Name: ______
Rubric for Take Home Labs: Standard:S8P5. Students will recognize characteristics of gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major kinds of forces acting in nature. b. Demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel circuits and how they transfer energy.
Task: Students are to construct 2 different circuits- one parallel and one series to show their understanding of circuits. Construct using cardboard or similar material for a base, a paper clip or brad for a switch, an energy source-a battery- AA, or 9-volt work best (if you don’t have a battery to put on it-draw and label where it goes), and at least 3 miniature lights for each circuit(given by teacher).Everything must be labeled. Include a circuit diagram of your series and parallel circuits on notebook paper and draw arrows showing the direction of energy being transferred. Finally, write a paragraph explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the two circuit types and have your parent/guardian sign off on it.
Criteria / 1Below the
Standard / 2
the Standard / 3
Meets the
Standard / 4
Exceeds the
Standard / Score
Series circuit / Circuit does not operate. / Circuit operates but is not a series or is missing labels or a light or a switch. / Has at least 3 lights in a series, a switch and battery (or labeled). Everything is labeled correctly. / Has 3 or more lights in a series, a switch and battery (or labeled). Everything is labeled correctly.
Very neat and/or creative. / ______X7=
Parallel circuit / Circuit does not operate. / Circuit operates but is not parallel or is missing labels or a light or a switch. / Has at least 3 lights in a parallel circuit, a switch and battery (or labeled). Everything is labeled correctly. / Has 3 or more lights in a parallel circuit, a switch and battery (or labeled). Everything is labeled correctly.
Very neat and/or creative. / ______x17=
diagrams / Has no diagram. / Has diagram of only one circuit, or missed labeling something or did not use correct symbols. / Has a diagram of both circuits using the correct symbols. Everything is labeled correctly. / Has a diagram of both circuits using the correct symbols. Everything is labeled correctly.
Very neatly done. / ______x5=
Paragraph of advantages and disadvantages / No paragraph turned in. / Paragraph is less than 5 sentences and/ or less than 3 advantages or disadvantages
and/or more than 2 spelling/grammar mistakes. / Paragraph has at least 5 sentences correctly describing at least 3 advantages/disadvantages of parallel and series circuits. Has less than 3 spelling/grammar mistakes. / Paragraph has more than 5 sentences correctly describing 4 or more advantages/disadvantages of parallel and series circuits. Has no spelling / grammar mistakes. / ______x5=
Signature / No parent signature or no form. / Had form but wasn’t signed. / Parent or guardian signed letter saying they witnessed student completing activities and student explained the two types of circuits. / Parent signed and everything was turned in on time. / ______x1
Parent Signature ______
A= 90+, B= 80-89, C= 70-79, F= less than 70 Total:______
Teacher Comments:
Diagram of Series Circuit:
Diagram of Parallel Circuit:
Paragraph explaining advantages and disadvantages of the two types of circuits:
I have witnessed my student’s take-home lab and they can explain to me the two types of circuits.
______Parent/Guardian signature