Al-Khirbash’s resume



Name: Salah A. Al-Khirbash

Place & date of birth: Yemen, Dec. 25, 1955

Status: Married with three kids

Current Address: Earth Sc. Dept, Collage of Sc., SQU

P.O. Box 36, Code 123, Al-Khod, Muscat, OMAN


Tel: 968-515214968-513614 (H)968-9256449 (GSM)

Fax 967-515405

Permanent Address: P. O. Box 19074 – Sana’a – YEMEN


Tel 967-1- 442987/447158967- 73216856 (mobile)


Ph.D. (1987): University of Nebraska-Lincoln, U.S.A.

Diss. title: Geology, Geochemistry & Copper occurrences of the Gateway Fm., SE Alberta and SW British, Canada.

M.S. (1982): University of Montana-Missoula, U.S.A.

Thesis title: Geology & Geochemistry of the Emery mining district, Montana, USA.

B.Sc. (Honors, 1978): Sana'a University Geology/Chemistry

Visiting Researcher at the Dept. of Geology, RHBNC, University of London (March – Aug. 1992).


Assoc. Prof. of Geology

Earth Science Dept., SQU, OMAN


Prof of Geology Sana’a Univ. (2001- ).

Dean Faculty of Science and Member of Sana'a University Council (Aug. 1991 to Aug. 1993 and from Nov. 1998 to Sept. 2001). Additional duties include:

-Faculty of Science Bulletin, Chairman,

-Member of the University Scientific Council,

-Member of Azal’s Modern Schools Board,

-Member of the University Libraries’ Committee,

-Member of the Scientific Consultant Committee, Water & Environment Center,

Dean of Faculty of Computer & Information/University of Applied Sc. (Private Univ.) (Oct. 1995- Oct. 1996)

Head of Geology Department (1993/1994 and 1996/1997).

ViceDean of Graduate studies & Scientific Research, for one year (1990-1991). Participated in establishing the Science and Technology Center (STC), Sana’a Univ. (1990-1991).

Head of Scientific Committee of Yemen Geological Society (YGS- Newsletter) (1997-2002).

Member of the Authority’s Administrative Council, Authority of Geol. Surv. & Ml. Res., Ministry of Oil & Mineral Resources (2000-2002).

Chairman of Technical Committee for the International Symposium on Red Sea- Gulf of Aden Tectonics & Sedimentation (Sana’a, Oct. 1995).

Participated in establishing Taiz University in Yemen (requirement & curriculum).

Participated in establishing Faculty of Computer & Information, Univ. of Applied Sciences (requirement & curriculum).

Assoc. Prof., Geology Dept., Sana’a Univ. (1993- Dec. 2001). Committee Member for preparing curriculum & syllabus for Teachers’ Diploma Program.

Assistant Professor, Geology Dept., Sana’a Univ. (1987- 1993). Chairman of the University registration Computer committee. Undergraduate Students Advisor & Computer system Manager, Faculty of Sc., Sana’a University.

IBM-Training Manager - ALKHIRBASH Co. (May 1994 - May 1996).

Served as a teaching assistant for 2 years (1978-1980) at Geology Dept., Sana'a University.

Work with the USAID office (Sana'a), Geology section for the summers of 1977 &1978.


Teaching graduate and undergraduate levels for 15 years

Undergraduate Level:Mineralogy & Crystalography (for Sc. & Educ. students) Physical Geology (for Sc., Educ. & Geog.) students Optical Mineralogy Geochemistry, Principles of Economic Geology- Economic Geology Geology of Yemen (1)- Ore Petrography- Mineral Resources of Yemen- Computer Application in Geoscience- Graduation Projects.

Graduate Level:Metallic Mineral Deposit Seminar in Geology of Yemen- Ore Microscopy- Special Topics in Economic Geology & Geochemistry- Interpretation of Geological Data (XRF, AAS, EM,....), Computer Application in Geosciences.


Undergraduate Level:

Supervised B. Sc. Graduation Projects for a number of students.

Graduate Level: Co-supervise number of M.S. & Ph. D. students.

a- Structural Studies on the Precambrian Basement Complex, Abas area, Southeast, Yemen. (Ahmed Al-Kotba, MS, 1992)

b Geology and Evolution of the Migmatites and Related Rocks, Precambrian Basement Complex, AlBaydah area, Yemen. (Sh. Sakran, Ph.D., 1993, Cairo University)

c- Geology and Geochemistry of Wadi Makseb Marble and associated rocks, Taiz, Yemen. (Khaled Al-Shaibani, MS, 1995)

d- Geology, Geochemistry, and Mineralization of the Precambrian Basic Rocks, Southeast Taiz, Yemen. (Khaled Al-Selwi, MS, 1998)

e- The Precambrian Pegmatitic Rocks and their associated radioactive elements, Southeast Taiz, Yemen (Tareq Al-Hibshi, MS, 1998)

f- Geology, Mineralogy, and Origin of Zeolite Deposit, AL-Adanah Area, East Taiz, Yemen (A. Al-Sabri, MS 2003).

Current Supervising:

a- Geology & geochemistry of Tertiary Volcanics, Bani Omar Area, Yemen (R. Awn).

b- Geology, Petrology and Characteristics of Perlite Rocks, Anes Area, Dhamar-Rada Volcanic Field, Yemen (L. Al-Atab).

c- Geology, Mineralogy and Characteristics of Pumice Deposits, Dhamar-Rada Volcanic Field, Yemen (J. Ismail).

d- Geology of Gypsum Deposits in Bab Al-Lazek Area, Taiz, Yemen (A. Salman)

Current Co-advising:

a- Geology and Geochemistry of salt deposits, Al-Salif Area, Yemen. (Khaled Al-Shaibani, Ph. D., Puna University, India).

b- Geology, Petrogenesis, and Mineralization of Post-tectonic granites, Yemen. (Khaled Al-Selwi, Ph. D., Cairo University, Egypt).

c- Geology & Economic Potentiality of Felesdpars in Precambrian Pegmatite Veins, NW Al-Hodida, Yemen (Yahia Al-Ajam, Ph. D., Puna University, India).


Environmental Assessment of Block S1, Shabwa area, (Part I), Al-Hariri & Associates (H&A) (1998).
Participated in writing curriculum for High School & Teatcher’s Institutes (Science/Geology) Section.
Supervise authors for writing General Geology for Teacher’s Institutes (Two Years after High School-Science & Math section).
Environmental Assessment of Block S1, Shabwa area (Part II), Al-Hariri & Associates (H&A) (1999).
Scientific consultant for Education Res. & Develop. Center: Teaching Computer in High Schools: Feasibility Study.
Member in Evaluation committee for Hail Said Prize for Sciences & Arts- Environmental & Agri. Field, (2001).
Participated in a number of committees (staffs promotion, Examiner for Ms sts, ..)
Supervised the revising committee for evaluating Biology books for 1st secondary students, Aug 2002.
Participated in making Science & Technology policy, Ministry of Higher Education, Yemen


Organize & led a number of Geology Field Trips across the country (since 1987-Now).
First Saudi Symposium on Earth Sciences, S.A., Jan. 28-30, 1989.
Geology & Mineralization of the Arabian Shield, S. A., Jan. 24-26, 1989.
Global Positioning System (GPS) experiment, the Yemeni side, with the CNRS lab geologists, Nov 1128, 1991.
Geology & Tectonics of Gulf of Aden- Gulf of Tajoura: TADJOUR- ADEN - 95 Scientific Cruise, 1995.
International Symposium on Red Sea- Gulf of Aden Tectonics & Sedimentation, Sana’a, Oct. 1995.

Fourth Saudi Symposium on Earth Sciences, Jeddah, S.A., Dec. 1997.

Importance of Research in Economic Development Workshop, Sana’a, Aug. 18-19, 1998.

High Level Expert Science & Technology Policies & Strategies for the 21st Century, hold in ESCWA Headquarter, UN House, Beirut, Lebanon, March 10th -12, 1999.

Water & Environment Center (WEC) Business Plan Discussion, Delft, Netheland, Jun 4th–13, 1999.

Establishment the Society of the Faculties of Sciences in the Arab Universities, University of Bahrain, Nov. 29-30, 1999.

Fifth International Conference on the Geology of the Arab Word, Cairo University, Feb 21-24, 2000.

The First Scientific Conference on Environment & Natural Resources, Taiz, April 15-22, 2000.

Geology & Tectonics of Gulf of Aden: Gulf of Aden New Century Cruise (ANCC), Scientific Cruise, Gulf Aden, Nov. 29 – 21, 2000.

International Conference on the Oman Ophiolites, Sultan Quabos Univ. (SQU), Muscat, Oman, Jan. 12 – 16th, 2001.


SIDA/MENA Swedin 2003-2005

Evolution of the Arabian Shield/ YEMEN


Ms-Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet ……,...etc)

Knowledge in Basic and Fortran programming & Dbase, & FoxPro, programs.

Some knowledge on several applied computers programs, such as SPSS, GIS/Arcview/Mapinfo, & other Geology/science programs.


Prof. Philippe Huchon (France) E-mail:

Dr. Issa El-Hussain(USA/SQU) E-Mail:

Prof. AbdulLatif Haider, UAE E-Mail:

Dr. Martin Whitehouse (Sweden) E-Mail:

Prof. Abdulla Gonaid (Yemen) E-Mail:


see he attached list

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Al-Khirbash’s resume



** (Before Ph.D.)

1 El- Shatoury, H., AlKhirbash, Salah, and Othman, Saif, 1979, Analysis of Lineaments in Landsat1 Photographs of Yemen Arab Republic & Their Geological Significance, Drasat Yamania, Jour. of Yemen Center for Stud. & Res., No. 3, 314.

2AlKhirbash, S., 1980, The Geology and mineralization of Yemen Arab Republic (in Arabic) AlEklil journal, Center for Yemeni Studies, Sana’a Ye.

** (After Ph.D.)

1 Menzies, M., Bosence, D., El Nakhal, H., AlKhirbash, _S., Al Kadasi, M., and Al Subbary, A., 1990, Lithosphric extension & the opening of the Red Sea: Sedimentbasalt relationships in Yemen, Terra Nova, 2, 340350.

2AlKhirbash, S., and AlAhdal, A., 1991, The geological & geophysical understanding of the earthquakes & their prediction (in Arabic), presented in the National Conference on Earthquakes, Dec. 911, 1991, Sana'a Univ.

3 Huchon, P., Jestin, F., Cantagrel, J.M, Gaulier, J.M., AlKhirbash, S., and Gafaneh, A., 1991, Extensional deformations in Yemen since Oligocene and the AfricaArabiaSomalia triple junction, Annales Tectonicae, no.2, p. 141163.

4AlKhirbash, S., and Hibshi, T., 1992, Petrology, geochemistry, and copper mineraliztion of the lower part of the Tertiary of Yemen volcanics, Utma area, Y.R., Fac. of Earth Sc. Bull., No. 5, (King Abdulaziz Univ.),

5 Bosence, D., Davison, I., AlKhirbash, S., AlKadasi, M., Nichols, G., Menzies, G., McClay, K., and AlSubbary, A.,1990, Timing the onset of extension,sedimentation and volcanism in the southern Red Sea: studies Yemen Republic, Accepted to the 1StInternat. Red Sea & Gulf of Aden meeting Feb. 1990, Cairo.

6 Huchon, P., Jestin, F., AlKhirbash, S., Gaulier, JM., Cantagrel, JM., Vidal, G., and Thoue, F., 1992, Extensional deformations & kinematics of the AFARARASOM triple junction: a field & satellite images analysis in Yemen, accepted to the 29th Intern. Geol. Congress, 24 Aug. to 3 Sept., 1992, KyotoJapan.

7 Huchon, P., Jestin, F., Pozzi, J.P., AlKhirbash, S., Cantagrel, JM., Bertrand, H., Chazot, G., Thoue, F., and Vidal, G., 1992, Approche pluridisciplinaire des relations extension intracontinentalpoint chaud: le Yemen, bilan et perspectives, accepted to the 24th Ann. Meeting Earth Sc., Toulouse, France.

8 Jestin, F., Huchon, P., AlKhirbash, S., Gaulier, JM., Thoue, F., Vidal, G., and Cantagrel, JM., 1992, Deformations extensive au Yemen: Geometry et calendrier tectonique de rifting de la junction triple AFRARASOM ,et causes geodynamiques, accepted to the 24th Ann. Meeting Earth Sc., Toulouse, France.

9 Ruegg, J.C., et al., 1993, First epoch Geodetic measurements across the Afar plate boundary zone: Geophys. Res. Lett., v. 20, No. 18, 18991902.

10- Davison, I., Al'Kadasi, M., AlKhirbash, S., Al-Subbary, A., Baker, J., Bosence, D., Dart, C., Menzies, M., McClay, K., Nichols, G., and Yelland, A., 1994, Geological evolution of the Southern Red Sea riftmargin, Republic of Yemen, GSA Bull., v. 106, 1474-1493.

11 Menzies, M. et al., 1994, Geology of Yemen: In D.A. McCombe, G.L. Fernett, & A.S. Alawi (compilers) The Geology & Mineral Resources of Yemen: Yemen Ml. Sector, Geol. Survey & Ml. Expl. Board Technical Rep., Ministry of Oil & Mineral Res., 21-65 pp.

12AlKhirbash, S., Soliman, M., and Ba-Issa, A.O., 1995, Petrogenesis of the Precambrian Migmatites, Al-Zurbi Range, Republic of Yemen, J KAU: Earth Sci., v. 8, p. 1-21.

13- Abdulwahed, M.S., AlKhirbash, S., Takla, M., and Sakran, S., 1996, Tectonic Evolution of the Precambrian Rocks, Al-Sawadia Area, Yemen. Presented in the Geology of the Arab World, 3rd. International Conf., Cairo, 27 Feb.– 1 March, 1996.

14- Rushdi, A., Ba-Issa, A., Ba-Baqui, A., Al-Khirbash, S., & Al-Shuaibi, Y., 1997, Oil-related pollution along the Red Sea coast of Yemen. Accepted for Publ. in the Egyptian J. of Analy. Chem.

15- Huchon, P. et al., 1997, Propagation of the Arabia-Somalia Plate Boundary in the Western Gulf of Aden: New Results of the 1995 Tadjouraden Cruise, presented in the International Symp. Flood Basalts, Rifting and Paleoclimates in the Ethiopian Rift and Afar Depression, Adis Ababa, Ethiopia, Feb. 3-14, 1997.

16- AlKhirbash, S., Sakran, Sh., Takla, M., and Abdulwahed, M.S., Geology of the Precambrian basement complex, AlBaydah Governorate, Republic of Yemen. Presented in the 4th meeting of Saudi Geol. Society, Jedah, Dec. 1997.

17- Al- Khirbash, S., 1998, Earth Sciences and Public Policy, presented in the Importance of Research in Economic Development Workshop, held in Sana’a Aug. 18-19, 1998.

18- Walpersdorf, A., et al., 1999, Five Years of GPS Observations on the Afar Triple Junction Area, Geodynamics, 28, 225-236.

19- Sakr, K., Khalil, H., Mahmoud, S., Mohamed, A.S., Tealeb, A., Al-Khirbash, S., Al-Kotbah, A., Sofyan, A., Al-Aydrus, A., El-Ganad, E., El-Aydaros, A., Himami, Z., and Sharaf, M., 2000, Monitoring of crustal deformations along the Red Sea region using GPS networks in Egypt & Yemen (Abstract). Presented in the 3rd Science Conference, Al-Mukala, Yemen, Oct. 10-13, 2000.

20- AlKhirbash, S., Sakran, Sh., Takla, M., and Abdulwahed, M.S., 2000, Geology of the Precambrian basement complex, AlBaydah Governorate, Yemen, Fac. Sc. Bull. (FSB) - Sana’a University, v. 13, p. 43-72.

21- Al-Khirbash, S., Sakran, Sh., & Al-Ganad, I., Geology and Geochemistry of the Al-BaydaSupracrustal Belt: Evidence for an Ophiolitic Island Arc Setting. Presented in the International Conference on the Oman Ophiolites, Sultan Quabos Univ (SQU), Muscat, Oman, Jan. 12 – 16th, 2001.

22- Whitehouse, M., Windley, B., Stoeser, D., Al-Khirbash, S., Ba-Battat, M., & Haidr, A., 2001, Precambrian Basement Character of Yemen & Correlation with Saudi Arabia & Somalia. Precambrian Research, 105, 357-369.

23- AlSanawi, S., Aydrus, A., and Al-Khirbash, S., Seismicity of Yemen, Accepted for Publication in 3RD VOL (Jan-June 2001) of Tihama J. Sc., Al-Hodida Univ.

24- Al-Kotba, A., Hamimi, Z., Al-Subbary, A., & Al-Khirbash, S., 2001, Tectonostratigraphy of Lawder-Mukayras Area, Al-Bayda Province, Yemen, Accepted for Publication in the Proceedings of the 5th Intern. Conf. On the Geology of the Arab World.

25- AlKhirbash, S., Takla, M., Abdulwahed, M.S., and Sakran, Sh., 2001, Tectonic Evolution of the Southeast Precambrian Basement Complex, Yemen. FSB, v. 14, Fac. Sc., Sana’a Univ., p. 67-83.

26- Whitehouse, M.J., Ba-Bttat, M., Flowerdew, M.J., Al-Khirbash, S., Stacey, J.S., Stoeser, D.B. & Windley, B.F. 2003. Isotopic constraints on the deep crustal structure of Gondwana: case studies from Yemen and Saudi Arabia. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France (abstract).

27- Orihashi, Y., Haraguchi, S., Ishii, T., Tamaki, K., & Al-Khirbash, S., 2003, Petrogenesis of E-type Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts near Longitude 46oE, the Gulf of Aden (in Japanese). Journal of Geography, 112(5), p. 732-749.


1.Nasher, A., Al-Khirbash, S., Saeed, M., Al-Gaberi, A., Ibrahim, H., & Aqlan, E., Environmental Impact Assessment for Blook S1- Shabwa (Part I), Hariri & Assoc., Sept. 1998, 48 P.

2.Harirri, K., Al-Khirbash, S., Awon, Y., Al-Gaberi, A., & Aqlan, E., Environmental Impact Assessment for Blook S1- Shabwa (Part II), Hariri & Assoc., ……. 1999.

3.Ishii, T., Haraguchi, S., Orihashi, Y., Al-Khirbash, S., Yamaguchi, M., & Tamaki, K., Description of Dredged Samples from the Gulf of Aden during the Second & Third Legs (Penang-Aden-Chennai) of KH00-5 Cruise, 29/11-2000 to 21/12/2001.

4.Orihashi, Y., Ishii, T., Haraguchi, S., Al-Khirbash, S., & Tamaki, K., Petrochemical Study of Dredged E-type Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt at the Gulf of Aden (45.3 to 49.5? E), 29/11-2000 to 21/12/2001.

Current & Future Research Work:

Evolution of the Precambrian Basemen in Yemen (Whitehouse & AlKhirbash). MENA- Sweden Grant

Nature of the sub-continent beneath the SE Precambrian basement: Geochemical & REE studies of the Precambrian Mafic Dikes, SE Taiz, Yemen (AlKhirbash, Al-Selwi, & Soliman).

Investigation on the evolution of the oceanic crust in the Gulf of Aden related with onland ophiolites of Yemen (Al-Khirbash, Ishii, Orihash, & Haraguchi).

Research on the magmatic interaction between the Afar mantle plume system and the MOR system in the Gulf of Aden (Orihashi, Ishii, Al-Khirbash & Tamaki)

الكتب (Arabic Books) :

1- سـهل الســنوي و صـلاح الخـربـاش (1996) : الجـيـولوجيــــا العامة. دار عبــادي للنشـــر- صـنـعــاء. 379ص.

2-صـلاح الخـربـاش و محمـد ابـراهيم الانبـعاوي (1999): جيولوجية الجمهورية اليمنية ، دار عبــادي للنشـــر- صـنـعــاء. 206 ص.

3-صـلاح الخـربـاش واخرون (2000) الجيولوجيــا العامة – مستوى دبلوم سنتين بعد الثانوية العامة، مشروع تدريب معلمي المرحلة الثانوية- قطاع المناهج والتوجيه، وزارة التربية والتعليم.

4-صـلاح الخـربـاش واخرون (2000) الجيولوجيــا العامة (الجزء العملي) – مستوى دبلوم سنتين بعد الثانوية العامة، مشروع تدريب معلمي المرحلة الثانوية- قطاع المناهج والتوجيه، وزارة التربية والتعليم.

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