Chapter 10Semester Exam-Test Review #2

  1. Exploration
  2. Looking for Northwest Passage(faster way to Asia)
  3. Colonies
  4. General Info
  5. Most near water for transportation
  6. Established as a mercantilist venture to provide raw materials for mother country (England)
  7. Southern (plantations)
  8. Warmer weather (long growing season), farming based, slave labor
  9. Middle passage- large ships packed with slaves for sale
  10. Cash crops (tobacco)
  11. Northern/Middle
  12. Mostly religious
  13. Puritans= Mass/ Quakers=Penn/ Catholics= Maryland
  14. New York/Boston were main Atlantic port cities
  15. Short growing season- no real use for slavery
  16. Mostly trade based with West Indies (sugar for making rum)
  17. Economics
  18. Free enterprise system- businesses compete, control prices and production, sell to best offer (not just mother country)
  19. Documents/ Misc.
  20. Great Awakening- belief in equality and religious tolerance
  21. Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Conn., VA House of Burgesses- established self-rule
  22. Revolution
  23. British policies (Acts)- opposed by most colonists
  24. Acts caused revolution
  25. Mississippi River was western boundary British refused to let settlers move past Appalachian Mountains
  26. Proclamation of 1763
  27. Articles of Confederation- created during war to unite (very weak)
  28. No central power (can’t tax, enforce laws, create military)
  29. Declaration of Independence(Philadelphia 1776)- listed grievances, described unalienable rights (L,L, Pof H)
  30. Saratoga was turning point- France decided to help colonies
  31. HaymSoloman/James Armistead key in revolution
  32. Treaty of Paris- ended the war
  33. Northwest Ordinance sectioned the new territoryfor settlement (no slavery)
  34. Constitution (Philadelphia 1787)
  35. A of C were too weak (couldn’t tax, no courts, etc.)
  36. Many documents, people, and events influenced writing (Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, John Locke, etc.)
  37. New Jersey and Virginia Plans were reconciled with Great Compromise=creation of dual congress (Senate/ House of Representatives)
  38. Bill of Rights (first ten amendments/ addressed grievances)
  39. First Amendment= RAPPS
  40. Amending (Article V) – 2/3 both houses of Congress/ ¾ States (allow for changing times)
  41. Federalists- supported stronger national govt., sharing power, loose interpretation of Constitution (Hamilton, Adams)
  42. Anti-Federalists- supported states’rights, Bill of Rights, strict interpretation of Constitution (Jefferson)
  43. George Washington
  44. Set many precedents still used today
  45. Created cabinet to advise
  46. Hamilton was treasurer-primary goal was to set economic policy
  47. Three part economic plan
  48. tax for needed money/ tariffs to promote American goods
  49. pay off war debt (combine all state debts to one national debt)
  50. create national bank
  51. South agreed to take debt in exchange for moving capital
  52. Whiskey rebellion- showed rebellion wouldn’t be tolerated
  53. Neutrality between France/ Britain (France was ally, Britain needed for trade)
  54. Passed Federal Judiciary Act of 1789-create lower courts, number of Justices, etc. (John Jay= Chief Justice)
  55. State department- foreign affairs, Jefferson (feared strong gov’t.)
  56. Farwell address
  57. Political parties would split nation
  58. US should remain neutral for time
  59. Election of 1796
  60. Political parties played a role in election (both agreed on republican gov’t.)
  61. Dem Repubs- farmers and settlers/ strict interpretation of Constitution/ France
  62. Federalists- wealthy elites/ loose interpretation
  63. Election winner was President, runner-up was Vice President (Adams/ Jefferson, from different parties)
  64. XYZ Affair- French ask for bribes to negotiate peace in seas
  65. Alien and Sedition Acts- prevented free speech and press against govt.Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions to nullify
  66. New Economy
  67. Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson)- believed it should be farming/ag based
  68. Federalists (Adams/Hamilton)- believed it should be industry/manufacturing