Implant Exam Changes Frequently Asked Questions
In response to issuing the “Changes to the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) Diploma in Implant Dentistry Final Examination” (Tuesday 19th July 2016), the FGDP has created this information sheet to respond to frequently asked questions.
If you have further unanswered questions, please contact the FGDP in the first instance.
Which types of cases will be assessed in the new examination format?
For the standard Diploma, the assessed case types will be: one Type 1 case, one Type 2 case, one Type 3 case and one other case. The type of this final case is chosen by the candidate themselves and can any case (including types 1-3).
For the Advanced Certificate, the assessed case types will include two Type 4 cases (6 cases in total).
When will I study the threeunseen cases?
The three unseen cases will be studied at the time of the examination. Candidates will then respond to structured clinical reasoning questions.
Will the new examination format examine my own cases as well as the unseen cases?
Yes. Candidates will respond to questions about their own cases.
How will the 90 minutes of the new examination format be spent?
Candidates will have: 30 minutes to study the previously unseen cases, 30 minutes to answer the associated structured clinical reasoning questions, and 30 minutes to answer questions on their own presented clinical cases.
Will the overall examination eligibility criteria change?
No. To be eligible for the examination, candidates must have completed all relevant components of the course, including attending all units and passing all practicals, assignments. Candidates from previous cohorts will be permitted to sit the new exam a maximum of two years following the first diet of the new exam format in June 2017 – up until June 2019. If sitting the old examination format, candidates must prepare eight clinical cases for the Diploma two type 4 cases for the Advanced Certificate. If sitting the new examination format, candidates must prepare four clinical cases for the Diploma and two type 4 cases for the Advanced Certificate. All candidates are welcome to sit the Diploma and Advanced Certificate at the same time.
Will the new examination format be written?
No. The new examination will be entirely oral.
Candidates from Cohort 15, 16 and 17 will be able to choose the new or old examination format. Will choosing one format over the other impact upon future Advanced Certificate progression?Will choosing one format over the other impact upon future MSc progression?
Choosing one examination format over another will not impact upon an individual’s Advanced Certificate progression.
Choosing one examination over another will not impact upon an individual’s MSc progression.
When will the exam and update course for candidates on Cohort 14 or earlier be held?
The first new examination format will take place in 2017. Therefore, the update course is expected to be held in Spring 2017. Information about the update course (such as dates and costing) will be published in Autumn 2016.