Clues to solving practice test problems:

1. About 25 cm = ____

2. It’s definitely less than 1mm (thickness of a penny), which means it must be ____

3. Direction of motion changes. Which quantity represents both speed and direction of motion?

4. vi = 16, vf = 0, t= 4. Use Vave = d/t

5. vi = 10, a = 1.5, d = 600. Use Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2ad

6. vi = 10. A = 5, t = 10. Use d = (vi)(t) + (½)at^2

7. a = 2, vi = 8, vf = 28, find t using a = delta V / t

8. all falling objects and projectiles have the same acceleration, which is…

9. vi = 0, a = -9.8, vf = 98. Find t using a = delta V / t

10. ALL objects in freefall have the same acceleration regardless of mass

11. a = 9.8, vi = 0, f = -19.6 (remember, it falls downwards so displacement is negative) find t using d = ViT + ½ at^2

12. Find distance fallen using D = ½ at^2 (since Vi = 0) and compare

13. ave speed = distance traveled / time

14. see the y=axis for displacement

15. slope = velocity is constant, so what else is constant?

16. Speed is measured on the y-axis

17. Slope is acceleration. Which section has the largest slope?

18. Distance = area under the curve. This involves finding area of a triangle and a rectangle.

19. really easy if you know what inertia means

20. no unbalanced forces (aka, balanced) means staying at rest or moving at a constant speed. Which of these diagrams indicates one of these?

21. Find Fnet based on diagram, and then find a = Fnet/m

22. If you can’t figure this out from the equation a = Fnet/m, try making up values, double the force and see what happens to a.