Valley View Elementary
Accelerated Reader Program
Valley View Elementary Students participate in the Accelerated Reading Program. Students are encouraged to read and test on books. They earn points for the tests they pass and thus accumulate points throughout the year. Students are expected to obtain a certain number of points every six weeks which count as part of their Reading grade in the classroom.
As part of the Reading Grade: Students must accumulate the following points every six weeks.
Pre-Kinder / Kindergarten / First Grade / Second Grade / ThirdGrade / Fourth Grade
Points needed for Reading Grade every Six Weeks / 6 points / 9 points / 11 points / 14 points / 17 points / 19 points
For rewards: Students may accumulate points to join the Reading Clubs for rewards.
Grade Level / Points Needed by end of School Year / Points Needed for Bronze Club / Points Needed for Silver Club / Points Needed for Gold ClubPre-Kinder / 40
Kindergarten / 50
First Grade / 70 / 100 / 140
Second Grade / 90 / 120 / 160
Third Grade / 110 / 140 / 180
Fourth Grade / 130 / 160 / 200
Pre-Kinder and Kindergarten students will receive certificates of participation at the end of the school year.
Students in 1st through 4th Grade will receive medals at the end of the year (Bronze, Silver or Gold depending on the points they accumulated).
The TOP POINT EARNER in grades 1st through 4th will be presented with a trophy if they are the top reader in the grade level at the end of the year.
At the end of each six weeks, we recognize the class which has earned the most points at each grade level. Those TOP CLASS POINT EARNERs will participate in a reward activity after the six weeks.
A reward activity will be planned for the end of the first semester for all students who have obtained enough points to be in the Bronze Club. Example – afternoon of fun OR The Zone excursion.
A reward activity will be planned for the end of the school year for all students who have obtained enough points to be in the Gold Club and PK, K students who have the required points. Example – fieldtrip
AR Millionaires (students who read 1,000,000 words or more) will be recognized at a Board Meeting and receive a certificate.