Spanish 1 syllabus, page

Español 1

Spanish 1

ViewPark Preparatory Accelerated CharterHigh School

Instructor: Señorita Flores


Tutoring/ Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 3:30- 4:45 pm

Course Objectives

The student will learn basic phrases, vocabulary, and the use of the present tense in order to function in at least a Novice Level in terms of communicating basic needs, feelings and questions, as well as the comprehension of simple readings. In addition to language practices, students will partake in cultural experiences and historical explorations so that they may begin the process of complete immersion into Spanish.

Classroom Expectations

*Be Respectful (Sea respestuoso(a))

*Be on time and prepared (Llegue a tiempo y preparado)

*Be ready to learn apply the skills you’ve learned (Este listo(a) para aprender y aplicar las habilidades)

Class Materials

Each day, students must come prepared for class with the necessary materials to achieve success in a foreign language classroom. The following supplies are required for Spanish class:

Text Book and supplemental handouts:

  • Course uses Prentice Hall: Realidades text and work books.

Spanish Notebook: 3-ring binder, paper, 5 dividers (Do now, Lecture Notes, Handouts, Homework/ Classwork, Tests/ Quizzes)

Spanish/ English Dictionary

Pens (Blue or Black Ink)

Course Requirements

Homework (25%)-Homework should be turned in at the beginning of class, unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. If the student is unable to understand the question, they should translate as much of the question as they know and answer to the best of their ability. Effort will be judged upon the student’s application of the material that we have covered.

Tests (20%)- Tests will be given at the end of each chapter and will include material that has already been covered on the quizzes. They will be announced in advance and will include various forms on language practice. These include but are not limited to: listening, translating, grammar, culture, and vocabulary.

Quizzes (15%)- Quizzes will be given at the midpoint of the chapter. Formal quizzes will be announced in advance. Informal, pop quizzes will also be given for the purpose of ensuring that students are keeping up with the material.

Projects (15%)- The goal of project assignments is to give the students an opportunity to display their understand of the course, outside of the traditional reading and writing methods of learning. Projects will incorporate visuals, writing, speaking and other criteria that are applicable to the assignment.

Participation (25%)- In order be considered as participating fully in the course, students must: be prepared for class with all assignments and materials, maintain productivity by taking lecture notes and remaining on task, adhere to the classroom as well as the school code of conduct, and engage in questions and answers throughout the class period. Completion of class work is also factored into the participation grade as it is vital to our productivity.

Grading Scale

98+ = A+88 – 89 = B+78 -79 = C+68 – 69 = D+

93 - 97 = A83 – 87 = B73 – 77 = C63 – 67 = D

90 – 92 = A-80 – 82 = B-70 – 72 = C-60 – 62 = D-

59 and below is an F

Technology: Technology will be integrated into the course throughout the school year. In addition to uploading homework and monitoring grades on PowerSchool, using power points, and online sites for research projects, students will also be required to converse online in the Spanish via the Blog.

Late Policy

Students are expected to be in class each period. In the event of an absence, the student should turn in the homework that was due on the missed day and request the missed HOMEWORK assignment at the end of the class on the day they return to school. Missed assignments may be turned in within one week of the original due date in order to receive partial credit. Tests, Quizzes, and Classworkcan only be made up within one week of the student’s return during office hours.

Thank you for support and cooperation. Together we will achieve a successful learning semester.

-Señorita Flores

I have read and agree to the Spanish 1 syllabusof View Park Prep ACHS


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