HEARING DATE: September 20, 2006

Proposal Name: LAFCO 06-09 Ojai Valley Sanitary District Annexation – Teen Challenge

Annexation of all, or portions of, five parcels with a street address of 6790 N. Ventura Avenue, Ventura (Assessor Parcel Numbers: 035-0-210-025 (portion), 035-0-210-070, 035-0-210-080, 035-0-210-190, 035-0-210-200 (portion) and a portion of the Ventura Avenue right-of-way) to the Ojai Valley Sanitary District for the purpose of providing sanitary sewer service.

LAFCO Commission Hearing

LAFCO Conducting Authority (Protest) Hearing

Pursuant to Government Code Section 56661:

Notice of this Public Hearing has been made available in electronic format on www.ventura.lafco.ca.gov

The executive officer gave mailed notice of the Public Hearing by the commission, as provided in Sections 56155 to 56157, inclusive, by mailing the attached Notice of Public Hearing or transmitting by electronic mail, to all of the following persons and entities:

(a) To each affected local agency by giving notice to the legislative body and the executive officer of the agency

(b) To the proponents, if any

(c) To each person who has filed a written request for special notice with the executive officer

(d) To each city within three miles of the exterior boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed, detached, or formed into a new district

(e) To the affected county

(f) To the Director of Forestry and Fire Protection.

(g) To the Director of Conservation

(h) To all landowners within the affected territory pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (d) of Section 56157

(i) To all registered voters within the affected territory pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (f) of Section 56157.


That pursuant to Government Code Section 56661, I ______,

hereby certify that on ______the attached Notice of Public Hearing for LAFCO 06-09 Ojai Valley Sanitary District Annexation – Teen Challenge was mailed via First Class Mail or transmitted to via electronic mail to all indicated above.

Date Mailed:______



1.  Notice of Public Hearing LAFCO 06-09

2.  List of affected agencies, proponents, all persons requesting notification, each city within three miles of the proposal area, and the Ventura County Fire Director

3.  List of Property Owners and Registered Voters in and within 300 feet of the proposal area

Certification of Mailing

Notice of Public Hearing LAFCO 06-09

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