Youth Week WA 2019 Grants Program
Youth Week WA 2019 Grants Program
Youth Week WA 2019 Grants Program
Please refer to the Department of Communities’ website at to access the application form.Contact should be made with the Letty Durkin, Grants Officer, at the Department of Communities on (08) 6551 8412 to discuss your project before completing the application form.
To be considered all applications must be received by the Department of Communities by email or post by the closing date. Please allow up to 12 weeks from the closing date for your application to be processed.
Closing date: 4:00pm, Thursday, 6 December 2018.
About the program
Youth Week WA (13-20 April 2019)celebrates the positive contributions of young people to our community.It provides young people aged 10-25 and their communities with an opportunity to organise events that:
- raise issues, ideas and concerns of young people and explore possible solutions
- profile the role of young people in the community
- showcase the talents and creativity of young people
- encourage young people to engage with other community sectors e.g. seniors, carers, volunteering etc.
The Department of Communities coordinates Youth Week WA and is responsible for:
- providing information to support the involvement and inclusion of young people and partnerships with other youth agencies
- administering the Youth Week WA Grants Program
- providing advice and promotional opportunities to activity/event organisers
What is covered by the grant
Funding of up to $1,000 is available for organisations to deliver a range of events/activities including:
- festivals/events
- workshops, seminars and talks
- award ceremonies
- forums
Funding of up to $3,000 is available for collaborative community-wide events involving a range or partners that are actively involved in the planning and delivery. Activities may include:
- a community-wide youth festival with various organisations hosting individual activities
- the delivery of multiple events/activities throughout Youth Week WA
Please contact the Grants Officer to discuss your event and the potential level of funding available.
Funding may be used for:
A range of items associated with staging an event/activity or directly related to the delivery of the project such as:
- transport
- equipment/venue hire
- food and non-alcoholic beverages
- minor administration costs such as postage, phone
- purchase of minor capital equipment
- publication costs of material created through the project
- resource materials and consumable items
- publicity, communications and marketing costs
- external facilitators and/or consultants
Funding may not be used for:
- prizes and gifts
- staff wages
- infrastructure and capital equipment
- ongoing operating costs
- interstate and overseas travel
- retrospective costs (any money spent before the grant is approved)
- projects involving fund-raising, unless the funds go directly back into the project
- projects that duplicate an existing or similar project/service within the community (e.g. school activities or sporting/cultural events)
Assessment criteria:
Each application will be assessed against the following criteria:
- the event/activity will be held during WA Youth Week 2019(13-20 April 2019)
- demonstrates that young people are involved in the planning and running of the event/activity
- the focus of the event is on acknowledging and celebrating the positive contribution young people make to their local communities
- provides opportunities for for young people aged 10-25 to raise issues of concern to them and explore possible solutions
- provides opportunities for young people to showcase and/or develop their skills and talents
- a range of community organisations, local government and government agencies are involved in project planning and delivery (partnerships)
- evidence of sound planning and demonstrated ability to manage the project
- the requested grant amount is reasonable given the aim of the project, number of participants and expected outcomes (value for money.)
Priority will be given to events held in regional and remote areas of Western Australia and to events and organisations that have not previously been funded through the Youth Week WA Grants Program.
Who can apply:
Eligible groups and organisations must be:
- an incorporated not–for–profit community organisation
- a local government authority
- an unincorporated organisation or community group, applying through the auspice of an incorporated body or a local government authority.
Who cannot apply:
You should not apply for this grant if you are:
- a federal or state agency
- an individual
- a commercial for-profit organisation
- an unincorporated not-for-profit community sector organisation (unless applying through an incorporated body or a local government authority)
- an organisation located in the Indian Ocean Territories.
Organisations that have not provided an acquittal and/or evaluation from previous Department of Communities grant or program funding in accordance with the agreed time frames, are ineligible to apply until the required documentation has been submitted. Please contact the Department if there are any queries about the organisation’s acquittal status.
How to apply
Step 1.Contact Letty Durkin, Grants Officer, Department of Communities, on
(08) 6551 8412 or at discuss your project idea and confirm that it falls within the Grant Program guidelines.
There is no question too big or too small
Step 2.Download the application form and complete all sections of the document with respect to the proposed project
Step 3.Before submitting an application for assessment, take a moment to complete the checklist at the end of the application form to ensure that all application criteria have been met and all relevant information and attachments have been included.
Step 4.Applications can be submitted to the Department of Communities, via the following means:
Email (preferred):
Please ensure that a scanned copy of the signed declaration is included with email submissions. If it is not possible to include a scanned copy of the signed declaration, please post the original copy to the department within five working days.
Please note, as there is a limit to the size of attachments that can be accepted by email, supporting documents can be sent via post. Please refer to this in the email should additional information be posted.
Post:PO Box 6334,EASTPERTH 6892
Step 5.All applications will be acknowledged via email within five business days of receipt. Should you not receive an acknowledgement, please contact the Department by telephone or email to confirm that your application has been received.
Assessment and notification
Please allow up to twelve weeks from the closing date for advice regarding the outcome of an application.
All applications will be reviewed against the assessment criteria outlined above. All organisations that apply for funding will be notified in writing of the outcome of the submission.
Successful applicants
Successful applicants will be required to report on the activities undertaken, participants and partners, lessons learned, evaluation of effectiveness, outcomes achieved, and a certified statement of income and expenditure for the funded project. Once the project is completed, the acquittal report must be submitted to meet the requirements, which will be specified once the grant is approved.
Any unspent grant funds, or grant funds not expended in accordance with the grant program, must be returned to the Department of Communities
For further information
If you require further information about the Youth Week WA Grants Program or assistance in completing the application form, please contact:
Letty Durkin
Grants Officer
Department of Communities
PO Box 6334
Telephone: (08) 6551 8412
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) – Telephone: 13 14 50
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