Lorain County, Ohio
Transportation Improvement District
May 11, 2016
The Transportation Improvement District met on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 11:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Public Hearing Room B.
The following members attended:
Chairman Commissioner Matt Lundy
Commissioner Lori Kokoski
Commissioner Ted Kalo
Secretary/Treasurer, James R. Cordes
Vice-Chair County Engineer, Kenneth P. Carney
Ex-Officio Members State Representative Terry Boose & Senator Gayle Manning not present
Others in attendance were: Bob Klaiber, County Engineer’s Office & David Ashenhurst, Oberlin
Approval of minutes:
Lori Kokoski moved, seconded by James Cordes to approve the minutes of April 20, 2016 as submitted. Upon roll call the vote taken resulted: Ayes: All
Motion carried.
Report of the presiding officer(s), and/or acting director of staff: There were none
Other Reports and communications: There were none.
Old Business: There were no issues for this day.
New business:
Bob Klaiber discussed at the last meeting he had placed calls into City of Avon and Lorain to see if they had any projects, none received at that time. After the meeting he received information from City of Avon and Lorain for the following projects;
1) Chester Road, Avon - $5.6 million for widening, they have received $150,000 from ODOT Jobs Commerce and their share would be around $1 million. This will be from SR83 going pass Menards to Jaycox for Bendix and the business will be assessed
2) SR57, Lorain - $2.5 million for resurfacing and ODOT is around 80%. The local share is around $600,000 and some funds available through permissive license.
James Cordes asked about City of Sheffield Lake, Abbe Road. Bob Klaiber said Oster is under construction now, but Abbe Road portion is not ready, maybe in the future.
Discussion continued and the following resolution was adopted:
TID cont. Page 2 May 11, 2016
In the matter of authorizing two additional )
Projects to be submitted to Ohio Department)
Department of Transportation for FY17 for ) May 11, 2016
A total of 4 projects in Lorain County, Ohio )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Transportation Improvement District we hereby authorize two additional projects to be submitted to Ohio Department of Transportation for FY17 for a total of 4 projects in Lorain County, Ohio.
1. State Route 57 Resurfacing
LOR-57-22.64, PID 92885
City of Lorain
Project Description: The project includes the repair and resurfacing of State Route 57 from East 36th Street to East 13th Street in the City of Lorain.
Project Status: Project has been approved for funding through ODOT’s Urban Resurfacing Program in FY2017. City is requesting TID funding to assist with the required 20% local match of construction.
Summary of Costs Total ODOT Local
1. Detailed Design Engineering $ 83,739 $ 83,739
2. Construction 2,528,037 1,919,404 $ 608,633
Totals $2,611,776 $2,003,143 $ 608,633
TID Request $250,000
2. Chester Road Reconstruction
Chester Road
City of Avon
Project Description: The project includes the widening and reconstruction of Chester Road from Jaycox westerly to the newly improved five lane section at the future site of Cabelas.
Project Status: Construction began in May of 2016 and is expected to be completed by May 31, 2017.
Summary of Costs Total ODOT
Jobs & Commerce Assessment Local
1. Detailed Design Engineering $ 383,583 $ 301,130 $ 82,453
2. R/W Acquisition 527,900 527,900
3. Construction Administration 312,000 258,960 53,040
4. Construction 5,662,829 $150,000 4,049,926 1,462,903
Totals $6,886,312 $150,000 $5,137,916 $1,598,396
TID Request $ 250,000
Motion by James Cordes, seconded by Ted Kalo to adopt the slate of officers. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted; Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)
8. Other – there was nothing
9. Public Comment – there was no public comment for this day.
10. Adjourn:
With nothing further, James R. Cordes moved, seconded by Ted Kalo to adjourn at 11:13 a.m. Upon roll call the vote taken, resulted as: Ayes: All.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted; Theresa L. Upton - Clerk
James. R. Cordes, Secretary/Treasurer, LCTID