27th October 2017

Dear Parents/Carers,

Here is all the latest nursery information and the important dates for this term. Please make a note of term dates and events, thank you.

Contact information – Please can we remind you of the nursery contact number for use during session times 07787224790. Staff will check periodically so you can use this number to report your child absent or for day to day information. If another person is going to pick up your child please make sure we can identify them and have contact details for them, thank you.

Sessions/numbers – Please can you let me know as soon as possible which sessions you would like your child to attend in January. We are adding the Monday and Wednesday afternoons to the existing Tuesday and have also had a request for Thursday afternoon, is this something that you would like? Don’t forget that you can also start at 8.30am in the mornings if you need to. Email Jenny to arrange any session changes/increase.

Open Morning – On Tuesday 7th November we have an open session from 9.30 to 11.30 if you know of anyone who would like to look round. Jordan will be here running a sports session at 10am to 10.30am – we are asking for a contribution of £2 if you would like your child to join in, they are very welcome.

Christmas Fair – A box for Tombola donations will appear in the next couple of weeks, thank you in advance for any donations. We will also be printing posters and sharing the details on our Facebook page, please share the event in any way you can. (see separate letter for more details)

(Dates & events below)

Jenny Payne

Dates for the diary :-

7th November Open morning

17th November Children in Need – donate your old pound coins

2nd December Christmas Fair 10.30am to 1pm

11th – 15th December Christmas Jumper fundraiser

14th December Nativity 10am – no nursery session

15th December Christmas party 9am to 12pm

Autumn Term 2017

4th September – 15th December

Half-term 23rd – 27th October

Spring Term 2018

8th January – 29th March

Half-term 12th – 16th February