COCA Steering Committee Meeting

16 February 2006

Gordon Richins, UT Co-Chair / Susan Yuan, VT Co-Chair
Laura Walker, AUCD / Carl Durocher, WI, WaismanCenter
Shelley Dumas, TX Ctr for Dis. Studies / Laurel Ryan, UT BCDD, TN, Secretary
Sharon Hauss, IN, Past Co-Chair / Angela Weaver, OR
Becky Adelman, OR / Dean Westwood, OR
Mitchell Levitz, NY / Norb Ryan, KY
Cathy Harstaad, ND / Bethany Stark, Tarjan, UCLA
Issues/Decisions: / Action Needed by:

Introduction - One

New AUCD Policy Fellow, Laura Walker introduced
She is excited to be working with COCA this year and determined to continue Joe Caldwell’s good work supporting COCA. She has been with AUCD for 3 weeks. Previously worked on local, state and national level with self-advocates and SABE, also on employment and aging issues. Feel free to contact her anytime, and she appreciates any background help she can get. Gordon underscored enthusiasm to have emphasis placed on self-advocacy, both in COCA and CAC’s. / All – Welcome Laura and contact her as needed!

Introduction – Two

Jan Moss’s resigned as Secretary of COCA
Executive Committee voted to allow Laurel Ryan of Memphis, TN to attempt to follow in Jan’s footsteps.
Reminder that Executive Committee is made up of:
2 Co-Chairs, Secretary, and Chairs of the Standing Committees – Planning, Legislative, and Nominations
Terms are: 3 years for Co-Chairs, 2 years for other Executive Committee members.
COCA Steering Committee works according to “Operational Rules,” AUCD Board of Directors has “By-laws.” / All – Send Jan messages of appreciation for her work, and invite her to continue active contact with COCA
(COCA Steering Committee) Need to Update COCA webpage with current Operational Rules and announce on List-serve?

Update: CAC TA Report

Visit by Joe and Sharon Hauss to KY CAC
Visit by Joe and Bethany Stark to WY CAC
TA Report soon to be released – awaiting approvals by ADD and AUCD Board
Background: Some CAC’s were found to be out of compliance when ADD did their Monitoring (MTAR) visits. Recommendations for CAC’s will be put into some user-friendly product which may require further COCA input/feedback. There may be more $ from ADD to AUCD to fund production. Purpose of product would be to increase leadership skills for CAC members, recruiting and retaining members, strategies for increasing diversity – cultural, regional, etc.
Current resources available on COCA web page – NM product, and resources from North Dakota

Update: MCC/COCA Joint Workgroup

Had a conference call 1/20. No call this month. Topics included: a) Need for data collection on ethnicity/race for technical assistance reporting for NIRS is questioned. Issue will be discussed further; b) AUCD Board is pleased that Councils are working together, Councils have overlapping issues of concern, but wish to maintain individual integrity; c) Discussion of AUCD Annual Meeting scheduling to allow for individuals who serve on more than one Council to attend all pertinent meetings; d) Discussion of idea to move Annual Mtg. to different regions of the country. / Laurel Ryanto post notice of next conference call to MCC and COCA list serves.

Update: AUCD End of Life Workgroup

One conference call this year. Group being led by Dr. Palmer (TN), focusing on 2 deliverables: a) seminar on issue at Annual Meeting, and; b) possible creation of a Special Interest Group (SIG) on Ethics. Judy Levy of Kennedy Kreiger in MD is good resource for this group. Issue – Standards being discussed are (what would a) “Reasonable Person” decide versus (what is in the) “Best Interest of the Person.” / Susan Yuanto post details of next conference call to COCA list serve. Open call.
Update: Disability Policy Seminar
Depressing political atmosphere in D.C. President’s proposed budget came out 1st day of the Seminar – spells more bad news for disability issues. Speakers emphasized importance of stressing history of oppression and discrimination, and values with fiscal conservatives to gain common ground. Norb Ryan emphasized that Disability Community should “vote as a block,” advertise how incumbents have voted on disability issues, and market itself as a group to be considered by candidates. Susan Yuan shared that VT Coalition interviews candidates before the election to get commitments, and then reminds them of same after elected. Laura Walker added info about AAPD Disability Pilot Project in MO, which may be weakened by this administration’s proposed limitations for non-profits to engage in voter registration activities. / Laurel Ryanwill post web address to Fact Sheets distributed at Seminar

Update: DD Act Reauthorization

Workgroup will have 3rd conference call tomorrow. Participants have included: Tom Uno, Diane Lenz, Lu Zeph, Kim Musheno, Laurel Ryan. Kim has prepared a side-by-side version of DD Act with space for suggestions for each clause. Issues proposed have included:
New language on aging
Inclusion of parents with disabilities in Family Support
Possibility of adding a new Title on Self-Determination which would include Family Support, Self-Advocacy, Youth Initiatives (promoted by Pat Morrisey, ADD)
Limiting amount of indirect costs charged by Universities to 10%
Quick time-table on this issue, as Pat Morrisey wants to have a draft by April
Question of whether bill will be “opened up” for review, or just re-authorized in 2007. / Susan Yuanwill post conference call details to list serve. Open to all.

Update: Steering Committee Operations

Possibility of having quarterly meetings with greater COCA members to share info.
Question – could regional representatives on SC report on UCEDD’s in their area – do we have regional assignments made?
Question – could we put individual UCEDD information on list serve for accessibility (written v. oral)? / All – Post ideas and comments on list serve.

Update: Gift

Bethany Stark is collecting checks for gift certificate for Joe and Ann. Currently $98. Asking for $11 from SC members who wish to contribute. Some members have. / Bethany Stark will send a reminder to SC members

Update: PAR Grant

Jennifer Johnson from ADD will have answer re: additional funds in the next few weeks. Suggestions from group have been received. Medadot training took place immediately after the end of this call.
Next Conference Call:
March16 @ 1:00 EST, 12:00 CST, 11:00 MST,
10:00 PST / Agenda – Gordon and Susan
Call reminder - Laurel

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