Minutes of the Committee Meeting

Held at St. Joseph's School

Monday 18th July2016


Ms Helen Hughes (Joint Vice Chairperson) / Ms Fiona Stock (Joint Vice Chairperson)
Ms Dearbhla Porter / Ms Aine Elshaw (Secretary)
Ms Karen Davitt (Trustee) / Ms Olivia Claffey (Trustee)
Mr Sean Adams (Trustee) / Ms Liz Pither (Treasurer & Trustee)
Ms Sara Quinn (Trustee)

Apologies were received fromMrs Walsh, Sian Thame, Mrs Millican, Sacha Ninon, Sarah Butler, Karen Jones, Jane Thynne, Susan Blackwell, Lorraine Porter, Michelle Parker.

1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

The minutes from the committee meetings held on 27th April were approved by Helen Hughes.

2. Report from Treasurer

A copy of the report is attached to the minutes.

3. Report from Chair

The Chair expressed thanks to the committee and trustee members for their support over the previous year.

4. School Requirements

Mrs Walsh met with Liz Pither during the week as she was unable to attend the meeting. Mrs Walsh reflected on the previous academic year and the SJA’s activities. Acknowledgement was given on the funds raised across all the events.

Feedback was also given with regards to the forward planning of events and the communication of the events with Mrs Walsh’s staff.

£5,000 is required for the purchase of additional lap tops.

More reading books are required – coded readers that will cost approximately £500.

Summer Fayre – profit was remarkable. There has been feedback from families who have expressed that the ticket prices were expensive. Feedback from the committee was that analysis was done before assigning a price to the tickets – taking into consideration the number of free activities on the day (unlimited bouncing castle, face painting, etc.). Feedback from the committee was that it was extremely difficult to enlist support from parents in the organising the fayre and again on the day of the summer fayre.

It was proposed and agreed by the committee that a letter would be sent to all parents to remind them about the SJA as a committee and to ask for more involvement and also to remind parents of the items purchased by the SJA for the good of the children at the school.

5. SJA Committee – Roles & Trustees

The committee discussed with concern the future of the SJA and what measures could be taken to ensure that parents realise that the SJA is their parent/teacher committee who work together to raise funds for the good of the children and the school. The committee is made up of volunteers.

In September, the following roles will be vacant and without filling these roles the SJA will be disbanded. Under Section 6 of these minutes, “Upcoming Events” are listed, without the SJA committee running these events, they will not be scheduled.

Chair– the oversee the events organised by the SJA ensuring that events are scheduled and organised effectively, to liaise with the President of the SJA, make decisions on behalf of the SJA with the support of the trustees and committee, schedule and chair four meetings per year

Vice Chair – support the chair in the roles listed above.

Treasurer–financial management of the funds raised by the committee, safeguard the monies raised, banking, ensure committee is operating within charity guidelines, ensure accounts are maintained in keeping with accounting practices. (this role does not have to be held by a qualified accountant, an interest in figures is an advantage). It is helpful if this role is held by a parent/carer who is in the playground regularly to pay expenses/get cheques countersigned, etc.

Trustees– attend committee meetings, make decisions with the committee,assist with organising events, encouraging volunteers to help at events,

6. Upcoming Events

Quiz Night– October 15th is proposed

Family Disco– November 12th is proposed (book the same DJ as last year)

Key Stage 1 Christmas Party– date TBC

Christmas Tree Sales– details TBC

Christmas Raffle (Hampers)– details TBC

KS2 Christmas Disco December 16th 2016- (Rob, DJ, has been booked).

Christmas Jumper Day – date TBC

Christmas Cards – details TBC

Pantomine– Sunday 18th December at 1pm at Dorking Halls. £13 per ticket for pantomime (£2 less than group concession rate), includes a ‘meet the cast’ session. Price per ticket to families to be discussed at AGM. 250 tickets have been reserved. Deadline for confirming details is October 2016.

New Family Coffee Morning– date TBC

Bags to School – date TBC (November and March)(Susana Blackwell), check dates with other companies (e.g. Happy School Bags).

Summer Fayre 2017 –

Easter Egg Hunt –

St. Joseph Day Lollies –

Leavers Disco -

Family Disco –

Summer Ball –

Production Evening Bar -

Instrumental Evening Bar -

Mad Hair Day – (was 15th April 2016)

Mufty Day –

Fun Run –

Reading Afternoons –

Friday afternoon lolly sales -

5. Licence Requirements

To be discussed at September meeting – Quiz Night is the first event.

8. Any Other Business

There was no other business.

The next meeting is Wednesday 12thOctober at 7pm in the Lower Hall – this meeting will be the AGM followed by a committee meeting – everyone is welcome.

Meeting Closed

Signed: ...... Date: ......
