Headteacher: Mr John Serle

Thomas Reade Primary School

Radley Road

Abingdon, Oxon

OX14 3RR

29th September 2014

Phone: 01235-554795

Dear Parents,

Following the success of last years visit to Kilvrough we have booked the following opportunity for your child.

There will be a 5 day visit from Monday 18th May – Friday 22rd May 2015 and priority will be given to year 6 children.

The cost of this visit is £315.00 which includes accommodation, meals, transport, activities and boot hire.

The Centre

The centre is located on the Gower Peninsula, 7 miles west of Swansea, set in ten acres of ground providing a secure location within an area of natural beauty. It is one of Oxfordshire’s Education Authority Outdoor Education Centres. There is access to spectacular beaches, rocky shores and cliffs as well as sand dunes and salt marsh habitats. It is within a short journey from the Brecon Beacons National Park as well as the industrial valleys of South Wales. The proximity to a wide variety of environment and habitats enables a very broad range of high quality outdoor educational experiences.


The house provides accommodation for 60 children in small single sex dormitories, with staff having separate rooms.

Drying facilities are provided and there is a specialist field/work classroom with a wide range of equipment. There is a comfortable lounge with magazines and a TV/DVD player. The catering facilities have been given a silver award by the local Environmental Health Offices.


Centre staff are committed to looking after children and visiting staff, to ensure a successful course. The catering team cater for vegetarians and those with special diets. The Head of the centre is a resident and a member of the centre staff will be on duty each evening along side the staff from the school during the visit.


Kilvrough offers a wide range of exciting activities which can include climbing, abseiling, caving, orienteering, surfing, seashore studies and team building activities. In addition a wide range of study topics can be offered which include local studies, environmental studies including rocky shore, freshwater streams, moor lands and sand dunes.


The centre has an exemplary record of safety and is licensed under the Young Peoples Safety Act, 1995. Kilvrough Manor has been inspected by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) and is registered as licensed to provide specified activities under the following headings; Caving, Climbing, Trekking and Water Sports.


The centre offers unbeatable value for money and offers a wide range of courses and programmes which unlock both the individual and the group’s potential, through providing exciting and positive learning experiences in dramatic environments within a framework of safety.

The cost of the visit includes return transport from school to the centre, Board and Lodging, Insurance, Activities with full protective clothing and all specialist equipment required.


The Kilvrough Residential experiences forms part of the curriculum and enables children to value themselves throughout the unlocking of personal potential through success, to value others through participation in group activities and experience to take part in wider curriculum experiences outside the normal school environment.


Transport between the school and the centre will be by coach.

Pattern of Payment

Due to the centres cancellation policy a deposit of £115.00 is required to secure your child’s place to school office by Thursday 20th November. The balance can be paid by instalments. It must be paid in full by Thursday 26th March 2015. If you envisage any problems please call into the school office.

Yours sincerely,

John Serle


web: http://www.thomas-reade.oxon.sch.uk e-mail: