Q.1. Define the term ‘taxonomy’.

Q.2. Who is the father of taxonomy?

Q.3. Who proposed the binomial system of classification?

Q.4. What is the basic unit of classification?

Q.5. What is the lowest category in the hierarchy system of classification?

Q.6. What is the highest category in the hierarchy system of classification?

Q.7. What is genus?

Q.8. Name the seven categories of hierarchical sysm of classification in descending order.

Q.9. What is taxon?

Q.10. What is taxonomic key?

Q.11. Who wrote the book ‘Systema Naturae’?

Q.12. Name a unit of classification of organisms which can be recognized and assigned to a definite category at any level of classification.

Q.13. What name is imparted to permanent orders of plant specimens which have been preserved for future study?

Q.14. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

(a) The lowest taxonomic category is ………….

(b) The category phylum is a part of hierarchy which exists in between the ……and….

(c) The hierarchy of categories consists of descending sequences of ……….obligatory categories.

(d) Taxonomy based on the chemical constituents of organisms is called ……….

(e) An intermediate category between genus and order is …………….

(f) The science of the diversity organisms is called……………

(g) The scientific name of man is …………..

(h) An assemblage of related species is………….

Q.15.Where is National Botanical Institute located in India?

Q.16.What is the international size of herbarium sheet?

Q.17.Fron which language scientific names of taxonomic groups are derived?

Q.18.Who is credited with the establishment of the binomial system of nomenclature of plants?

Q.19.Name two pesticides which are generally sprayed on herbarium to prevent fungal growth?

Q.20.Where is IndianBotanical Garden situated in India?

Q.21.What for ICBN stands?

Q.22.Name three vegetable plants which belong to the genus Solanum.


Q.1. Define the terms ‘systematics’ and ‘taxonomy’.

Q.2. Why do people give vernacular names to organisms?

Q.3. Name the criteria used in modern taxonomical studies.

Q.4. How is classical taxonomy different from modern taxonomy?

Q.5. What criteria were used for classification of organisms before Linnaeus?

Q.6. What is the meaning of the term ‘correlated characters’?

Q.7. What do you mean by the phrase’freely interbreed in nature’?

Q.8.Why is an author’s name written after the name of the species?

Q.9.The common name of rice is simpler than its technical name Oryza sativa.What is then the advantage of a technical name?

Q.10. Why are scientific names written in italics?

Q.11. What is trinomial nomenclature?

Q.12. What is herbarium?

Q.13. What is the importance of herbarium?

Q.14. Botanical gardens are living herbaria. Comment.


Q.1. Why all organisms have not yet been described and identified?

Q.2. Why is the binomial system of nomenclature acceptable to biologists all over the world?

Q.3. What precautions should be taken while maintaining the herbaria?

Q.4. Enlist the various standard herbaria in the world and in India.

Q.5. What do you mean by a taxonomic key? What is the role of keys in taxonomy?

Q.6. Describe the hierarchical system of classification currently being followed.

Q.7. Develop a taxonomic key for the following:

Fish, Frog, Snake, Bird, Bat and Cat.


Q.1. Define the term systematics. What is the utility of systematics?

Q.2. Describe briefly the various steps to be carried out for the systematics studies in classification.

Q.3. Define the term ‘taxonomy’. What is the utility of taxonomy?

Q.4. Taxonomy for a long time was considered as descriptive science.Why?

Q.5. What is hierarchical system of classification? Explain it in brief.

Q.6. (a) What is binomial system of nomenclature ? Who proposed this system ? Give the scientific name of mang.

(b) What are the advantages of scientific names ?

Q.7. How do the biologists arrive at the universally acceptable names of plants and animals ? Discuss.

Q.8. What is the correct way of writing the scientific names ?Illustate with example.

Q.9. What is a phylogeny?Why is a perfect phylogenetic classification not achieved so far?

Q.10. List the various equipments used for collection and preservation of plant specimens.

Q.11. What activities would you follow for setting up a herbarium ?

Q.12. List the various methods that are employed to preserve plants after collection .

Q.13. What are the Botanical Gardens ? Describe briefly about various Botanical Gardens found in the world.

Q.14. What do you mean by the terms ZoologicalParks and Museums ?List few ZoologicalParks and Museums of India and world. What is the scientific purpose of Zoological Parks ?




Q.1.Define the term phylogeny.

Q.2. What type of organisms are grouped under protista?

Q.3. Why are blue green algae included in moera?

Q.4. What type of bacteria are known as cyanobacteria?

Q.5. Name the bacteria which causes cholera.

Q.6. Expand PPLO.

Q.7. What are the cyanobacteria?

Q.8. How do archaebacterial cells tolerate the extremes of heat and pH?

Q.9.Name two cyanobacteria which have ability to fix the atmosoheric nitrogen.

Q.10 What is the utility of methanogens in the stomach of herbivorous animals?

Q.11. Name the various photosynthetic pigments in cyanobacteria.

Q.12. Name the group of archaebacteria which produce methane from CO2 or formic acid.

Q.13. Define halophiles.

Q.14. What are the saprophytic fungi?

Q.15 Why do lichens generally occur in abundant at high altitude?

Q.16. What is a lichen?

Q.17. Why is the body of fungus called a thallus?

Q.18. In which major feature are fungi more like animals than plants?

Q.19. Name an organism that is used as an indicator of air pollution.

Q.20. What is plasmogamy?

Q.21. What are the protests?

Q.22. Which fungus causes an important disease of wheat—rust of wheat?

Q.23.Name two organisms which exhibit locomotion by flagella.

Q.24. Define the term ‘dikaryon’.

Q.25. Name few club fungi.

Q.26. Name a unicellular fungus.

Q.27. What are conidia?

Q.28. What are fungi imperfecti?

Q.29. Name the polysaccharide which constitutes the cell wall in a fungus.

Q.30. Name three major types of photosynthetic protests.

Q.31.What are dinoflagellates?

Q.32. What will happen if dinoflagellates like Gonyaulax are produced in enormous quantity?

Q.33. how is diatomaceous earth formed?

Q.34. What is plasmodium?

Q.35. Which disease is caused by Plasmodium?

Q.36. State the function of pseudopodia in Amoeba.

Q.37. State one important characteristic feature of Euglena.

Q.38. Name the poisonous mushroom.

Q.39. What is heterothallism?

Q.40. How are red tides produced in ocean?

Q.41. Which photosynthetic protest is known as golden algae?

Q.42. What is the function of red eye spot in Euglena?


Q.1 How is natural system of classification better than any artificial system of classification?

Q.2. What are the bases for new five kingdom classification?

Q.3. What is the difference between Plasmodium and plasmodium? Write phylum of each of them.

Q.4. Which kingdom is accorded to the prokaryotic organisms as per five kingdom classification? Give its mode of nutrition.

Q.5. How do diatoms constitute the phytoplanktons of the sea?

Q.6. Why do lichens not occur in cities like Delhi?

Q.7. What is dikaryotization?Explain briefly with reference to Agaricus.

Q.8. How is systematics relevant to other branches of biology?

Q.9.Why was Linnaeus system of classification considered an artificial system?

Q.10. Enlist the various systems of classification.

Q.11. How o botanists and zoologists differ in their interpretation of natural system of classification?

Q.12. What are the main functions of biological classification?

Q.13. What are cyanobacteria?

Q.14. Write the salient features of viruses.

Q.15. What are viroids?

Q.16. What are uses of lichens?


Q.1. Define the following terms:

(a) Systematics (b) Taxonomy (c) Nomenclature

Q.2. Why have all the organisms not yet been described and identified?

Q.3. Why the binomial system of nomenclature is accepted to biologists all over the world?

Q.4. What is the basic unit of biological classification? Who gave this term? Define the term.

Q.5. What is artificial system of classification? What are the limitations of this system of classification?

Q.6. What is the natural system of classification?

Q.7. Distinguish between cytotaxonomy and chemotaxonomy.

Q.8. Explain the role of chemical information in classification of plants.

Q.9. Give the main differences between natural and phylogenetic systems of classification.

Q.10. Write a short note on the status and structure of bacteria.

Q.11. Classify the bacteria based on their form and shape.

Q.12. Describe briefly the structure of a cyanobacterial cell.

Q.13. What is the importance of cyanobacteria?

Q.14. Compare the different types of the fruiting bodies of fungi.

Q.15. How are ascomycetes different from basidiomycetes?

Q.16. What is fungi-imperfecti (Deuteromycetes ) ?Name few diseases caused by this.

Q.17. Draw a neat and welllabelled diagram of Euglena.

Q.18. Compare the salient features of monera and protista.

Q.19. Differentiate between the kingdom plantae and kingdom animalia.

Q.20. Discuss briefly the structure of a virus.

Q.21. Write an explanatory note on ‘mycoplasma’.

Q.22. What are the three morphological forms of lichens?


Q.1. Describe briefly the various types of phonetic classification.

Q.2. Who introduced the two-kingdom classification? Why this system has appeared unsatisfactory to many biologists?

Q.3. Highlight the criteria for five-kingdom system of classification.

Q.4. State the important characteristics of the kingdom monera.

Q.5. Write on the economic importance of bacteria.

Q.6. Discuss reproduction in fungi.

Q.7. What kind of organisms are grouped under protista? Would you consider this system a natural one?

Q.8. In a tabular form give the main characteristics of five kingdoms.

Q.9. Describe briefly the structure of T-2 PHAGE.

Q.10. Write in brief about the lysogenic and lytic phases in the life cycle of a virus.




Q.1. Name the pigment which imparts red colour to the red algae.

Q.2. Why do red algae appear blue-green in shallow water?

Q.3. Name the various pigments found in brown algae.

Q.4. State the function of phyco-colloids in cell walls of the brown algae.

Q.5. What is algin?

Q.6. Name any two pigments fiund in red algae.

Q.7. From which algae agar is obtained?

Q.8. Where is Funaria found?

Q.9. Name the pigments found in cyanobacteria.

Q.10. Name the male and female sex-organs in Funaria.

Q.11. What is the mode of nutrition in sporophyte of Funaria?

Q.12. State the function of paraphysis found in sex organs of mosses.

Q.13. How would you recognize gametophytic plant body or liverwort?

Q.14. What is protonema?

Q.15. Which generation is dominant in the life cycle of moss?

Q.16. State the function of rhizoids in liverworts.

Q.17. Name the plant from which ephedrine is extracted.

Q.18. Write an economic importance of moss plant.

Q.19. To which generation prothallus belongs?

Q.20. Name a plant which bears roots, stem and leaves but no fruit.

Q.21. On which structure, the sex organs of fern are found?

Q.22. State the difference between Antherozoids of a moss and a fern.

Q.23. What do you mean by the term ‘naked seeds’?

Q.24. Where are ferns generally found?

Q.25. What is the main characteristic of gymnosperms?

Q.26. What is a cone?

Q.27. Which shoot of pinus is known as shoot of unlimited growth?

Q.28. Define the term ‘monoecious’.

Q.29. In a gametophyte of fern, the antheridia usually ripen much before the archegonia? What does this signify?

Q.30. Which generation is dominant in the life cycle of pinus?

Q.31. What is pollination drop ?

Q.32. Name the plant that produces the smallest flower in plant kingdom.

Q.33. What main character of the seed plants make them specially adapted to life on land?

Q.34. Name the largest sea-weed.

Q.35. Which element is extracted from the sea-weeds?

Q.36. Why do bryophytes grow in moist and shady places?

Q.37. Name the non-vascular amphibian of the plant kingdom.

Q.38. Name the root like structures that help liverworts to absorb water from the substratum.

Q.39. What are the halophytes?

Q.40. What is polyembryony?

Q.41. Why are the pinus leaves called ‘needles’?

Q.42. What is heterosporous?


Q.1.What is agar?

Q.2. What is the function of phycocolloid cell wall in brown algae?

Q.3. Why are the bryophytes called the amphibians of the plant kingdom?

Q.4. What is the habitat of mosses?

Q.5. Why do mosses generally occur in moist regions?

Q.6. Why are there no trees among mosses?

Q.7. Why are most ferns confined to the wet area?

Q.8. Name the four classes of the pteridophytes.

Q.9. Write a short note on Lycopodium.

Q.10. Write two characteristic features of Selaginella.

Q.11. What is heterospory? In which plant it is found?

Q.12. Why is Equisetum called horsetail?

Q.13. Why is Adiantum known as walking and maiden hair fern?

Q.14. List the similarities between bryophytes and pteridophytes.

Q.15. In what ways do the sporophytic and gametophytic generations of the ferns differ from those of the bryophytes?

Q.16. Differentiate between prothallus and protonema.

Q.17. In what respects is a fern more advanced than a moss?

Q.18. List few uses of ferns.

Q.19. Differentiate between homosporous and heterosporous pteridophyte.

Q.20. List the four main divisions of gymnosperms.

Q.21. What are the differences between long shoot and dwarf shoot?

Q.22. Distinguish between megasporophyll and microsporophyll.

Q.23. Give few characteristics of the leaves and roots of conifers that make them well adapted for dry conditions.

Q.24. Define triple fusion. What is the product of this process? What does the product develop into?

Q.25. Give two main differences between gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Q.26. Both gymnosperms and angiosperms bear seeds. Then why are they classify separately?

Q.27. Differentiate between syngamy and triple fusion.


Q.1. What group of organisms are placed under plant kingdom?

Q.2. Tabulate the photosynthetic pigments, food reserve and habitat organization of various algae.

Q.3. What are the main characteristics of the green algae?

Q.4. List any three importance of the green algae.

Q.5. Give three important uses of red algae.

Q.6. Give few distinguishing characters of red algae.

Q.7. How are red alge more successful to live in deep waters?

Q.8. What are the important characteristics of brown algae?

Q.9. What is algin? Give its uses.

Q.10. Differentiate between red algae and brown algae.

Q.11. Differentiate between algae and fungi.

Q.12. Give the main characteristics of bryophytes.

Q.13. (a) How does fertilization take place in Funaria plant?

(b) Can the fertilization be possible without water in bryophyte?

Q.14. In what respects, bryophytes are advanced over algae?

Q.15. What is the economic importance of bryophytes?

Q.16. What are the characterisrics of vascular plants?

Q.17.Give the main characteristics of pteridophytes.

Q.18. Give the main characteristics of gymnosperms.

Q.19. List the events from pollination to fertilization in plants.

Q.20. Give the economic importance of gymnosperms.

Q.21. Among the bryophytes, ferns and gymnosperms which are most useful to man and why?

Q.22. Describe the essential parts of a flower. What are their uses?

Q.23. Give three main differences between monocot and dicot plants.

Q.24. What is the process of double fertilization? Give its significance?

Q.25. What features have led to the dominance of angiosperms.

Q.26. When and where does reduction division take place in the life-cycle of a liverwort, a moss, a fern, a gymnosperm and angiosperm

Q.27. Compare the reproductive organs of gymnosperms and angiosperms.


Q.1. Tabulate few main characteristics of algae. Give their main classes.

Q.2. What do you understand by ‘alternation of generation’? Explain it with the example of moss.

Q.3. Describe briefly the life-cycle of fern.

Q.4. Describe briefly the structure of microsporophyll (male cone) and megasporophyll (female cone) of a gymnosperm.

Q.5. Explain the process of development of ovule and the female gametophyte.

Q.6. List the events from pollination to fertilization in the angiosperm that you have studied. What changes in the ovule occur as it develops into the seed after fertilization?

Q.7. Describe the main three types of life-cycles that are seen in plants.




Q.1. Name any animal having radial symmetry.

Q.2. Name a fresh water sponge.

Q.3. Name two coelenterates.

Q.4. Name the animal which has tentacles and remain fixed to the substratum in its adult stage like plant.

Q.5. Name any parasitic worm and the phylum it belongs.

Q.6. To which phylum does ascaris belong?

Q.7. Name the excretory organs in tapeworm.

Q.8. Give one most important characteristic of phylum arthropoda.

Q.9. How many wings and legs are found in a butterfly?

Q.10. Arrange the following organisms into different phyla:

(a) Liverfluke (b) Roundworm (c) Bath sponge (d) Earthworm (e) Jellyfish

Q.11. What are the cold-blooded animals?

Q.12. What is meant by the term warm-blooded animals?

Q.13. What is the chief excretory organ in a fish?

Q.14. In which animal nictitating membrane is found?

Q.15. State one adaptation in reptiles best suited for their terrestrial life.

Q.16. Give one important differentce between a frog and a toad.

Q.17. To which phylum chameleon belongs?

Q.18. Name the large opening in each sponge through which water passes out.

Q.19. What is polymorphism?

Q.20. Which type of teeth are found in man?

Q.21. What are the viviparous animals?

Q.22. Name two egg-laying mammals.

Q.23. Name one pouched animal.

Q.24, Name one limbless animal.

Q.25. Name a free-living and a parasitic platyhelminthes.

Q.26. Bird’s bones are pneumatic. Why?

Q.27. Name a ovo-viviparous mammal.

Q.28. In an experiment situation, mantle of Unio is removed. Then what will happen?

Q.29. Flatworms have specialized cells for excretion & osmoregulation. Name these cells.

Q.30. Which protozoan causes malaria in humans?

Q.31. In an experimental condition, the endodermal lining of Hydra was pasted with plaster of Paris but its locomotion was not impaired. Which function of Hydra would be affected in this condition?

Q.32. Why are prototherians called unfinished mammals?

Q.33. What enables bony fishes to stay afloat at a particular depth without expanding energy in swimming?

Q.34. Write two important characters of phylum Echinodermata.

Q.35. Name the phylum where the larva is bilaterally symmetrical but the adult is radially symmetrical.

Q.36. Write technical term for an animal having true body cavity.

Q.37. Which annelid is ectoparasite without any setae and parapodia.

Q.38. ‘Sea-horse’ is a variety of horse. State true or false.

Q.39. Name the phylum in which triploblastic bilaterally symmetrical,true coelomate metamrically segmented worm like animals are included.