) / Means: Investigate to establish individual guidelines for healthy eating and evaluate hypothetical menu plans for cups/ounces of foods from five food groups that are represented
Criteria: Random sample of 50% of students should score 70% or higher on menu evaluation / A random sample of 50% of students (17) in one class, scored an average of 63% on a graded menu evaluation (test item)
(Spring 2012) / Students have difficulty with the mathematical calculations required to evaluate a menu plan. More time in class is needed to practice typical calculations.
1 / 4. List guidelines for using over-the-counter medications. / Means: Short answer question that identifies five guidelines used when consuming over-the-counter medications
Criteria: Eighty percent of all students should score at least 80% or better on said question.
1 / 5. Select foods by using nutritional labeling in order to make healthy food choices. / Means: Written report describing purchasing project that includes evaluating product using criteria for selecting a “healthy food”.
Criteria: Seventy percent of all students in one or more class(s) will score 70% on the completed written purchasing project.
1 / 6. Identify the correlation between nutrition/diet and disease for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. / Means: Three multiple-choice questions for each disease state as a part of the appropriate examination given to all lecture sections of the course
Criteria: Random sample of 50% of students should score 70% or better on said questions

August 2011

Institutional Learning Outcomes / Course Intended Outcomes / Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data Collected / Use of Results
5 / 1. Participate in physical activities to develop/maintain fitness.
1 / 2. Name and define the components of fitness.
1 / 3. Identify relationships between exercise and body functioning and disease.
1 / 4. Explain relationships between diet and disease.
1 / 5. Formulate criteria for developing healthy food habits.
2 / 6. Select foods by using nutritional labeling in order to make healthy choices.
1 / 7. Identify the principles of lifetime weight maintenance.
1 / 8. Investigate major health concerns; obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
1 / 9. List guidelines for using herbal remedies and over-the-counter medications.
1 / 10. Characterize the abilities of mature adults including Centenarians.
3 / 11. Use the Internet to search reliable web sites for health information.