Action Research Resources

Writing a Research Report

This short guide is written to help you approach the writing of a research report and our best advice is to start thinking about this as soon as you can and planning it intoyour work/life schedule.

The guidelines provide a general introduction to planning and writing a report but it is suggested that you read about writing research reports/dissertations before starting – see bibliography and our resources guide on this site.

We hope that you enjoy the experience of carrying out research and remember that your mentor/tutor is there to support you through the process. It might also help you to join a research action set of others writing their reports.



A good research report should demonstrate:

  • an understanding of underpinning themes critically evaluated gained from extensive, relevant reading of relevant literature on previous research.
  • the ability to collect data and evidence systematically and justify your choices
  • the ability to interpret, analyse and evaluate data and evidence
  • an ability to present data and evidence accurately and appropriately
  • critical thinking – raise and discuss issues, not just present findings
  • an ability to report effectively
  • an ability to reflect on learning

It is useful to discuss the following with your mentor/tutor at the first meeting on your research report.


  • Agree a target submission date
  • Word limit
  • Intermediate dates
  • Presentation format
  • Available support
  • House style


  1. Decide on a possible focus and discuss with mentor/tutor.
  2. Draw up a schedule: include completion dates for different stages
  3. Decide on literature to be reviewed
  4. Investigate research methodology
  5. Set up project and collect data
  6. Sort/study data
  7. Analyse/interpret data
  8. Draw conclusions
  9. Make recommendations
  10. Evaluate and write personal reflections


These will vary depending on the type of research report you are doing and the available time within any given contract or semester.

Ideally the following is an idea of timescales you might need to ensure that you give sufficient time and attention to each part of the process.

  • 2 months: Reading, making notes, planning, setting up systems, writing introduction
  • 2 months: Writing literature review
  • 1 month: Refining/writing up research methods
  • 1 month: Collecting/recording data
  • 1 month: Analysing data
  • 1 month: Writing conclusions and compiling bibliography and appendices
  • 1 month Proofreading, correcting, binding


General guidance

  • Choose something that interests you but without any pre-conceived ideas of what you are likely to find out. This could/should (depending on brief) be an area that would be useful to the organisation. If this involves your organisation, discuss terms of reference with them to ensure they agree the research is appropriate and whether the research can be published.
  • Consider feasibility such as
  • "Life" of topic
  • Likely result/usefulness
  • Timescales
  • Literature available
  • Ethical/moral considerations
  • Anticipated problems


  • Jot down possible areas of interest.
  • Draw up a shortlist of topics.
  • Check in library how much has been written about a topic.
  • Use internet to check for research journals/articles written on similar topics.
  • Compare/contrast a couple of articles on a topic.
  • Discuss with others in the organisation or in your research action set.


Process of refining and clarifying:

  1. Identify broad area of study
  2. Refine to aspect of particular interest
  3. Decide purpose (to develop theory, monitor practice, evaluate, increase understanding, practical outcomes?)
  4. Ask basic initial questions to narrow down to specific area (who, what, where, when, why, how?)
  5. Refine questions to define precise focus.
  6. Draft title - use positive terms in title to reflect purpose (e.g. evaluate, examine, measure, survey, assess)

An example of how to do this is taken from Barnes, R.(2004) as follows:

  • Broad area of study: Unemployment
  • Particular interest: Youth unemployment
  • Initial questions:
  • Who do I mean by youth?
  • Which young people in particular am I interested in?
  • What is the context?
  • What aspects of unemployment am I concerned about and why?
  • Specific area: Unemployment among 16 to 25 year olds in Nowheresville.
  • Purpose: To find out how many young people are unemployed and how this affects them and their community. To suggest ways of improving things.
  • Precise focus: The effects of unemployment on16-25 year olds in Nowheresville and on the local community.

Meet with your mentor/tutor and take a few possible titles for discussion.


When writing your report, you need to think about your reader and present it in a way that is easy to follow. Use of headings, paragraph numbers, tables, charts and diagrams all help to take your reader on a clearly signposted journey.

We suggest you use the following headings to structure your report:

Title page - title of report, your name, organisation, date of submission, name of tutor.

Acknowledgements - optional

Contents page-chapters, appendices, tables, figures, illustrations

Executive Summary–This is a summary and outline of main findings including context, purpose, objectives, methods, main results, conclusions and recommendations for the reader to get a feel for whether the rest of the report is of sufficient interest to warrant spending time reading it!

Introduction – including background, organisational context and circumstances leading to the investigation, the terms of reference, aims and objectives.

Literature review – a criticalanalysis of the most significant contributions to the literature, the theories, concepts, issues and research reports that have shaped your research questions and the approach you have chosen. Put your own work into context. Move from general background/standard theoretical works to more precise, recent work relevant to your topic. Cover a range of positions – not just those you agree with. Show how existing theories/research findings clarify your work.

Research methodology – Evidence of systematic data collection and clear presentation of findings. This includes a justification for the choice of methods chosen to investigate your topic, the procedures used, any ethical issues, strengths and weaknesses of the approach, issues of validity and reliability. Explain approach taken and why particular methods and techniques were used. Describe procedures, size of samples, methods of selection, choice of variables and controls, any tests of measurement, etc. Mention deficiencies in methods. Clear presentation of the findings using charts, graphs etc. where appropriate.

Analysis and interpretation of Findings – Comprehensive analysis and interpretation of findings in a holistic and integrated manner. Construct a logical, consistent argument based on the findings which analyses the information in the light of your research objectives and the literature reviewed.

Conclusions – Summarise main points and state any conclusions which can be drawn. These must be based on evidence and indicate how firm the conclusion is. Conclusions links the analysis of your findings with your recommendations

Recommendations – these are a natural follow-on from your conclusions and are actions for the future. They should be realistic, timely and cost-effective and supported by an action plan.

Evaluation/personal reflections – this is where you can tell your reader what you have learned from the whole process of your research. Include comments from the organisation where appropriate.

Bibliography/Webliography – this is your list of sources used. You must reference properly and fully to avoid plagiarism whether intentional or not.

Please ensure that any quotations are acknowledged

We use the Harvard system of referencing, so do speak to your mentor/tutor if you aren’t sure whether you are following the conventions correctly.

Appendices – Typical items to go in this section could be copies of any questionnaires, interview schedules etc. Please do not use this section as a ‘dumping ground’ for including all the information you want to put in the report but would go over the word limit in doing so! It can be very irritating for the reader to have to flip back and forth to follow your discussion. The report should stand alone – without the appendices!



Having decided on a topic it is essential to start reading to find out what is already known about that subject. A key feature of any project is to demonstrate an awareness of how it fits into the wider context of theory and practice and this will be shown through the literature review. This is good practice for any project you undertake.

The theoretical models which are identified will run as a theme through the report. They will have a number of benefits as you progress through the report including:

Getting ideas for your project

Once you have identified a topic, by reading around it you can see how other people have tackled similar investigations. You can also get a feel for the sort of views that are relevant to your topic, particularly views that might not be expressed in an everyday work or managerial environment. In this way you can generate fresher or more interesting ideas and you should be able to clarify your initial thoughts about the way forward with your project. It is important to read literature which both confirms and disconfirms your ideas so that you can generate a balanced viewpoint.

Developing a framework for analysis

When you have gathered your data, later in the project, you will have to analyse and interpret it. In order to do this effectively you will need to know what the key issues and concepts are and how they relate to each other. These key issues and concepts will come from a critical analysis of the literature you have read.

Collecting secondary data

Reading around the subject might also reveal relevant examples of other organisations in a similar position or numerical data that is useful for comparison with your data or for benchmarking purposes.

Start reading as soon as you have an idea for your report.

As you read note different ideas down and critically evaluate them against your own organisation and ideas/models from other literature.

Start your bibliography using the Harvard referencing system and note books or journals in it as you read them.

Draft ideas and send to/make notes for your mentor/tutor for discussion. This is really useful as it gives an opportunity to share your reading and evaluation with your mentor/tutor and explore the relevance of the literature to your topic.


If you are part of an academic establishment then you will undoubtedly have access to a large library and online journals and these make a good starting point for your literary research. However, practitioners in the workplace might not have thisluxury and it is suggested that around 6 books plus academic journals and other sources are used so here are a few hints and tips:

A useful start, where you are a member,are the professional bodies websites. They usually have books on the subject in their library, fact sheets and articles which might be relevant. The fact sheets and articles often also have bibliographies. This will give you an idea of some of the books and journals which deal with your topic.

Once you have some titles of books, it is useful to find reviews so that you can get an idea of how useful they will be to your particular area of research. Useful sites for this are online book companies like Amazon which give book reviews. Also check whether your company subscribes to any online book companies like books 24 which offer an online subscription service for management books.

Having decided on 5/6 books that look interesting you could ask your public library to get these for you – most libraries offer a service where they will get almost any book in print for you in 2-3 weeks. It might be worth buying one or two key texts.

Books are an excellent way of getting background reading on a topic and finding out the established views. However research into different aspects is ongoing and it is important to have up to date academic research to show that you are aware of the latest thinking. This does need to be credible, valid and reliable and therefore it is suggested you only use reliable sources. When using general web searches ensure that they are from credible sources such as universities (they have ac in their url eg

Tip: As you read note down useful quotes and start bibliography – this way you won’t forget which books you’ve read and where the quotes came from! Doing the bibliography as you go along also seems less daunting.


Being critical does not necessarily mean being negative, but it does involve you in responding to what you have read in a way that examines the reading objectively. There are a number of ways of doing this:

  • Include work that supports your ideas but also consider approaches that oppose them.
  • Make explicit the values and theories that underpin what you are reading about and then consider how well they link together
  • Discuss what you are reading in the light of existing critiques of the theories and concepts
  • Relate different readings with each other – look for similarities but also for contradictions or tensions between the opinions and approaches of different authors
  • Support your arguments and judgements about the value of different approaches with reasoned explanations.

How to approach the literature review

Start at a general level and outline the main contextual features of the topic you are researching.

Provide a brief overview of key ideas that are relevant to the topic.

Summarise, compare and contrast the work of key writers in the field

Narrow down to highlight the work most relevant to your research

Highlight any areas where your research will provide fresh insights.

Points to remember!

Include theories that are relevant to your investigation

Demonstrate that you are up to date in your knowledge of the topic.

Write a critical assessment of previously published work on the topic. This involves identifying its strengths and weaknesses as well as any areas that may have been left out or handled in a biased way.

You must show adequate references to substantial and appropriate research-oriented journals within your literature review.

Harvard Referencing

As you find your sources get into the habit of using a referencing system. The most common system is the Harvard and looks like this:

ANDERSON, V. (2004) ‘Research Methods in Human Resource Management’, London, CIPD.

PEOPLE MANAGEMENT (2000) ‘Managers fail to blow whistle on fraud’ 28 December.

PURCELL, K. and ELIAS, P. (2003)‘On higher ground’, People Management, 29 May.

BELL, J. (1993) 2nd. edn. ‘Doing Your Research Project’, Buckingham, OUP


LESTER STAN (1997) Learning for the 21st Century,

LESTER STAN (1996) Beyond Knowledge and Competence,


The term methodology means an ‘analysis of and rationale for the particular method or methods used’ (Jankowicz (2000) pp 212-13) and an explanation and justification of the methods you have chosen to use for your research is required for the MRR.

This justification includes the choice of methods chosen to investigate your topic, the procedures used, any ethical issues, strengths and weaknesses of the approach, issues of validity and reliability. You will also need to explain the approach taken and why particular methods and techniques were used, describe procedures, size of samples, methods of selection, choice of variables and controls, any tests of measurement, etc. and mention any deficiencies in methods.

When planning to collect your data your starting point is to think about the following (taken from Valerie Anderson):

What are my research questions?

Specifically – what information do I need

to answer my research questions?

How or where can I get the information I need?

Secondary dataPrimary data

Published sourcesUnpublished sourcesQualitative dataQuantitative data

eg company documents

How will I identify and accessWhat is the research population?

potential sources of secondary


What would form a representative

sample of the research population?

How will I record the data I obtain?

How reliable and valid will my data be?

Once you have decided on the questions/objectives of your research then you can plan the methods that will give you the information you need. Some basic research methods with their advantages, disadvantages and challenges are given below – see

Overview of Basic Methods to Collect Information
Written by Carter McNamara, PhD | Applies to nonprofits and for-profits unless noted