Activity 4.5c - Basic Programming
In this activity you will construct a flowchart that will turn a motor on and off, and build the system to see if your flowchart performs as written.
This activity introduces you to programming by flowchart construction using Lucky Logic. You will be introduced to four Function Blocks: Terminal, Motor, Wait, and End.
Computer interface
Power supply
Serial or USB cable
Using these function blocks you will design a program to control a motor. Figure 1 shows the various output blocks.
Figure 1Output Function Blocks
These types of blocksare used to activate motors, electromagnets, or other devices. Depending on the device used, you can change the appearance of the iconin your program
Figure 2Wait Function
This function block is used to program a pause or wait at a particular point in the program. The time is measured in seconds.
Figure 3 End Task Function Block
This function block is used to terminate a sequence in your program, or terminate your whole program.
Hardware Setup
1.Connect the motor to the interface output M1.
2.Connect the interface to your computer’s serial port.
3.Your system should look like the following:
Figure 4
Program Construction
4.Open up the RoboProprogram
Figure 5 RoboPro Icon
5.From the File pull-down menu select NEW.
6.You should see the following:
Figure 6
7.Select Beginner from the Level pull down menu.
8.Insert a Start block by selecting the icon in the Element Window on the left hand side.
Figure 7 Start block in the Element Window
9.To reposition a block in your workspace, move the cursor over the block. Left-click and hold the mouse button down and then drag it to a new location.
10.Using the same procedure, insert a MOTOR function block.
11.After positioning the MOTOR block, right click on it, and you will be prompted for some additional information.
Figure 8
12.Enter a number for the motor in the Output box. This number will correspond to the output number on the interface box to which the motor will be connected.
13.Select the desired action.
14.Click OK.
15.The last block you need to add is the EndTask function block.
16.After inserting this block, your program should look like the one below:
Figure 9
17.The next step is to link the function blocks together.Each block has connectors attached to them; these are the small lines at the perimeter.
Figure 10
18.To connect the blocks, move your cursor near the block next to the line extending from the block. This is the output link. You will see a hand with a pencil appear. Click on the Output Link and then repeat the process at the Input Link at the desired block. You will see a line with an arrow at the end form and stick to the block. These are called program flow lines. These lines will automatically be created if the blocks are positioned close to one another.
Figure 11
19.You can also connect program control flow lines to previous connections.
20.To delete a link(line) or block, select the Delete icon from the toolbar.
Figure 12
21.At this point your program should be finished and looking like the program below.
Figure 13
22.Select the Run Icon from the toolbar.
Figure 14
23.Your program should function as written.
1.How would you change the direction that the motor will rotate?
A. Within the software:
B. Within the hardware:
2.What is the indication given that there is a problem with your program?
3.What command is use to check your software program?
4.What command is used to check your hardware setup?
Programming Problems
1.Problem BP1A:The one you just completed.
2.Problem BP1B:Using the Wait function block, modify your program to turn the motor on for 5 seconds and then turn off? Hint: You also must add a motor off command.
3.Problem BP1C:Modify your program again to turn the motor on for 5 seconds, turn the motor off for 5 seconds, turn the motor on again (in the opposite direction) for 5 seconds and then turn the motor off.
For each of the 3 programs indicated above, submit to your instructor:
- Completed Inquiry Sheet
- Copies of all three programs
- Initials from your instructor verifying that each of the three programs functioned correctly.
_____BP1A:Functioned as planned.
_____BP1B:Functioned as planned.
_____BP1C:Functioned as planned.