Handout: Practice Test
Unit 1 KEY
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Jessica Kelly
Course: / BIOL 211 (3)
Instructor: / Dr. Colbert
Date: / 9/16/09

1. Fossils that can be used to establish relative dates are most likely to be found in _____.

a.  Glacial till (i.e. rubble)

b.  Sedimentary rock

c.  Igneous rock

d.  Volcanic archipelagos

2. What evidence supports the hypothesis that mitochondria and plastids evolved from prokaryotic endosymbionts?

a.  Plastids and mitochondria are about the same size as typical prokaryotic cells

b.  Reproduce by a process similar to binary fission

c.  Contain circular DNA molecules

d.  All of the above

3. All the members of which one of the following groups have the greatest number of characteristics in common?

a.  Class

b.  Kingdom

c.  Phylum

d.  Species

4. Which of the following is NOT a use of diatomaceous earth?

a.  Nanotechnology

b.  Pesticide

c.  Metal finishes

d.  Reflective paint

5. What is the structure illustrated in the picture?

a.  Coenocytic mass

b.  Body mass

c.  Psedupodium

d.  Sporangia

6. Which prokaryotic shape is this?

a.  Cocci

b.  Bacilli

c.  Vibrios

d.  Spirilla

7. An explanation for natural phenomena that is well supported by many reliable observations describes which of the following?

a. fact

b. hypothesis

c. law

d. scientific theory

8. Atmospheric oxygen became abundant due to eukaryotic plants

a. true

b. false – it was because of Cyanobacteria

9. Which one are humans?

a. obligate aerobes – means we need oxygen to survive

b. obligate anaerobes

c. facultative anaerobes

d. aerotolerant anaerobes

10. How does this protist move?

a.  Flagella

b.  Cilia

c.  Pseudopodia

d.  Gliding

11. What’s this? How do you know?

a.  Leukocytes

b.  Cocci

c.  Excavata – you know because of the feeding grooves.

d.  Prokaryotes

12. Which of the following is a lineage of alveolata?

a. dinoflagellates

b. apiocomplexans

c. ciliates

d. all of the above

13. What lineage of protists does this organism belong to? Is this eukaryotic or prokaryotic organism? What nutritional strategy does this organism use?

Plantae/green algae

Eukaryotic – you can tell because of the nucleus

Photoautotrophic – you can tell because of the green chloroplasts. Chloroplasts = photosynthesis

14. What’s this? What is it a member of?


Member of stramenophila

15. Bioluminiscent Bay in Puerto Rico and red tides are caused by

a. dinoflagellates

b. ciliates

c. apiocomplexans

d. diatoms

16. Which groups of organisms have eukaryotic cells?

a. plants

b. fungi

c. protists

d. all of the above

17. Prokaryotic cells divide by Meiosis.

a. true

b. false

18. Binary fission and Mitosis result in the same thing and go through the same exact process to get there.

a. true

b. false

19. How do autotrophs get nutrition? Heterotrophs?

Auto-self-synthesized from CO2, CH4, or other simple molecules

Hetero-from molecules produced by other organisms

20. Which of these is evidence supporting the existence of two distinct domains of prokaryotes?

a. archaens have peptidoglycan in their cell walls while members of domain bacteria do not

b. the observation that Archaens are restricted to “extreme” habitats

c. archaeans are chemoheterotrophs, while bacteria are photoautotrophs

d. distinct DNA sequences

e. bacteria require oxygen while archaeans do not

21. Based on what you can observe in this image, this prokaryote can best be described as:

a. unicellular and chemoorganoheterotrophic

b. unicellular and photoautotrophic

c. colonial and chemoorganoheterotrophs

d. multicellular and chemooganoheterotrophs

e. multicellular and photoautotrophic