Conference Program

December 22, 2008

Overseas ExchangeCenter, PekingUniversity

9:00- 9:30 / Registration
9:30- 9:40 / Opening Address / Prof. T. Hiyama
9:40-10:10 / Keynote Speech 1 / Prof. S. Chen
10:10- 10:40 / Keynote Speech 2 / Assoc. Prof. L.Joe
10:40- 11:10 / Keynote Speech 3 / Assoc. Prof. M. Kishida
11:10- 11:20 / Notice for oral and poster sessions
13:00- 17:00 / Oral Session I (Room 1)
3-1o Copolymer-Grafted Silica Stationary Phase for Selectivity Tuning towards PAHs in RP-HPLC
Abul K. Mallik (KumamotoUniversity)
3-2o Manganese(III)-Mediated Reactions of Aromatic Compounds with 1,3-Dicarbonyl Species
Zhiqi Cong (KumamotoUniversity)
3-3o Heterocyclic Aromatic Moieties as Organic Phases for Enhanced Molecular Shape Selective Reversed-phase High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Usha Ghimire Gautam (KumamotoUniversity)
3-4o Photocontrolled manipulation of microscale solid object on the surface of liquid crystalline film
Abu Kausar (KumamotoUniversity)
3-5o Porphyrin-fullerene complex assisted by L-glutamide
Naomi Watanabe (KumamotoUniversity)
3-6o Influence of surface structural defects of carbon nanotubes on the electron transfer reactions of fructose dehydrogenase
Shiori Kaneko (KumamotoUniversity)
3-7o Organic gas analysis using surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS)
Asuka Shinagawa (KumamotoUniversity)
3-8o Preparation and Electrochemistry of Layer-by-Layer Films of NiGa Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets
Ozge Altuntasoglu (KumamotoUniversity)
3-9o Characterization of Alkali-soluble Collagen from the Pigskin Shavings
Min Zhang (SichuanUniversity)
6-1o Off-axis Beaming from a 2D Photonic Crystal Waveguide via Triangle-cell-grating Structure
Ziqian Luo (KumamotoUniversity)
6-2o Dynamic observation of α/γ phase transformation in Fe-Ni alloy via SEM/EBSD
Tatsuya Fukino (KumamotoUniversity)
Oral Session II (Room 2)
7-1o Research of Reliable Softcore Processor Design
Tomoyuki Ishida (KumamotoUniversity)
7-2o Variable Grain Logic Cell Architecture for Reconfigurable Logic Core
Masahiro Koga (KumamotoUniversity)
7-3o A Study of Local Interconnect Architecture for Variable Grain Logic Cell
Qian Zhao (KumamotoUniversity)
7-4o Color Face Image Recognition Using Frequency Analysis and Moment Information
I Gede Pasek Suta Wijaya (KumamotoUniversity)
7-5o Optimization of Networked Control Systems with random network delay
Masateru Udate (KumamotoUniversity)
7-6o Design of PID controller for desired time domain response using linear matrix inqualities
Tsubasa Nishizaka (KumamotoUniversity)
7-7o Automatic species identification system by wild bird's call data
Koji Takahashi (KumamotoUniversity)
4-1o Nano-carbon coating of metal electrodes for neuronal interface
Kazutoshi Kohira (KumamotoUniversity)
4-2o Modulation of Cortico-Muscular Coherence and Motor Excitability by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Murat Saglam (KumamotoUniversity)
4-3o Amycolatum Subflavoalbum gen. nov., sp. nov., an actinomycete isolated from a saline soil contaminated by crude oil
Man Cai (PekingUniversity)
Oral Session III (Room 3)
8-1o Analysis of Power Flow Solution for Outage Studies
Anuar Bin Mohamad (KumamotoUniversity)
8-2o Improving Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV Array for Fast-Moving Shadow Conditions
Syafaruddin (KumamotoUniversity)
8-3o Energy Capacitor System Utilization in a Power System Including a DFIG-based Wind Farm
Jorge Morel (KumamotoUniversity)
8-4o Impact of Reliability and CO2 Emission on Wind-Diesel-Battery Systems Using Genetic Algorithm
Heri Suryoatmojo (KumamotoUniversity)
8-5o Research on Driver's Fatigue States Based on Analyzing EEG and Eye Blink in Stimulated Driving Environment
Yanhong Yin (KumamotoUniversity)
8-6o Hot summer and warm winter areas of conservation pattern of roof
Lu Shan (GuilinUniversity of Technology)
8-7o Pulsed Streamer Discharges Generated by Nano-second Pulsed Power in Atmospheric Air
Douyan Wang (KumamotoUniversity)
8-8o A Multi-objective GA for Reducing Voltage Deviations, Power Losses and Control Actions in a Transmission Power System
Yoel Rosales Hernandez (KumamotoUniversity)
8-9o Production of Bio-ethanol from Bamboo and Corn Stover
Tomohiro Syo (KumamotoUniversity)
8-10o Global Mobility: A Concept for Characterizing the Total Ability of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
Lingyu Zhang (PekingUniversity)
8-11o Study on microbial community structure of the coastal wetland soil in the Yellow River Delta
Yan Li (PekingUniversity)
Oral Session IV (Room 8)
9-1o Artificial Neural Network for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Bearing Faults
Abd Kadir Mahamad (KumamotoUniversity)
9-2o Real Time Stability Monitoring of Electric Power System
Wei Zhang (KumamotoUniversity)
9-3o ECS based Stability State Enhancement of Electric Power System
Taiji Yatake (KumamotoUniversity)
9-4o Generation of Streamer Like Discharge in Water by High Repetition Rate Compact Pulsed Power Modulator
Kanako Kouno (KumamotoUniversity)
9-5o The Effects of Temperature, Strain-rates and Loading Histories on the Inelastic Stress-Strain Behavior of a nPLA and Numerical Simulations
Akira Yamashita (KumamotoUniversity)
9-6o Experimental study on a performance evaluation of Exploding a Wire for Pulsed Plasma Thruster (EW-PPT)
Tatsuya Nakagaki (KumamotoUniversity)
9-7o The design of a secure eating-support device for the self-sustained disabled people
Keiichiro Yoshizumi (KumamotoUniversity)
9-8o DC Breakdown Characteristics in Carbon Dioxide Medium under Point to Plane Electrode
Maya Takade (KumamotoUniversity)
1-1o Uncertainty Quantification for Flow in Unsaturated Soil
Weixuan Li (PekingUniversity)
2-1o Viscosity of Metallic Glass Forming Liquids: Analyses by the Bond Strength – Coordination Number Fluctuation Model and the VFT Law
Masahiro Ikeda (KumamotoUniversity)

December 23, 2008

Overseas ExchangeCenter, PekingUniversity (Oral session)

Zhongguanyuan Global Village, PekingUniversity (Poster session)

8:30- 9:00 / Registration
9:00- 10:30
11:00- 13:00 / Oral Session I (Room 1)
6-3o Crystallography and Morphology of Antiphase Boundary-Like Structure Induced by Martensitic Transformation in Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloy
Kyosuke Hirayama (KumamotoUniversity)
6-4o Bonding and Separation Behaviors between Ti-Al Base Alloys and Steel
Tatsuya Sako (KumamotoUniversity)
6-5o A New Approach to Underwater Shock Wave Treatment for Cotton Yarn
G.M. Shafiur Rahman (KumamotoUniversity)
Oral Session II (Room 2)
4-4o Organic solvent extraction and gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis of the liver metabolites and application to hyperlipidemia hamster
Shenghua Gu (ChinaPharmaceuticalUniversity)
4-5o Survival of bacteria in/on crude oil and their stimulation by different initial bacteria
Xing-Biao Wang (PekingUniversity)
4-6o Effects of Estrogen and Xenoestrogens on Tyrosine Hydroxylase Expression in Dopaminergic Neurons and Motility in Early Development of Zebrafish
Yuko Isono (KumamotoUniversity)
5-1o Study on automatic extraction for UpperMinjiangRiver
Wang Ling (KumamotoUniversity)
Oral Session III (Room 3)
8-12o Solation of Microorganisms sith CR(VI) Reduction Capacity and the Construction of Bacterial Reagent for CR(VI) Removal from Wastewater
Miao Wu (PekingUniversity)
8-13o Feasibility Analysis of Dimethyl Ethyl Development in China
Da Huo (PekingUniversity)
8-14o Experiment Study of Pre/main Pulsed Power Generator for Z-Pinch Plasma EUV Source
Peng Lv (Harbin Institute of Technology)
8-18o Construction of a Super-bacterial Reagent for the Treatment of Coking Wastewater
Jingjing Zhao (PekingUniversity)
Poster Session
3-10p Antibacterial Activity of Thermosensitive Copolymer Beads Containing Pyridinium Groups
Tadashi Nagasako(KumamotoUniversity)
3-11p Functionalization of calixarene hemisphere and their isomerization property
Nami Matsuo(KumamotoUniversity)
3-12p Acidic and Alkaline Property of Pigment Extracted from Bacteria FY-16
Yi Deng(SichuanUniversity)
4-7p Effect of neuregulins (NRGs) on spermatogonial proliferation and meiosis initiation in culture of neonatal mouse testis
Jidong Zhang(KumamotoUniversity)
4-8p Research on amylase vitality of Luzhou-flavor Daqu
Hong Li (SichuanUniversity)
4-9p Fermenting Characteristic of Luzhou-flavor liquor’s Major Microorganisms
Shanci Xie (SichuanUniversity)
4-10p Chromatographic Separation and Purification about an Unknown Protein
Si Shi(SichuanUniversity)
4-11p The Comparative Researches on the Vitality between Aspergillus kawachii ZZH and Aspergillus niger UV-11-48
Rong Wang(SichuanUniversity)
4-12p Comparison and Analysis on Detection Methods of Aerobic Bacterial Count between National and Abroad
Lv Fen(SichuanUniversity)
6-6p Micro Fracture Toughness Testing of TiAl based alloy with a Lamellar Structure
Daisuke Miyaguchi(KumamotoUniversity)
6-7p Bending of Pd-based thin film metallic glasses by laser forming process
Yuki Ide(KumamotoUniversity)
7-8p Campus Grid Management Using Educational Computers for HPC Applications
Eko Pramunanto (Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember)
7-9p Investigation of a fitting method for pitch conversion in compound hearing aid processing
Dan Zhang(KumamotoUniversity)
7-10p Lectures Scheduling Using Local Search Method
Mochammad Sahal (Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember)
8-15p Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Controller on ECS Applications to Reduce CO2 Emission
Yaser Qudaih (KumamotoUniversity)
8-16p Ecological Risk Assessment of Lijiang Environment
Wang Jia (GuilinUniversity of Technology)
8-17p The Research of the River-Reservoir-Forest Integrative Operation in the Upper Reaches Area of Li River
YU Xiao(GuilinUniversity of Technology)
8-19p The Screening of the Optimum Yeast for Alcoholic Fermentation by Fermented Grain Waste Produced from Chinese Spirits Industry
Li Tan(SichuanUniversity)
9-9p Speed Coordination of Two Induction Motor “Three Phases” by Using Hybrid Controller
Dedid Ch(Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember )
9-10p A New Strategy on Multilevel Inverter
Bambang Sujanarko (Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember )
9-11p Application of Compound Food Gums in Processing of Corn Noodles to Improve Its Cooking Quality
Wang Juan(SichuanUniversity)
9-12p The Development of Sweet Potato Processing Industry in China
Wang Mengmeng (SichuanUniversity)
9-13p Study on the browning of boiled yam can in sterilization and optimizing of processing technology
Zhang Wen, Huang shujie, Zhang Ying, Lu Xiaoli (SichuanUniversity)
Student Exchange Party
Closing Ceremony