Minute of the Staff Governance Committee

held on Tuesday, 8th January at 11.00 am

in Seminar Room, Summerfield House


Mike Scott, Board Member (Chair)

Sharon Duncan, Employee Director

David Anderson, Board Member

Richard Carey, Chief Executive

Anne Robertson, Board Member

Jenny Greener, Board Member

In Attendance:

Bill Howatson, Chairman

Clare Ruxton, Deputy Director of HR

Gerry Lawrie, Workforce Planning & Redesign Manager

Annie Ingram, Director of Workforce

Stephen Lyndsay (for Alistair Grant),

Kieth Thomson, Head of Health and Safety

Tracey Hicks, Recruitment Manager

Dr Elizabeth Murphy, Lead consultant, Occupational Health

Anne Inglis,Head of Organisational Development

Rachael Ross

Item / Subject / Action
On behalf of the committee Mike Scott gave thanks to Mary Innes who has retired from NHSG, for all her hard work.
Mike Scott welcomed Anne Robertson, Jenny Greener and Rachael Ross to their first meeting of this committee.
1. / Apologies
Laura MacDonald
2. / Minute of meeting held on the 21 August 2012
Approved as an accurate record.
3. / Matters Arising
3.1 RRP for Estates Staff
Annie Ingram reported that the proposal had been approved nationally and had now been implemented, back dated to the 1st of April 2012. It was noted that thiswas only approved for 2 years and it is likely that a further request will need to be submitted at that time.
3.2 Strategic Risk No 752
Following the request from the previous meeting that there should be a separate risk for H&S, Annie Ingram reported that this had been done but requires Executive Team and SMT for approval before coming back to the committee. / AKI
4. / 4.1 People/Strategy Workshop 2020 – 27th September 2012 – Feedback
A Workforce 2020 event was held on the 27th of September, 68 colleagues from across the Board, Partner Boards and Public Sector attended. A report following the event has been circulated to all involved and invited. Comments can be made until the 31st of January.
The group were supportive of the report and agreed a further discussion once the consultation was complete.
4.2 2020 Workforce Vision Communications & Engagement Tool
Feedback to the Government on the National 2020 vision is due by the 28th of February; a request for an extension date to be given until the end of March was refused.
Bill Howatson to meet with Annie Ingram to discuss taking this item to the Chairs meeting. / AKI
5. / Review of Locum Procedures (Tracey Hicks in attendance)
Tracey Hicks was welcomed to the meeting.
The paper on the Review of Locum Procedures was noted and the following recommendations were agreed:
  • Ensure that the pre-employment checks for directly employed and agency locums are robustly applied.
  • Encourage receiving departments to interview locum doctors by telephone to ensure any potential gaps that might be identified be address and explained.
  • Where a locum doctor is employed and there are subsequent issues, ensure that there is a relevant escalation procedure to ensure that potential patient’s impact can be investigated.
  • Ensure that quality issues with nationally contracted agencies are appropriately referred.
  • Consultant staff to supervise locums.
Mr Carey proposed that the Report be shared with the ACF, the Clinical Governance Committee and the MDs and HRDs across Scotland and this was agreed. / AKI
6. / Staff Experience Project/Person-Centred Update
New Guidancedue to be released. The overall aim is to tie this into the 2020 work already being done.
7. / Face to Feedback (Laura Unable Gray to attend Presentation given by AKI)
  • 21 sessions
  • Over 300 staff attended
  • 143 completed evaluation forms
  • Each attended by two or three members of Executive Team
  • Meetings in Aberdeen (11), Elgin, Stonehaven, Inverurie, Huntly, Banff, Aboyne and Peterhead
Themes discussed:
  • Vacancymanagement – process, paperwork, delays
  • Pressure of work – sustaining staff morale when staffinglevels are tight with no slack for sickness, vacancies etc
  • Importance of communication particularly around changes affecting staff
  • Localissues – equipment, backlog maintenance, IT issues
  • 12 hour shifts
  • Lackof admin support impacting on hands on work
Members noted the importance of the Face to face sessions within the overall communication strategy of the Board.
8. / Learning and Development
8.1eKSF Update
The report was noted and the following highlighted:
  • KSF and eKSF are currently only supported nationally in Scotland.
  • The implementation phase will be complete by March 2013 and Boards are being encouraged to move to a phase of embedding.
  • NHS contract will run until 31st March 2014 with a potential to extend for a maximum of 1 year.
  • Within the recommendations section of the paper, the paragraph beginning with ‘No manger’ the word “normally” should be inserted before ‘should achieve...’
After discussion it was agreed that the Committee supports the recommendations.
Update report to be brought back to next meeting.
8.2L&D Update
Paper noted and the following highlighted:
  • Healthcare Support workers – project work has commenced and agreed an improved process which uses the recruitment team to ensure the email addresses is available at the beginning of employment.
  • Induction Review – work is well under way on the new Induction Programme.
  • Room Moves – L&D teams at Woodend have had some internal moves in order to free up more training facilities. Two new training/facilitation rooms have been created which will be called the Ythan and Findhorn.
/ GL
9. / Workforce Development & Redesign
9.1Workforce Planning
9.1.1 Workforce Plan – Action Plan
The Action Plan was noted and the following highlighted:
  • Deliver Advanced Clinical Practitioners – currently implementing Physicians Assistants course in conjunction with AberdeenUniversity. Working on placements and next cohort.
  • Nursing & midwifery workforce/workload tools – Mandatory that Community Nurses should be collecting data and adding onto this tool.
Responsibility column to be revised. Dr Annie Ingram to do end of year report.
9.1.2 Workforce Information Report
The report was noted and the following highlighted and discussed:
  • 140 posts on average being passed through the vacancy process every month £4.28 million Bank spend for September to November inclusive for all staff, £3.5 million for nursing and midwifery for same period
  • Sickness Absence for September 4.08% which is slightly lower than last year. Monthly long and short term sickness rates have risen slightly to 1.85% and 2.33% compared to the same time last year. Annual sickness absence rates have dropped slightly compared to the same point last year.
  • Nursing & Midwifery – Agency spend increased to £139,065 compared to £14,000 same point last year.
  • Consultant vacancies – 17wte as at 30 September 2012.

10. / Organisational Development
Report noted and the following highlighted/discussed:
  • Leading the Future- Closing date for the current programme is the 18th of January.
  • 360 Tool – Cost for this tool has now reduced from £90 to £47.50 for each report.
  • Public Sector in the North East Collaborating for Outcomes Leadership Programme - Planning has started for another programme to run in April.
  • Critical Skills for Critical Times for Frontline Managers – Coaching on motivation and performance.
  • Public Sector Middle Management Programme – under development.
  • Board Executive Team Development.
  • Talent Management/Continuous Personal Improvement.
  • Coaching and mentoring Framework – a bid for resources to support the framework has been submitted to the general endowment committee.

11. / Partnership & Staff Governance
11.1 Staff Governance Action Plan 2012/13
11.2 Report from GAPF
11.3 Partnership Funding
These items were not discussed, deferred for the next agenda.
12. / Dignified Workplace
Item deferred to the next meeting.
13. / Corporate Health & Safety
Health and Safety Update noted and the following highlighted/discussed:
  • The sector H&S Committee Constitution has passed through the OH&S Committee and is now with the Sector Partnership Groups for comment.
  • On going campaign across the Organisation to increase numbers of H&S Representatives.
  • Head of H&S reported to the Audit Committee of the findings of the last PWC H&S Audit and it has been agreed that a further Audit will be commissioned.
  • Executives have agreed to take on all non clinical policies.
  • H&S training uptake remains as previous when adjusted for Student training and ECC training.
  • Increase in V&A training
  • Fire training for all Deputy Nominated Officers to commence within the next two months.
  • H&S Audit structure finalised and the process completed. Data being returned with in the targeted timescale.
  • Stress Audit, the organisation is about to carry out its first, large, Service focused Stress Audit.

14 / Occupational Health
14.1Attendance Management (Dr Liz Murphy in attendance)
Attendance Management paper noted and the following highlighted:
  • No stats available from September due to the wrong data being recorded.
iAMS paper noted and the following highlighted:
  • Service has been extended after funding to include areas of ARI, Children’s Hospital, Maternity and Facilities.
  • The impact of the iAMS service will be monitored by their management using comparison of SSTS data and expenditure on bank staff.
14.3FLU Campaign
To date approximately 3000 Flu vaccinations have been given.
15. / Significant Adverse Events
Due to the meeting over running this item was not discussed.
16. / 16.1 GAPF Minutes
Due to the meeting over running this item was not discussed.
16.2 Strategic Workforce Steering Group
Due to the meeting over running this item was not discussed.
17. / AOCB
18 / Date of next Meeting:
19th March 2013 at 11:30 am in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House.