LEAGUE NAME AND OBJECTIVE………………………………...... 1


1.01League Structure………………………………...... 1-2

1.02Executive Board of Directors Elections…...... 3

1.03Terms of Office………………………………...... 3

1.04President………………………………...... 3-4

1.05Executive Vice President………………………………...... 4

1.06Treasurer………………………………...... 4

1.07Secretary………………………………...... 5

1.08Commissioner of Concessions………………………………...... 5

1.09Commissioner of Facilities………………………………...... 5

1.10Player Agent……………….………..……………...... 6

1.11Managers and Coaches Representative…..………………………6

1.12League Pastoral Representative ………………………………….7

1.13League Legal Representative ………………………………....….7

1.14League Vice President………………………………...... ….7

1.15Election of League Board of Directors ………………………..….8

1.16Second Vice President……………………………………………. 8

1.17Field Manager………………………………...... …8

1.18Parents Representative………………………………...... …9

1.19League Concession Leader………………………………...... …9

1.20Player Representative ……..………………………………...... 9

1.21League Equipment Manager…………………...... …….10

1.22Executive Committees………………………………...... 10-11

1.23Voting Rights………………………………...... ….11


2.01League Reference Documents………………………………...... 12

2.02Rule Conflicts………………………………...... 12

2.03Local League Adopted Rules………………………………...... 12-15


3.01Definition - Player………………………………...... 16

3.02Definition - Managers and Coaches………………………………17

3.03Rules of Conduct………………………………...... 17

3.04Participation Requirements……………………………………….. 17


4.01Sign-Ups………………………………...... 18

4.02Team Determination………………………………...... 18

4.03Manager and Coach Selection…..………………...... 18

4.04Player Evaluations………………………………...... 18

4.05Player Selection (The Draft)……………………………...... 18

4.05.01Draft Order………………………………...... 19-20

4.05.02Optioned Players………………………………...... 20-21

4.05.03Trading Players………………………………...... 21

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4.06Sanctioned Team Selections ………………………………...... 22

4.06.01Player Selection ………………………………...... 22

4.06.02Manager Selection ………………………………...... 22-23


5.01Protests………………………………...... 23

5.02Grievances………………………………...... 23-24


6.01Executive Board of Directors………………………………...... 24

6.02League Board of Directors………………………………...... 24

6.03Managers………………………………...... 24-25


7.01Custodial Responsibilities ………………………………...... 25

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LEAGUE NAME: LakeCumberland Youth Sports League

LEAGUE OBJECTIVE: Lake Cumberland Youth Sports League, using regulation competitive baseball and softball rules, teaches skills, mental and physical development, a respect for the rules of the game, and basic ideals of sportsmanship and fair play. In all aspects, LakeCumberland Youth Sports League is committed to providing our participants the very best educational, sports experience possible. It is our fundamental belief that every child with the desire to play baseball or softball be afforded that opportunity.



The general structure of the Board of Directors for the Lake Cumberland Youth Sports League is separated into two distinct entities: The Executive Board of Directors and the League(s) Board of Directors. The Duties of the Executive Board of Directors is to manage the operations of the Ward Correll Sports Complex as well as other League operated facilities and to oversee the procedural management of each League(s) Board of Directors as outlined herein. The Executive Board of Directors are to render interpretations of the By-Laws and league governing rules but at no time shall the Executive Board of Directors overrule the League Board other than in cases of extreme negligence or abuse1 by the League Board of Directors or member thereof. The Executive Board of Directors is to monitor League Board actions and notify said League Board of any irregularities of management that require corrective actions. The League Board of Directors is to manage each league according to the governing rules and these By-Laws and to take direction from the leadership of the Executive Board of Directors as needed or required. When the League Board of Directors is attempting to interpret the intention of these By-Laws or Executive Board directives, guidance should be sought from the Executive Board of Directors rather than proceeding through any process with what can be determined to be improper interpretation2, thus resulting in improper management of the League Board of Directors requiring Executive Board of Directors intervention. The League Board of Directors shall place their own managers and coaches, conduct their own League draft, schedule practices and games, resolve disputes and grievances and select teams to represent the League in sanctioned play as organized in these By-Laws. The Executive Board of Directors may appeal decisions of the League Board of Directors and require League Board actions be reconsidered once, but League Board decisions will stand provided there is no violation of the governing rules or these By-Laws. It is the primary concern of the League to protect the children who select to participate in the League and the Executive Board of Directors shall have the right to refuse participation to any adult who is deemed criminal, dangerous or detrimental to any children who participate.


Membership Composition / Executive Board of Directors


Executive Vice President



Commissioner of Community Relations

Commissioner of Facilities

Player Agent

Managers and Coaches Representative

League Pastoral Representative (Presidential appointment; non-voting)

League Legal Representative (Presidential appointment; non-voting)

League Vice Presidents (Limited voting capacity)

Membership Composition / League Board of Directors

Vice President

Second Vice President

Field Manager

Community Relations Leader

Player Representative

Divisional Equipment Manager

* League Board of Directors shall be established for each league that will be played during the regular season. (T-Ball, Rookie, Minor, Major, Softball, Babe Ruth 13-15 and Babe Ruth 16-18) and shall be nominated and voted into each position by the Executive Board of Directors and all League Vice Presidents.

** League Vice Presidents are not eligible to preside on the Executive Board of Directors in duel capacities during the same year, unless such a role is approved by the majority of the Executive Board. However, no individual under any circumstance shall be allowed more than one vote on any issue while serving in such capacity.

1extreme negligence or abuse - The League Board of Directors or any member thereof may be deemed negligent or abusive if any of the follow guidelines are violated and can be removed from elected or appointed positions by a majority vote of the Executive Board of Directors:

-Failure to fulfill commitments as required by his/her elected or appointed position.

-Failure to comply with the League Code of Ethics (Section 3.03).

-Repeated failure to comply with the governing rules and By-Laws.

2improper interpretation - Any interpretation of the by-laws or League governing rules by the League Board of Directors that does not represent the intended meaning.



Fourteen days prior to elections, notice of elections shall be advertised in a local publication and on the league web site (Deadline for notification and scheduling of elections meeting is the responsibility of the sitting President). All applicants (new and sitting board members) shall be presented at the elections meeting by the sitting President after the completion of fall league play. Applicants shall have an opportunity to present a brief (5 or less minutes) presentation to the Board prior to the elections. Applicants shall be elected by secret ballot of the sitting Executive Board of Directors and Vice Presidents. In the case of a tie vote, the sitting President shall vote to break the tie. If the contested election involves the sitting President, the tied candidates shall be placed on a ballot and a revote shall be taken. If the contested election is still a tie, the sitting Executive Vice President shall cast the deciding vote. If the Executive Vice President is involved in the contested election, the Treasurer shall cast the deciding vote.


Terms of office shall run through each calendar year. In the event elections have not been executed or scheduled by the end of the calendar year, the Executive Vice President has the power to call and conduct elections.


The League President shall have a minimum of two years League Board experience and be a minimum 25 years of age.


1.)Serves as Chairperson of the Executive Board of Directors and will preside at all

meetings of the Executive Board with a prepared agenda.

2.)Exercises general authority and supervision over all League functions. Specific authority is delegated to Board Members, other volunteers, and hired agents.

3.)The President is the officer with whom Babe Ruth Baseball Headquarters maintains contact. He/She or designee will represent the League in all meetings of the local, state or national organization.

4.)The President is authorized to speak or sign on behalf of the League.

5.)The President authorizes and cosigns for all expenditures over $100.00.

6.)Oversees the general conduct of all officers, managers, coaches, umpires and players and ensures they are conducting themselves appropriately and responsibly and informs the Board of any inappropriate behavior.

7.)Presides over the Grievance and Disciplinary Committee.

8.)Completes and returns the application required to renew League charter and insurance requirements each year by February 1st.


9.)Presents year ending financial statement to the Executive Board of Directors prior to Board elections.

10.)Submits the annual budget to the Board of Directors at the first meeting afterelections for review.

11.)Approves all non-League usage of facilities.


The League Executive Vice President shall have a minimum of two years League Board experience and be a minimum 25 years of age.


1.)Performs duties assigned by the President or by the Executive Board of Directors.

2.) Exercises all the functions of the President in His/Her absence.

3.) Solicits and reports all items requiring bids.

4.)Assists each League Vice President in League management.

5.)Oversees compliance of rules and By-Laws.

6.)Member of Grievance and Disciplinary Committee.

7.)Responsible for obtaining and overseeing umpires.

8.)Reviews League game and tournament schedules and submits to Executive Board of Directors for approval.

9.) Organizes all required equipment for the League.


The Treasurer shall have a minimum of two years League Board experience and be a minimum 25 years of age.


1.)Performs duties assigned by the President or by the Executive Board of Directors.

2.)Presides over Board meetings in the Absence of the President and the Executive Vice President.

3.)Deposits funds obtained through normal League operations.

4.)Keeps financial League records.

5.)Pays invoices under $100.00 and cosigns invoices over $100.00.

6.)Prepares financial report for Board meetings.

7.)Reconciles bank statements monthly with League records.

8.)Prepare operating budget with President.

9.)Files IRS and State tax information.

10.)Performs all duties that a treasurer would ordinarily perform.



The League Secretary must be a minimum 25 years of age.


1.)Performs duties assigned by the President or by the Executive Board of Directors.

2.)Presides over Board meetings in the absence of the President, Executive Vice President and Treasurer.

3.)Keeps minutes of all Executive Board meetings.

4.) Sees all notices of Board and League meetings are properly distributed.

5.)Serves as custodian of By-Laws.

6.)Submits rosters to President for approval.


The Commissioner of Concessions must be a minimum 25 years of age.


1.)Performs duties assigned by the President or by the Executive Board of Directors.

2.)Oversees revenue generation and fundraising activities.

3.) Works with League Community Relations Leaders to facilitate all fundraising activities.

4.)Oversees all internet communication and maintenance of electronic media.


The League Commissioner of Facilities must be a minimum 25 years of age.


1.)Performs duties assigned by the President or by the Executive Board of Directors.

2.)Sees facilities (Ward Correll Sports Complex as well as any other League operated

facilities) are properly maintained, continually monitoring the overall cleanliness of the


3.)Assigns cleaning times and assignments to League Vice Presidents for fields, common areas and buildings based on need.

4.)Completes routine maintenance of buildings including the changing of air filters in HVAC systems, maintenance of irrigation systems, drainage structures throughout the facility, sound systems, score boards and changing of light bulbs in the building and field lights.

5.)Upon Board approval, shall purchase required materials needed to complete duty.

6.)Schedules mowing of fields and common areas of Ward Correll Sports Complex as well as any other League operated facilities.

7.)Sees all field supplies such as chalk, paint, field dry and conditioner are available at the field in ample quantities in order to operate no less than two days of games at all times during regular season and tournament play.



The Player Agent shall have a minimum of two years League Board experience and be a minimum 25 years of age.


1.)Performs duties assigned by the President or by the Executive Board of Directors.

2.)Supervises League sign-ups, player evaluations and the draft.

3.)Maintains a current roster and the player pool.

4.)Approves player releases and replacements.

5.)Submits final rosters to Secretary.

6.)Submits roster amendments to Secretary.

7.)Member of grievance and disciplinary committee.

8.)Supervises selection of sanctioned teams.


The Managers and Coaches Representative must be a minimum of 25 years old.


1.)Performs duties assigned by the President or by the Executive Board of Directors.

2.)See that all managers and coaches meet the Babe Ruth requirements for coaching.

3.)Helps the managers in getting certifications.

4.)Seeks out and provides coaching aids for managers and coaches.

5.)Organizes camps for players and clinics for managers and coaches.

6.)Reports any manager or coaching issues to the Board.

7.)Member of Grievance and Disciplinary Committee.


The League Pastoral Representative must be a minimum of 22 years old. The duty of this position is to evaluate the spiritual condition of the League, minister to the children and the families of the League and to seek help from their own or other churches within the community that believes and teaches of the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ.


The League Legal Representative is a Presidential appointed position with the responsibility over all legal issues pertaining to the league.



The League Vice President shall have a minimum of one-year experience on the League Board of Directors or the Executive Board of Directors, or be recommended by a member of the Executive Board of Directors, and be a minimum 25 years of age.


1.)Manages and oversees management of his/her League.

2.)Sits on the expanded Executive Board of Directors and votes on items pertaining to his/her League only. Is responsible to advise the President on issues pertaining to his/her League and supply said information in written form in order to be placed on the agenda for the Executive Board of Directors meetings.

3.)Assists the Player Agent in player evaluations, the draft and sanctioned team selections for his/her League.

4.)Directs the members of his/her League Board of Directors.

5.)Is the Chairperson for his/her League Board of Directors.

6.)Member of Grievance and Disciplinary Committee for his/her League.

7.)Generates practice, regular season and tournament schedules for his/her League.

8.)Logs and reports to the Grievance and Disciplinary Committee any deficiencies of Managers to properly care for and maintain facilities.

9.)Assures any parental concerns are immediately heard and any requested answers are given to the parent promptly through communication with the League Board (same day if possible) and parents. Solve the problem if you can. Call for a Grievance and Disciplinary meeting if issue cannot be worked out. If Grievance and Disciplinary Committee cannot resolve said issue, notify the parent that the issue will be brought before the Executive Board of Directors and provide the information, in writing, to the President in order to be placed on the agenda for the next scheduled Executive Board meeting.

10.)Provides time for managers to pick up equipment at the start of the season and inventories equipment at the end of the season.

11.) Evaluates the condition of equipment and replaces equipment in poor condition. The Executive Board of Directors must approve all equipment expenditures over $100.00.

12.)Sees game balls are at the field and are stored in a secure location.


Prior to February 10 of the calendar year, the League Vice President shall present potential League Board of Directors to the League President. The League President shall call an Executive Board meeting to approve League Board of Directors. Applicants shall have an opportunity to present a brief (5 or less minutes) presentation to the Executive Board prior to confirmation. If after completion of this process, a member of the League Board of Directors resigns his or her position, the League Vice President may appoint someone to fill the term.


This appointee will still be subject to confirmation by the Executive Board of Directors, and will not be able to serve in any official capacity until such time as confirmation takes place.

If the League Vice President resigns during their term, the Second Vice President shall succeed them for the duration of the term. In the event the Second Vice President recuses themselves from acting as League Vice President, the President shall appoint someone to fill the term.


The League Board of Directors Second Vice President must be a minimum 21 years of age.


1.)Exercise all the functions of the Vice President in his/her absence. The Second Vice President may attend an Executive Board of Directors Meeting in the absence of the League Vice President, but will not have voting rights on the Executive Board on any matter.

2.)Assists the Vice President in all duties.

3.)Member of the League Board of Directors and has voting rights in League Board meetings.


The Field Manager must be a minimum 21 years of age.


1.)Responsible for overseeing the routine maintenance of his/her League field and common areas.

2.)Member of the League Board of Directors and has voting rights in League Board meetings.

3.)Reports needs to League Vice President or Commissioner of Facilities.

4.)Aids the Commissioner of Facilities in building maintenance as needed.

5.)Assures fields are properly maintained (raked and cleaned) after the final game each day and reports any deficiencies to the Vice President or Commissioner of Facilities.

6.) Responsible for scheduling work days and assigning work duties to managers and coaches in his/her League.



The League Concession Leader must be a minimum 21 years of age.


1.) Assists the Commissioner of Community Relations in managing league fundraising.

2.) Coordinates distribution and collection of information and material pertaining to
