Salford City Council - Record of Decision

I, Councillor Antrobus, Assistant Mayor for Strategic Planning in exercise of the powers contained within the City Council constitution do hereby:

1.  Approve the A6 Cycleway works as set out in this report.

2.  Approve in principle the reduction of speed limit from 40MPH to 30MPH on Manchester Road from Oakwood Drive to the motorway bridge subject to the statutory TRO processes.

I, Councillor Hinds, Assistant Mayor for Finance and Support Service as Chair of the Procurement Board and, in exercise of the powers contained within the City Council constitution, do hereby:

3.  Approve the Target Cost of £109,579.32 from the 2013/14 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme submitted by Urban Vision Highway Services to carry out the works.

4.  Approve the expenditure of £24,582 from the 2013/14 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme for Urban Vision Topographical Survey, Feasibility, Design, Supervision and CDMC fees

The Reasons of the scheme are to provide cycle facilities along the A6, Manchester Road, Swinton to promote cycling for pupils of local schools as well as general road users in line with City Council sustainable transport policies.

Assessment of Risk: Low

The source of funding is: Local Transport Capital Block 3 Programme 2013/14

Legal Advice obtained Yes – Azra Furheen 0161 274 5200

Financial Advice obtained Yes - Natalie Birchall x2316

Procurement Advice obtained: Yes - Andrew White x6295

The following documents have been used to assist the decision process.

Report submitted top Procurement Board on 19th February, 2104

Contact Officer: Opu Anwar Tel No 0161 779 4880

* This matter is also subject to a joint consideration by the Assistant Mayor for Finance & Support services and the Assistant mayor for Strategic Planning and, accordingly, has been referred to them both for a decision.
* This document records a key decision, but the matter was not included in the Council's Forward Plan and it has been dealt with under the emergency procedure.
*The appropriate Scrutiny Committee to call-in the decision is the
Sustainable Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.

Signed: Councillor Derek Antrobus

Assistant Mayor for Strategic Planning

Date: 11th February, 2014

Signed: Councillor Bill Hinds

Assistant Mayor for Finance and Support Services

Date: 19th February, 2014

* This decision was published on 21st February, 2104.

* This decision will come in force on 3rd March, 2014 unless it is called-in in accordance with the Decision Making Process Rules.