Dr. Eick

Project2 COSC 6335 Fall 2013

Traditional Clustering with K-Means and DBSCAN

Individual Project

Learning Objectives:

1.  Learn to use popular clustering algorithms, namely K-means and DBSCAN

2.  Learn how to summarize and interpret clustering results

3.  Learn to write R functions which operate on the top of clustering algorithms and clustering results

4.  Learning how to make sense of unsupervised data mining results

Deadline: 10/23/2013, 11p; electronic submission

Last Updated: 10/17/2003, 2p

Datasets: In the project we will use the Complex8 and the Yeast Dataset(http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Yeast ). The Complex8 dataset is a 2D dataset and Yeast is an 6D dataset[1]; the last attribute of each dataset denotes a class variable which should be ignored when clustering the data sets—however, the class variable will be used in the post analysis of the clusters which are generated by running K-means and DBSCAN.

Project2 Tasks:

1.  Write an R-function purity(a,b,outliers=FALSE) that computes the purity of a clustering result based on an apriori given set of class lables, where a gives the assignment of objects in O to clusters, and b is the “ground truth”. Purity is defined as follows: Let

O be a dataset

X={C1,…,Ck} be a clustering of O with Ci ÍO (for i=1,…,k), C1È…ÈCk ÍO and CiÇCj=Æ (for i¹ j)

PUR(X)= (number_of_majority_class_examples(X)/(total_number_examples_in_clusters(X))

If the used clustering algorithm supports outliers, outliers should be ignored in purity computations; you can assume that cluster 0 contains all the outliers, and clusters 1,2,…,k represent “true” clusters. If the parameter outliers is set to FALSE, the function just returns a floting point number of the observed purity, if parameter outliers is set to T the function returns a vector: (<purity>,<percentage_of_outliers); e.g. if the function returns (0.98, 0.2) this would indicate that the purity is 98%, but 20% of the objects in dataset O have been classified as outliers. ***

2.  Run K-means for k=8 and k=11 twice for the Complex8 dataset[2]. Visualize and interpret the obtained four clusterings! Also compute their purity using the function you developed in Task1. **

3.  Write an R-function agreement(X,Y) *** that computes the agreement between two clusterings X and Y of dataset O; agreement should be computed, as follows:

Let n be the set of objects in the dataset O and X and Y are clusterings[3] of O.

a.  Counter:= 0

b.  Iterate over all pairs of objects oj and or of the dataset O

i.  Case 1: j¹r (“Increase counter if both objects are in same cluster in X and Y or if both objects are in a different cluster in X and Y”)

Increase Counter by one if ((X$cluster(j)=X$cluster(r) and Y$cluster(j)=Y$cluster(r)) or (X$cluster(j)¹X$cluster(r) and Y$cluster(j)¹Y$cluster(r)))

ii.  Case 2: j=r (“Increase counter if object j is an outlier in both clustering X and Y or if object j belongs to a cluster in both X and Y”)

Increase Counter if ((X$cluster(j)=0 and Y$cluster(r)=0) or (X$cluster(j)>0 and Y.$cluster(r)>0))

c.  Report (Counter/((n*(n+1)/2)) as the the results of Agreement(X,Y)!

Using the agreement function you compute the agreement for each of 4 DBSCAN clusterings of the Iris dataset which were obtained using the following parameter settings:

c1<-dbscan(iris[3:4], 0.15, 3)

c2<-dbscan(iris[3:4], 0.2, 4)

c3<-dbscan(iris[3:4], 0.4, 6)

c4<- dbscan(iris[3:4],0.55, 17)

4.  Run K-means for k=5 for the Yeast dataset. Using techniques of your own liking, try to characterize the contents for the 5 clusters (additionally, you might compare the statistics of the 5 clusters with those of the complete dataset, and assess the quality of each of the 5 clusters)—what do the objects in belonging to the same cluster have in common? More sophisticated and thorough approaches[4] will obtain more credit. Summarize your findings! ********

5.  Run DBSCAN multiple times for the Yeast dataset and report and interpret a single clustering that contains between 3 and 13 clusters with less than 20% outliers. **

6.  Write a search procedure in R that searches for the best clustering by exploring different settings for the (MinPoints, epsilon) parameters of DBSCAN. The procedure maximizes purity of the obtained clustering, subject to the following constraints:

i.  There should be between 2 and 20 clusters

ii. The number of outliers should be 10% or less.

The procedure returns the “best” DBSCAN clustering found and the accomplished purity as its result; please limit the number of tested (MinPoints, epsilon)-pairs to 1000 in your implementation! ******

Explain how your automated parameter selection method works and demonstrate your automated procedure using an example!

7.  Apply the procedure you developed in Task6 to the Yeast and Complex8 datasets and report the best clustering you found. Are you happy with the obtained solution?

If you did not succeed in writing the function in Task6, manually seek for the best clustering and report those two clusterings. ***

Deliverables for Project2:

A.  A Report[5] which contains all deliverables for the six tasks of Project2.

B.  An Appendix which describes how to run the procedure that you developed for Task 6.

C.  An Appendix which contains the software you developed as part of this project; in particular the R-functions you wrote for tasks 1, 3, 6 should be included.

D.  Delivery of Project2 Reports: send an e-mail to using the subject Project2_<your lastname_Report and call the attached file <last name>_P2.docx (or <last name>_P2_.pdf )

[1] Preprocess the dataset as follows to obtain a 6D dataset, and then cluster the dataframe d:




Use the “new” attribute names when discussing clustering results.

[2] It can be found at: http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~ml_kdd/Complex&Diamond/Complex8.data ; it has been visualized at: http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~ml_kdd/Complex&Diamond/2DData.htm

[3] You can assume cluster 0 contains the outliers, if there are any.

[4] Some approaches will be discussed in the course lectures in early October. In general, you will need to come up with your own approaches for Task4 of this project and you have a lot of freedom in choosing methods to accomplish the goals of Task4; I expect that solutions for Task4 will differ a lot between students; the key points is to produce something reasonable which characterizes the content of the 5 clusters, and (optionally) assesses the quality of the obtained 5 clusters.

[5] Single-spaced; please use an 11-point or 12-point font!