Parish of Our Lady of Fatima
159 Northway, Durban North, 4051 E-Mail Website: Tel: 0315635554 Fax: 0315634684

Parish Priest: Fr Jusitn Stirton

Pastoral Assistants: Irene Helsdon and Anne Chatteris
7th February 2016
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Missal References Page 806 (old), 890 (new)
Eucharistic Prayer
Memorial Acclamation
Next Sunday’s Scripture Page 727 (old), 803 (new)
Next Sunday 1st Sunday of Lent – Year C
Feasts of the Week
Monday St. Jerome Emiliani & St. Josephine Bakhita
Friday Our Lady of Lourdes

Entrance Antiphon

O come, let us worship God and bow low before the God who made us, for he is the Lord our God.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 138

In the presence of the angels I praise you.
I thank you, Lord, with all my heart;
You have heard the words of my mouth.
In the presence of the angels I praise you.
I bow down towards your holy temple.
I give thanks to your name
for your merciful love and your faithfulness.
You have exalted your name and your promise over all.
On the day I called, you answered me;
you increased the strength of my soul.
All earth’s kings shall thank you, O Lord,
when they hear the words of your mouth.
They shall sing of the ways of the Lord,
“How great is the glory of the Lord!”
With your right hand you save me;
The Lord will accomplish this for me.
O Lord, your merciful love is eternal;
discard not the work of your hands.
In the presence of the angels I praise you. /

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia!

Follow me, says the Lord, and I will make you fishers of men. Alleluia!

Communion Antiphon

Let them thank the Lord for his mercy, his wonders for the children of men, for he satisfies the thirsty soul, and the hungry he fills with good things.

This Week’s Diary
Monday / Mass / 9.00am
RCIA / 6.00pm
Saint Vincent de Paul Meeting / 7.00pm
Tuesday / Mass / 6.30am
Gospel Sharing / 9.15am
Holy Hour / 5.15pm – 6.00pm
Shrove Tuesday Social / 6.00pm
Wednesday / Men’s Fellowship and Prayer / 5.00am – 6.00am
Masses – ASH WEDNESDAY / 6.00am; 9.00am & 6.00pm
Bible Study – Gospel of Matthew / 7.00pm
Thursday / Mass / 7.00am
Mass / 6.00pm
Friday / Morning Prayer / 6.15am
Mass / 6.30am
Stations of the Cross / 5.45pm
Saturday / Mass – Dedication of our Church / 8.00am
Catholic Women’s League Meeting / 2.00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation / 11.00am & 4.30pm
Sunday / Masses / 7.00am; 9.00am & 5.45pm

Please pray for the Sick especially:


Tris Tillard’s sister; Peter Squires; Joy Lees’ grandniece; Gladys Cole’s brother; Maryse Bowman’s nieces; Louise Kin’s sister; Renee Armstrong’s sisters; Jo James’ nephew; Josiane & Marie-Claude Maujean’s brother; Annette Hoyer’s parents; Nancy Chettiar’s mother; Stuart McGregor; Graham Naude’s mother; Esme Hallot’s nieces; Anna Kalinowska’s mother; Alma Osborn’s grandson; John Bremner’s nephew; Marjorie Mawbey’s niece; Anne Appelgren’s husband; Tracy Mendonidis & Candice Houseman’s mother. / Loretta Liviero; Nadine Paul’s mother; Margaret Beechey’s mother; Sharon Ellis’ sister; Elsa Pearton’s son Michael & granddaughter; Denise Irvine’s daughter; Maryse Wardell’s mother; Irene Helsdon’s niece; Gill Yelland’s daughter-in-law; Josè Martins’ mother; Caron Martins’ father, sister & nephew; Lyn Alborough’s niece; Norlie McDonogh’s sister-in-law & sister; Lynne Tillard’s brother; Tottie Bremner’s nephew; George & Carol Urquhart’s mothers; Theresa Hoogewerf’s uncle; Denise Topp’s daughter & son-in law; Mary Ann Salvage’s brother. / Brenda Bennison; Michelle Lock’s father; Warren Walker’s uncle; Fr Des brother & nephew;
Peggy du Plessis’ brother, sister & daughter-in-law; Jean & Pauline Leclezio’s son and daughter-in law; Gail Hansen’s mother; Kevin Curtis’ nephew; Michael Basson’s daughter; May Dormehl’s brother-in law & daughter; Debbie Macpherson’s father; Brian Hoogewerf’s sister; Maureen Hutton’s mother-in law; Lorna Deacon; Heather Rorick; Kingsley Went.


Hugh Elliott; Cathy Hogg; Anthea Jack; Clare Whatmore; Sr Catherina; Virgile Bonhomme; Cameron Smith; Felicity Harrison; Jenny Ducray; Hendrika Brock; Roger Brouard; Maryse Bowman; Gordon Urquhart; Milly van Gogh; Joy Lees; Pat du Trevou; Di Smith. / May Dormehl; Leigh Went; Pierette Lenferna; Daphne Rahmer; Teresa Latouf; Caron Martins; Tony Akal; Randy Tryon; Sandra Teodosio; Gilda de Freitas; Lynne Govender; John Hull; Pat Sturgess; Elsa Pearton; Monique Saint-George; Theresa Hoogewerf. / Ellen Ball; Dcn Peter Venter; Gladys & Mavon Cole; Gerrit Snyders; Moises de Sousa; Marcienne Redfern; Yvonne Duthie; Mary Ferreira; Chantel Molnar; Mervin Moonsamy; Bernard Dunienville.

Scripture Readings For Next Sunday

Deuteronomy 26: 4-10 Romans 10: 8-13 Luke 4: 1-13

Please continue to pray for Dcn Peter, and the intentions of all clergy.

Catechism Classes will start on Monday 8th February, except for Grade 3 & 4 who will start on Tuesday the 16th February; due to the Shrove Tuesday Social on 9th February.

RCIA continues tomorrow Monday 8 February 2016 at 6:00pm in the hall.

Please pray for our 4 candidates: Seema Leggett; Pravi Naidoo; Grant Westbrook and Rod Wylie.

GOSPEL SHARING Tuesdays at 9.15am in the hall.

The Catholic Women’s League


·  Please help with the supply of pancakes; to be made at home by parishioners and brought to the Parish Social on Shrove Tuesday 9 February around 5:30pm.

·  If you can help, there are lists up on the noticeboards at both entrances to the Church; please put your name, telephone number and how many pancakes you can contribute (Please do not interleave the pancakes with wax paper, as these break the pancakes when separating them) Thank you and much appreciated


Join us for a feast of Pancakes and Boerewors Rolls on Shrove Tuesday 9th February from 6.00pm until 8.00pm on the school grounds. Soft drinks will be on sale and entertainment for children. Bring a friend.


Men of our Parish are invited to gather together with Christ over a cup of coffee for prayer, sharing and reflection, every Wednesday morning from 5.00am–6.00am, in the Church Hall. Visitors (men) are most welcome.

For further details please contact Brian Hoogewerf on 0837800004.

ASH WEDNESDAY – 10th February

Ashes will be distributed at all three Masses:

6.00am; 9.00am (School Mass) & 6.00pm

Please remember that Ash Wednesday is a Day of Fast and Abstinence.

The laws of abstinence (which binds those of 14 years and over) forbids the eating of meat.

The laws of fasting (for those who are able to) allows only one meal

in the course of the day and small nourishment during the day.

Pregnant women and those who are sick are not obliged to fast.

Bible Study the continuation of the gospel of Matthew, happens on Wednesday at 7:00pm in the parish hall.

The Young Adults’ Group

The young adults’ group will be meeting on Wednesday 10 February in the upper hall. Contact Alannah (0839221879) or Andrea (0728650174) for more info.

MORNING PRAYER on Friday mornings at 6.15am - before the 6.30am Mass.

Please support.


Fridays during Lent are observed as a Day of Prayer, Fast and Abstinence. Stations of the Cross every Friday at 5:45pm. We encourage you to observe the day by attending Mass at 6:30am and Stations of the Cross at 5:45pm.

Dedication of Fatima Church

Saturday 13 February is the 33rd anniversary of the Dedication of our church. We will commemorate this special event at Mass on Saturday 13th February at 8:00am.

Catholic Women’s League The next monthly meeting of the Catholic Women’s League is on Saturday the 13th February in the Parish Hall. All ladies are welcome to attend. For further info please contact Margaret Larkins on 083 294 5133.


All High School Catechists are asked to please collect Mite Boxes for their classes from the table at the back of the Church.

Introduction to Computers: An easy 1 week course is offered starting each Monday at the Denis Hurley Centre for R180. Ideal for someone who has never touched a computer! Learn how to turn it on, use a mouse, send an email and surf the internet. Limited places each week.

To secure a place, register in person at the DHC with the full course fee.

Volunteering – a corporal act of mercy for the Year of Mercy:

The Denis Hurley Centre is always keen to welcome new volunteers to help feed the homeless. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday, each time between 8.30am and 1pm. Safe parking behind the Cathedral or beneath Victoria Street Market. Call for details: 031 301 2240 or just turn up!


Stress in Your Marriage? – There is just 1 week left to sign-up for Retrouvaille.

Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness and simply shut down. Others experience conflict and arguments in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the February program beginning with a weekend on 5 Feb view our website at / call 0828500500 or



The SVDP Society would like to thank everyone who brought through a tin of Baked Beans in tomato sauce this Sunday, if you forgot to bring a tin of baked beans, don’t worry you can always bring it with you next Sunday. The current donation item request is still for: Tinned Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce (410g); which can be deposited into the food basket at both entrances to the Church at Sunday Masses.

Suggestions for Personal Prayer

Time: Make time during the day – 5 minutes is all you need. Let this be a set time, the same time – your time, every day.

Place: Find a suitable place, somewhere where you will be comfortable and be undisturbed for this short period of time.

Focus: Use your crucifix and or rosary to help you focus. Place them on a table close to your prayer space. You may also use a candle and have your Bible in that place too – even if you don’t use it – yet!

Begin: Always with the sign of the of the Cross and in God’s Holy name: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Open your heart to God e.g: if its in the morning say ‘I thank you Father for the gift of this new day and all that it holds for me.’ Then bring before God all the special people in your life. Mention them by name and if they have any specific needs let God know. After your prayer for others then pray for yourself and your needs that day.

Finish: Conclude with the Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory be, finishing once again with the Sign of the Cross.

Prayer for the Jubilee Year of Mercy

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the visible face of the invisible God our Father who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy. Let the Church be your visible face in the world. May all your ministers feel compassion and understanding for those who seek love and forgiveness.

Send your Spirit to each of us, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace during which your Church will bring good news to the poor,

proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed

and restore sight to the blind.

We ask this of you, Lord Jesus,

through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy.


/ WELCOME Fr. Justin Stirton!
We welcome our new Parish Priest,
Fr Justin Stirton
Who celebrates his first Sunday Masses with us today.
We hope the he has a long, happy and fruitful stay with us. /

Mass Intentions

7 February 2016 - 14 February 2016

Sunday / 7.00am / Pro Populo
9.00am / In Thanksgiving – Fr Justin Stirton
5.45pm / Peter McCall RIP (McCall Family)
Monday / 9.00am / Pious Lists
Tuesday / 6.30am / For all the sick and housebound of our parish
Wednesday / 6.00am / Pro Populo
9.00am / Boet van Staadan RIP & Magda Gillham RIP (Milly van Gogh)
6.00pm / For an end to the drought
Thursday / 7.00am / In Thanksgiving – Our Lady of Fatima girls
6.00pm / Eddie Latouf RIP (Tracey Pirie)
Friday / 6.30am / Celebrant’s Intention
Saturday / 8.00am / Archbishop Denis Hurley OMI RIP (Pro Deo)
Sunday / 7.00am / Claude Hallot RIP (Esme Hallot)
9.00am / Martin Gaillard RIP (Keshwar Family)
5.45pm / Pro Populo

Welcome New Parishioners

Change of Address and/or Phone No

/ / Need dedication information

New registration

/ / Registered but do not receive mail
Moving out of the parish / Email mailing list
City / Code

Place in the collection basket or hand to a Minister of Hospitality

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
7th February 2016 Céline Mangan, O.P.
First Reading (Is 6:1-8) The call of Isaiah is set within the experience of God’s presence in the Temple. All those frequenting the Temple would indeed experience that presence through the ritual, the incense, the prayer; but Isaiah was enabled to see into the meaning of that presence. Prophets are those who have the ability to see further than the rest of us; they have their antennae up, as it were, to understand reality as it really is including the reality of God’s relationship with the world. This enables them to speak out, to call a spade a spade, to challenge the status quo, to see the sinfulness of situations to which the rest of us are blind. Through his insight into the reality of God, Isaiah had a realisation of his own sinfulness and that of the people. The experience brought with it a cleansing for the prophet which called him forth to proclaim the word of the Lord afresh to the people.
Gospel (Lk 5:1-11) In Luke’s Gospel the call of the first disciples comes after Jesus has begun his ministry, unlike Mark who has Jesus call them before they have seen anything of his work. It would seem that Luke, conversant as he was with the booming business world of the Roman Empire, wanted to give a psychological reason why good entrepreneurial f fishermen would throw aside their nets and follow after an itinerant preacher and even allow him to make use of one of their precious boats from which to do that preaching. In Luke’s Gospel the story of the call is joined to the miraculous draught of fish, a story which appears after the resurrection in John’s Gospel and which is linked in both places with Peter’s realisation of his sinfulness and his commission to be responsible for bringing people to faith and caring for them.