What is an AHP Careers Fellowship?

The NES AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme (CFS) supports the learning and development of Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) in Scotland. For the most part this is locally identified learning to improve service delivery and ultimately support better outcomes for people.From time to time we offer anational AHP Careers Fellowship to do a specific piece of national education-related work which contributes to the delivery of strategy/policy ambitions (in this case, the ALIP National Vocational Rehabilitation(VR) Priority Workstream).

What is this AHP Careers Fellowship for?

This Fellowship will build on the extensive work that has already been done to enable AHPs to have the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to support people to remain in, return to or move towards work. It is an exciting opportunity for a senior AHP with relevant education experience (e.g. teaching, facilitation and working in a learning environment and understanding of current workforce development/education and training issues) to work at a national level alongside the NES AHP Team, theALIP National VR Priority Workstreamand other key stakeholders. The work will includeseveral related tasks:

  • Analysing the factors that challenge and/or enable AHPs (at a non-specialist level) to have conversations with working age service users about entering, returning to or remaining in work and making work a health outcome
  • Analysingthe skills and knowledge AHPs require to support people to remain in, return to or move towards work and identifyrelevant existing educational resources and learning opportunities
  • Reviewing the extent to which the education resources and learning opportunities are used and the impact they haveon AHP practice
  • Using findings from above,design and implement a sustainable plan to support and engage the AHP workforce in learning and development in relation to VR, and the application of this learning into practice. This plan will support the delivery of the ALIP VR ambition.

Other related tasks are likely to emerge as the Fellowship progresses.

All of the above will be required to be done in consultation with key stakeholders and within context of national drivers including AILP,the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan, the Health and Social Care Workforce Planand Improving Lives: the future of work health and disability

What’s theanticipated impact?

It is anticipated this Fellowship project will support AHPs to:

  • understand their contribution and role in supporting people to remain in, return to or move towards work
  • acquire, or further develop, skills and knowledge related to supporting people to remain in, return to or move towards work
  • confidently use approaches and practices that support work (for example, asking the work question, use of AHP fitness for work report, job analysis, employment law, identification of work related issues
  • to improve service delivery -with their supervisors, managers and leaders (at all levels) -through designing pathways whichinclude work-related interventions and outcomes.

What will I get out of it?

The Fellowship is an opportunity to develop your skills and practice related to leadership, education, facilitation of learningand service improvement. For example,this might include:

  • Applying and further developing education resources and facilitation of learning skills and practices
  • Leading on the development of a plan to support education and practice development in relation to support for work (within timeframe and meeting expectations)
  • Extending skills and practices related to stakeholder engagement and partnership working
  • Developing communication, relationship building and collaboration at a national level
  • Applying and further extending knowledge and skills related to service re-design and leadership

As part of this application process you’ll be asked to identify your own learning outcomes. We have ane-learningmodulethat can help you to do this.

How does it work?

The CFS will provide funds of up to £17,000 to release your capacity (at your current AfC band) to do this work over approximately 8 to 10 months on a part-time basis, commencing early 2018. As with all Fellowships, you will need the agreement of your line manager and AHP Director (or an equivalent level senior manager if you are employed by a local authority). If you are successful in being awarded this Fellowship you will remain based with, and employed by, your current employer on your existing terms and conditions. Your current employer will be required to enter into an agreement with NES. You must be currently employed by the NHS or a local authority in Scotland to apply. Regular contact with the NES AHP Team and other stakeholders will be required, as will and some travel within Scotland.The application process has two parts:

Part 1 Application form:

  • Section Acompleted by you (in collaboration with your line manager)
  • Section B completed by your line manager
  • Section Ccompleted by your AHP Director or an equivalent level senior manager if you are employed by a local authority
  • Please ensure all sections are completed and signed before submission We will not be able to accept applications that are not supported by your line manager and AHP Director (or an equivalent level senior manager if you are employed by local authority).

Part 2 Discussion with panel:

If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to discuss your application with us (Date to be confirmed).The Fellowship will be awardedto the successful applicant based on the information provided in your application form and your discussion with the panel.

Closing date for application is 12 noon on Tuesday 27 February 2018

If you’d like an informal chat before applying, then please don’t hesitate to contact us at


Vocational Rehabilitation


This form should be completed by you in consultation with your line manager and your AHP Director (or an equivalent level senior manager). It must be approved by both;therefore, it is strongly recommended that you discuss this opportunity with them prior to commencing the form.The completed and signed form should be submitted to NES by the closing date stated. Applications received beyond the closing date will not be accepted.

SECTION A – To be completed by you

  1. Applicant details

First Name / Surname / HCPC number (if appropriate) / Job Title / Employer / E-mail / Associated AHP Profession
  1. Telephone contact number (to discuss application if necessary)
  1. What is your main area(s) of practice?

Mental Health Outpatient Social Work

Learning Disability Acute Hospital School

Adult Health Health Centre Voluntary Organisation

Child Health Community Other, please specify

NB please note this fellowship opportunity is only open to AHPs who are NHS or local authority employees.

  1. What best describes your work setting(s)?

Remote Rural Urban

  1. Please indicate your career stage on the Career Framework for Health

Level 6 Senior Practitioner

Level 7 Advanced Practitioner

Level 8 Consultant Practitioner

Level 9 More Senior Staff

Not applicable

  1. Your personal learning outcomes. The anticipated impact of the projectoverall is noted in the introduction notes to this application. Please use this section to outline your own learning outcomesin relation to the fourpillars of practice

Your personal learning outcomes / How will you know you have achieved these?
Clinical Practice
Research and Evaluation
Facilitating learning
  1. Please confirm that your application for this fellowship opportunity has been agreed with your Line Manager and is consistent with your KSF and your PDP (or equivalent personal development scheme). Your line manager will be asked to supply details

I confirm I do not confirm

  1. Please outline your skills and experience relevant to this fellowship opportunity (e.g. education, VR, project management) or any other information you wish to provide in support of your application (up to 500 words)
  1. Please indicate total costings required, details of how costings will be used and who they should be paid to.

Total costings (up to £17,000)

Breakdown of costings (eg. release of staff, please note that the Career Fellowship Scheme is unable to fund hardware, computers, equipment etc)

Finance department contact details



Email address:

Postal address:

  1. Please note that if your application is successful, you will be required to provide regular reports outlining progress and reflecting on your own learning experience and learning outcomes

We publish some examples of learning reports to assist future participants. Do you agree to your learning reports being published?

I agree

I do not agree

Now please ask your line manager to complete section B below and your AHP Director or equivalent level senior manager if you are employed by a local authority to complete section C

SECTION B – to be completed by your Line Manager

1. Line Manager’s details

First Name:
Job Title:
Tel No:
Allied Health profession you work within:

2.I confirm that this careers fellowship learning opportunity links to the applicant’s KSF and PDP (or equivalent).

I confirm

3.Please include relevant extract from PDP or equivalent personal development scheme.

4.Why do you support this application?

5.Please confirmthat you have discussed this application with any relevant service manager(s) and that, if successful, the applicant the will be given capacity to do the work over an 8-10-month period, and within the allocated budget.

I confirm that I have discussed this application with relevant service manager(s) and, if successful;

  • the applicant will be released from current practice, or given increased capacity, for this Fellowship over an 8 to 10-month period (at approx. 2 days per week)
  • the Fellowship will commence in early 2018
  • the Fellowship can be done within the allocated budget
  1. Please confirm your commitment to providing appropriate areas and tools for applicant to complete this fellowship, e.g. rooms and access to computer/equipment
  1. a)The applicant has described theirlearning outcomes. How will you support the applicant to achieve these?

b) How will you support the applicant to use their learning from this fellowship in other areas of their work?

8.Please confirm that you will provide feedback (if requested) in relation to the applicant’s progress.

I confirm

9.Have you ensured that there is equality of opportunity for this/these applicants to apply in the following areas:

Full and part-time staff





Sexual orientation

Religion and belief

10.If the application for funding is successful, you would be required to enter Into an agreement and to its arrangements, undertakings and responsibilities as detailed in the answers to the criteria listed in this proforma

I confirm that I would be prepared to enter an agreement as described above

SECTION C - to be completed by AHP Director (or equivalent level senior manager)

Name of Applicant:

AHP Director or Senior Manager Details

Job Title:
Work Address inc. Postcode:

Please confirm that you support this application

I confirm that I do support thisapplication

AHP Director or Senior Managers Support Statement

Please state why you support this application?

Please save a copy of the completed application form for your own records.

E-mail the completed application form to

by the closing date of 12.00 (noon) on Tuesday 27 February 2018.

Please be aware that applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

Both you and your line manager will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of the funding application.

/ Data Protection: NES uses the personal data you provide for purposes associated with administering the AHP Career Fellowship Scheme. NES will add your details to our database and share your work contact details with other participants in the Scheme through our newsletter, Alumni network or other channels as deemed appropriate. If you would prefer us not to share your contact details, please contact
For more information see Personal data will be retained in line with our records retention policies.


AHP Careers Fellowship Application Form – Vocational Rehab