Basic Mac OS X Training

Step 1. Turn on your iBook. It will take a few seconds to load and then it will take you to the login screen where you will see two items, “Teacher” and “Update.”

Step 2. Ask your ITRT for your iBook password. Once you’ve got it, type it in and let's get started.

Step 3. Your iBook will take a moment to load. Once all items load, you will see the desktop, pictured below. The desktop is the area with the picture of the sky. You can quickly get back to the desktop from any program by hitting the “F11” key.

Keep files off the desktop and in folders inside your “Macintosh HD.”


One of the most difficult things new users of laptops have to tackle is becoming comfortable using the trackpad. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Keep the trackpad clean and free of debris as it will cause erratic mouse movement.
  1. Using one hand, make an L with your thumb and index finger. Use your thumb for clicking and your index finger to move the mouse.
  2. The iBook is equipped to scroll with two fingers side-by-side. Try it on a scrollable document.
  1. While holding down the Ctrl key, clicking anywhere will bring up a menu. This is similar to right-clicking on a PC.

Drop Down Menus

What are they?

/ Any time you click on the items in the upper left of your screen, you will see menus. The menus will change based on what program you have open. Looking above, you will see that the open program is ____ (what is in bold)?

The Dock

What is it? / A bar at the bottom of your screen that allows you access to a variety of programs. Programs that are running have a black arrow under them.
How can I remove items from the Dock? / You can take any items away from the dock by clicking on them and dragging them to the desktop. You will see them "poof" away.
How can I add things to the Dock? / You can create quick shortcuts to any programs in your Applications folder by dragging the ICON for the program onto your dock. (Be careful not to drag the program itself to your Desktop!)
How can I change the Dock settings? / Go under the Blue apple to access the menu, go down to Dock, and change whatever you want!

The Trashcan

What is it? / It is an item found on your dock. It stores documents any time you delete something. It should always be empty.

This trashcan is full! It should always be kept empty by you!

Step 1. / To empty it, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the trashcan.
Step 2. / Select Empty Trash from the menu that pops up.

Take some time once a week to learn a different shortcut.

You can learn about them under every menu!

For instance, look at the picture to the left of the File menu.

To make a new finder window, hold down the (Command) key and hit the N key.

To make a new folder, hold down Shift, press (Command), and the N key.

Sleeping and Shutting Down

Under the Blue Apple, you will see several options, including Sleep, Restart, and Shut Down.

To put your iBook to sleep, simply close the lid. While moving between classes, you will want to use this feature. Shutting down and restarting every time you move will eat battery power (Just remember to eject servers! – later lesson).

Nightly, you will want to shut down to keep your iBook running smoothly. Your computer can be on or off while charging. Just be sure to place it in a safe location.

Wireless Signals

When at any HCPS school, you should be automatically connected to the network “HCPS Wireless.”

If you visit a location that has available wireless internet access, click on the fan and you will see the available networks listed.

(like Panera for instance).

Macintosh HD

The Hard Drive of your computer contains ALL files.

Do not rename this icon or your computer will malfunction.

Macintosh HD Visual Diagram

Window Controls

Step 1: Double-click on the Macintosh HD icon on your Desktop. This will open a finder window.

The finder window has window controls for closing (red), minimizing to the Dock (yellow), and maximizing (green).

Step 2: Click on the yellow window control. Notice that your window minimizes to the dock. Click on the window on the dock to get it back.

Step 3: Click on the green window control. Notice that the window now maximizes.

View Options

The finder window has three view options: icon, list, or column view. Selecting list or column views will alphabetize your files!

Action! Click on each view and see what happens!

Hint: Try this shortcut: Command + 1, Command + 2, and Command + 3.


The finder window also features a Sidebar for quick access. You can remove or add items to this Sidebar just like you could to the dock.

Let's start by reviewing some items on the Sidebar.

The Applications folder contains all programs on the iBook. Not all of them are found on the dock. Remember, however, that you can add them to the dock by dragging their icon on top of the dock. Do not move or rename applications as they will no longer work!

Action! Click on Applications in the sidebar and see what programs are available on your computer.

You are the user " teacher." In your folder, you will see Classes, a link to your Desktop, Downloads, Movies you create, Music you import or download, and Pictures that will also show up in iPhoto.

Action! Click on teacher. Go to documents. Can you figure out how to create a new folder?

That’s it! While you may not feel comfortable with everything yet, the only way you will improve is with independent practice. Experiment freely! Your ITRT or TST can always assist as needed!

Edited for 2007-2008 School Year Use.