One Step at a Time: Activities to Get ALL Involved Activities

2014 Template

1. Type of Activity:

Communications/Marketing / Playgroups/Field Trips
Events / Resources
Parent Leadership / X / Training
Partnerships/Collaboration / Transition

2. Logo: We don’t have a North Central logo. We use the CMS Early Steps and the UF Pediatrics logo.

3a. Early Steps Name: University of Florida Department of Pediatrics North Central Early Steps

3b. Contact Information:

Name: Doris Tellado

Title: Family Resource Specialist

Location): 1329 SW 16th St. Gainesville FL, 32608

Phone Number 352-273-8562


4a. Program Name: Little Happy Smiles Dental Screenings

4b. Basic Information: A community event to promote oral health for children birth to three through screening, assessment, parents/caregivers education and referral. Along with providing clinical training to UF dentistry students in the dental care and preventive services to a more diverse populations.

4c. How it Began: The event originated from the need for access to oral health expressed by our families.

4d. Program Benefits:

·  Student education and hands-on experience in working with children birth to three and their families.

·  Community awareness of early childhood oral health, assessment and referral to clinic.

5. Tell Me How:

·  Secure date and location

·  Send a Save - the - Date

·  Create a flyer to advertise the event

·  Invite community partners

·  Invite media

·  Send event to newspaper

·  Send flyer via email to parents, vendors, community partners and providers

·  Post event on Facebook

·  Promote event at Interagency Meetings and other community meetings

·  Develop a referral form

·  Recruit Early Steps Staff as volunteers to facilitate during the event

·  Order toothbrushes and bags

·  Confirm vendors and provide location and set-up information

·  Assign responsibilities

·  Schedule follow-up meetings

6. Program Costs:

·  No cost

7. Program Partners:

·  Dr. Leda Mugayar, D.D.S, Department of Pediatric Dentistry,

·  Cherie Kelly M.A., Resource Center Coordinator, Partnership for Strong Families, Cone Park Library Resource Center

8. Fun Fact: Share a Fun Fact about the program or activity.

9. Attachments: