Gospel of John – Week 2
John 1:6-9 (NRSV)
6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. 8He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. 9The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.
What from the sermon this week resonated with you or encouraged you to think or live differently?
Last week my 3 children were off from school due to Thanksgiving. One afternoon we heard a knock on the door. Two children about the same age as my boys were standing in the doorframe and asked, “Do kids live in this house?”
We are fairly new to the neighborhood and these strangers took it upon themselves to introduce themselves to my kids and then invited them to come play. They were witnesses to the availability of the neighborhood. They rode bikes and they organized a soccer game in the cul-de-sac. They also introduced my kids to each house in the neighborhood that was also populated with children. It was truly endearing. They were witnesses to all the good things to participate in.
John did the same. John pointed to Jesus. John made no claims to be Jesus, but didn’t want anyone to miss out. The neighborhood kids did the same for my children. They didn’t want my kids to be missing out on all that was to come.
Who in your life has been a witness to Jesus and the abundance of the Christian life? How were they a witness to Jesus?
We all witness to something or someone. Our behavior is the primary way in which we witness. The true determination of what we believe is our behavior. That being said, how might others describe your beliefs based on your behavior?
In the past, the Church used to assign witnessing to select Christians that demonstrated a competency at evangelism. This is why for many churches, mission belongs to the professionals that are willing to give up everything and move far away. The reality is that we are all called to witness to the good works of Jesus, and each of us is a missionary to every person we meet.
What do you believe about your call to be a witness as a Christian?
How does your belief inform your actions?
When was the last time you intentionally witnessed to the goodness of Jesus?
What behaviors could you adopt that would help reinforce the beliefs you hold?
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church – www.epconline.org -