Practical Assessment: WAITRON SERVICE

2 Shadow shifts, 8 Customer Service shifts

Assessment to be completed on the last 2 - 3 Customer Service shifts

Q/O/T/S / A11 / A21 / A31
Moves towards the guest / A11 / A21 / A31
Greets & welcomes guests / A11 / A21 / A31
Checks No. of guests: “… a table for 2/4/6…?” / A11 / A21 / A31
Notices clues for smokers: “…smoking or non-smoking…?” / A11 / A21 / A31
Invites guests to follow Waitron to their table / A11 / A21 / A31
Directs guests to a suitable table / A11 / A21 / A31
Walks at the pace of the guest / A11 / A21 / A31
Makes conversation / point out facilities & obstacles / A11 / A21 / A31
Interacts with kids (e.g. give balloons…) / A11 / A21 / A31
Points out table & asks if it is suitable / A11 / A21 / A31
Stands back patiently whilst guests sit down / A11 / A21 / A31
Assists guests (e.g. pull chair, hold bags) / A11 / A21 / A31
Is the table big enough for the party / A11 / A21 / A31
Announces menus & hands out individually, ladies & kids first / A11 / A21 / A31
Hands wine list to person responding / A11 / A21 / A31
Waitron who seats the table introduces the guests to the serving Waitron (if different) / A11 / A21 / A31
Offers Nibblers & take order correctly / A11 / A21 / A31
Offers Drinks & takes order correctly / A11 / A21 / A31
Waitron excuses himself, informs guests of what will happen next / A11 / A21 / A31
Waitron who seated the table now informs the Serving Waitron about the table & any orders / A11 / A21 / A31
1ST VISIT TO THE TABLE / A11 / A21 / A31
Smiles & shows positive body language / A11 / A21 / A31
Greets & welcomes guests: friendly & correct / A11 / A21 / A31
Gives a service commitment / A11 / A21 / A31
Sets the table: places mats neatly in front of each guest, cutlery on R.H.S / A11 / A21 / A31
Hands kids their activity sheets / A11 / A21 / A31
Delivers any nibblers / drinks ordered previously / A11 / A21 / A31
Points out names & prices of Specials or makes a Personal Recommendation / A11 / A21 / A31
Mentions Unavailable items / A11 / A21 / A31
Suggests 2-3 suitable Alternative meals / A11 / A21 / A31
Offers Nibblers / Drinks (if not ordered previously) – describe 2 products effectively / A11 / A21 / A31
Take Nibbler / Drinks orders correctly: write down & repeats & thanks guest / A11 / A21 / A31
Asks if the kiddies food order can be taken / A11 / A21 / A31
Offers to take kids to entertainment area / A11 / A21 / A31
Removes wine list if no wine is ordered / A11 / A21 / A31
Informs guests about what will happen next / A11 / A21 / A31
Asks the right questions for each drink order / A11 / A21 / A31
Uses the correct glass for each drink / A11 / A21 / A31
Checks that each glass is clean & chip-free / A11 / A21 / A31
Transports glasses / bottles on a tray / A11 / A21 / A31
Bottled wine to be transported by hand / A11 / A21 / A31
Holds glasses at the bottom (stem / base) / A11 / A21 / A31
Announces each drink to the guest / A11 / A21 / A31
Places drink on the R.H.S (right-hand-side) above placemat / A11 / A21 / A31
Places unopened straw on R.H.S of glass / A11 / A21 / A31
Open all bottles / tins at table / A11 / A21 / A31
WINE SERVICE / A11 / A21 / A31
Packs glasses on the 1st 10 cm of the table / A11 / A21 / A31
Presents wine to host & announces by it’s name / A11 / A21 / A31
Wait for Host to check the temperature / A11 / A21 / A31
Opens the wine correctly / A11 / A21 / A31
Pours a taster for the wine host (glass nearest the host) / A11 / A21 / A31
Pours wine (start at glass furthest from host, end with host’s glass) – correct amount for wine type / A11 / A21 / A31
Passes glasses: ladies first, host last / A11 / A21 / A31
Presents & place Ice bucket in suitable space / A11 / A21 / A31
Presents & place bowl of ice (with spoon) in suitable area / A11 / A21 / A31
Offers more rounds when glasses are almost empty: uses name of drinks(e.g. large coke?) / A11 / A21 / A31
Clears bottles/tins/glasses by stem, use tray / A11 / A21 / A31
TAKING THE ORDER / A11 / A21 / A31
Asks the guest if they are ready to order & if they want Starters / A11 / A21 / A31
Takes kids / ladies’ orders first / A11 / A21 / A31
Writes every order down (1 line = 1 order) / A11 / A21 / A31
Separates Starters/Mains/Drinks on docket book / A11 / A21 / A31
Asks correct questions for each meal / A11 / A21 / A31
Offers extras (side order/ sauce/salad/topping) / A11 / A21 / A31
Repeats order to guest immediately / A11 / A21 / A31
Checks whether the order is for main or starter / A11 / A21 / A31
Asks when to deliver kids’ orders / A11 / A21 / A31
Notes the time on the docket book / A11 / A21 / A31
Notifies the guests on what to expect next / A11 / A21 / A31
Punches order in immediately / A11 / A21 / A31
Organizes thoughts before going to sections / A11 / A21 / A31
Asks permission to call from the chef / cook / A11 / A21 / A31
Uses correct jargon: “I am OFF …, followed by, going ON …”/ confirm order / A11 / A21 / A31
Co-ordinates orders / A11 / A21 / A31
Indicates accompanying orders with: “…it goes with…” / A11 / A21 / A31
Checks on food every 4 minutes / A11 / A21 / A31
Checks that ALL the food is ready before serving / A11 / A21 / A31
Checks quality, quantity, temp, special requests / A11 / A21 / A31
Set table with necessary pre-drops / A11 / A21 / A31
Process all orders on PILOT correctly / A11 / A21 / A31
Carry plates correctly / ask help where needed / A11 / A21 / A31
Check all Pre-drops have been delivered / A11 / A21 / A31
Know who ordered what! / A11 / A21 / A31
Place condiments on R.H.S above place mat, in front of correct guest & announce their purpose / A11 / A21 / A31
Announce each meal in full / A11 / A21 / A31
Place plate softly & straight in front of guest / A11 / A21 / A31
Warn about hot plates / A11 / A21 / A31
Confirm that items not delivered will be brought to the table ASAP: “Your … is on the way” / A11 / A21 / A31
Ensure ALL meals & extras have been delivered / A11 / A21 / A31
All needed cutlery present, remove all excess / A11 / A21 / A31
Offer more drinks / top up wine glasses / A11 / A21 / A31
Change the ashtray / A11 / A21 / A31
Approach table within 2 min. / 2 bites / A11 / A21 / A31
Ask direct questions: “Are you enjoying your Pizza?” (NEVER: “Is everything okay?”) / A11 / A21 / A31
Check & change ashtrays within 2 buds / A11 / A21 / A31
Offer more drinks / top up where possible / A11 / A21 / A31
Remove empty glasses/plates/bowls/tins/… / A11 / A21 / A31
Use acceptable clearing practice (no scraping) / A11 / A21 / A31
Ensure kids are still entertained / A11 / A21 / A31
DESSERTS & COFFEES / A11 / A21 / A31
Ask guest if they are ready to order dessert / A11 / A21 / A31
Hand each guest a dessert menu / A11 / A21 / A31
Suggest exciting variations to desserts / drinks / A11 / A21 / A31
Describe 2 – 3 desserts effectively / A11 / A21 / A31
Ask appropriate questions for each dessert / A11 / A21 / A31
Write order down / A11 / A21 / A31
Repeat order to customer immediately / A11 / A21 / A31
Place clean settings on the table / A11 / A21 / A31
Place Tea/Coffee correctly in front of guest / A11 / A21 / A31
Check desserts are correct before serving / A11 / A21 / A31
Announce each dessert when placing down / A11 / A21 / A31
Know who ordered what! / A11 / A21 / A31
Check on dessert: “Are you enjoying your …?” / A11 / A21 / A31
Offer refills for coffee, milk & sugar / A11 / A21 / A31
Clear items & change ashtrays / A11 / A21 / A31
THE BILL / A11 / A21 / A31
Place slip, mints, toothpicks & pen neatly in Bill folder / A11 / A21 / A31
Present the bill to the person requesting it / A11 / A21 / A31
Inform guest to pay by the Waitron or Cashier / A11 / A21 / A31
Return all change &/ credit card slip / A11 / A21 / A31
Check that credit card is signed / A11 / A21 / A31
Completely clear & clean the table / A11 / A21 / A31
Offer more drinks if guests remain sitting / A11 / A21 / A31
STEP 10:
Approach the table quickly / A11 / A21 / A31
Ask direct question: “Are you enjoying your…?” / A11 / A21 / A31
Kneel shoulder to shoulder / A11 / A21 / A31
Listen for the specific details of the problem / A11 / A21 / A31
Don’t interrupt guest / A11 / A21 / A31
Ask questions if guest is vague: “Is your steak cold/tough/under cooked/…?” / A11 / A21 / A31
Do not argue / A11 / A21 / A31
Apologize: “I am sorry for the inconvenience” / A11 / A21 / A31
Do not admit fault / A11 / A21 / A31
Do not blame someone else / A11 / A21 / A31
Thank guest: “Thanks for bringing this to my/our attention” / A11 / A21 / A31
Suggest 2-3 solutions & let customer make final choice / A11 / A21 / A31
Remove the plate / part of the meal (e.g. steak only for further grilling) – ask guest’s preference / A11 / A21 / A31
Inform guest of what will happen now & how long it will take / A11 / A21 / A31
Do not discuss “on the house” items (this is a management function) / A11 / A21 / A31
Inform Manager immediately – in private / A11 / A21 / A31
Reset the table (if necessary) / A11 / A21 / A31
Deliver new meal & check guest is happy within 2 min / 2 bites / A11 / A21 / A31
Do not mention problem again / A11 / A21 / A31
Do not over- or under attend to the table / A11 / A21 / A31
Display a positive body language (posture, palms, arms & legs, hand to face gestures) / A11 / A21 / A31
SMILE, SMILE, SMILE / A11 / A21 / A31
Always maintain direct eye contact / A11 / A21 / A31
Talk slow, varied pitch, correct volume, pause / A11 / A21 / A31
No ‘slang’, swearing or jargon / A11 / A21 / A31
Interact with everyone at a table / A11 / A21 / A31
Always pay special attention to kids / A11 / A21 / A31
Never say “No”. Suggest solutions / A11 / A21 / A31
Excuses self when interrupting the guests / A11 / A21 / A31
Wishes customers an enjoyable meal / A11 / A21 / A31
Always say “Please” & “Thank you”
(Thank for an order, assistance, T.I.P.S & visit) / A11 / A21 / A31
Ask permission before clearing tables or pouring drinks / A11 / A21 / A31
Does not leaning over table or guests / A11 / A21 / A31
Asks guests for help when passing equipment / meals / A11 / A21 / A31
Opens doors for guests / A11 / A21 / A31
PILOT USAGE / A11 / A21 / A31
Open a Table using correct table nr, covers, etc. / A11 / A21 / A31
Place an Order quickly & accurately / A11 / A21 / A31
Prints the bill (if no cashier) / A11 / A21 / A31
SPEED: What number of guests is he/she able to serve efficiently at once? / 18 pax 110 pax 112 pax 114 pax 116 pax
Have the following Evidence (P) been attached? / Printed Bill slips showing the dates and covers of each table served1 Copy of Complaint inscription in Complaints book / file1

Practical Assessment Result: Date: ______

1 Not yet competent 1Competent (Standard) 1Competent (Advanced)

Cannot carry out ALL tasks Performs according to pre-scribed Excels at practical tasks, can solve

according to standards standards & specifications problems and plan ahead


Trainee Assessor Moderator