
New Work Item Form / Form to be used when proposing new WorkItems for adoption onto the ETSIWorkProgramme.
Work Item details
Which Technical Body is responsible?
ESI / Sub Group:ESI
WI reference number (if known):
< added when NWI submitted>
(number will be allocated by Secretariat if not shown) / PWI reference:
< added when NWI submitted>
Formal title
of deliverable: / Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI);Certificate Profiles ; Certificate Profiles for Qualified Certificates for Payment Services
Working title: / Certificate Profiles for Qualified Certificates for Payment Services
Scope of work to be undertaken / Profiles of qualified certificates for electronic seals and web sites for payment service providers meeting the requirements of [Ref RTS] for securing communications between Third Party Payment Providers (Payment Initiation Service Provides,Account Information Service Providers) and Account Servicing Payment Service Provider (a Bank)
***For Decision***
To include in annex Policy requirements for TSP IssuingCertificate for Payment Services[MT1]extending EN 319 412-2?
Profiles will be based on :
ETSI EN 319 412-1 V1.1.1 (2016-02)
ETSI EN 319 412-3 V1.1.1 (2016-02)
ETSI EN 319 412-4 V1.1.1 (2016-02)
ETSI EN 319 412-5 V2.2.0 (2017-08)
Rapporteur (named individual person):
e-mail: / Supporting ETSI Member organisations:
(name at least four)
1 Thales,
Deliverable document details:
What type of document will be produced?
EN[] EG[ ] ES[ ] TS[ X ] TR[ ] SR[ ] GS [ ]
For EN deliverables only:
Is the draft EN to be approved by EN Approval Procedure or Two-step Approval Procedure (*)?
Candidate harmonized standard?
Directive: / Is it a new document or a revision of an existing one?
New part of EN x19 412
If a revision, state the deliverable (e.g. TS102987v1.1.1) being revised:
edition / version
Hierarchy:if this Work Item fits in a hierarchical tree (see TWP clause 1.6.1), its position shall then be indicated here by giving the reference of its parent node (WI reference / deliverable number / topic name).
Work schedule:
Milestone name / Target date
  • TB adoption of WI

  • Early Draft

  • Stable Draft
/ Jan 2018
  • Draft for approval

  • WG approval (delete if no WG)

  • TB approval
/ March 2018 ???[NP2]
To be published as version:
Environmental Aspects / No / User /Consumer Aspects / Yes
Key aspects (in an overall perspective):
  • Power consumption and saving mechanisms
  • Operational conditions
  • Other matters
/ No
No / Key requirements:
  • Accessibility and/or Usability
Control of devices through a user interface
Control of services
Media presentation to the user
Media entry by the user
Media processing
User and device profile management and usage
  • User security
  • Privacy
  • Safety
/ Yes
Comment: / Comment:
Security Aspects
Comments: / No / Keywords (at least 2 from those available at
e-commerce;ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE;SECURITY;trust services


[MT1]What evidence from MSCA Registry shall be checked, and how revocation can be initiated by MSCA Registry)

It will be best to add policy requirements in context of profile of certificate.

[NP2]Advice is required on sufficient time for PSD2 review.