Page 1 of 3, AGC Board Minutes, 05/01/13


Board of Directors Meeting

Date:Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Place: Townsquare Bank, Conference Room, Nicholasville, KY

Time:11:30 a.m.

Type of Meeting: Regular Bi-Monthly Meeting

Present: Rob Amburgey, Tommy Cobb, Becky Mackey, Rand Marshall,Rhonda Moberly,Sheila Simpson, Karl Smith, Pam Smith, Dave Wash

Absent: Bob Damron, Tom Buford,Wayne Hayden, Carolyn Wilkinson

Meeting called to order by Board Chairman Tommy Cobb

Prayer Requests: Pam Smith, praise concerning her brother who is recovering from being treated for Stage 4 bladder cancer -- latest scan showed no cancer

Sheila Simpson, her mother is experience debilitating pain from osteo and rheumatoid arthritis— although she wants to remain independent, a decision has to be made concerning her future living arrangements

Tommy Cobb, wife, Kathy is doing better, one son is graduating from college and another is going to Brazil with a mission team

Praise: Elizabeth, a customer of Tommy’s bank, shared she had been given 6 weeks to live because of cancer—she returned last week to report that the last two scans showed she is cancer free

Karl Smith—his mother continues to decline mentally, although her physical health is good

Prayer: Rand Marshall

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from March 6, 2013 Board Meeting were presented (attached). Motion to accept as presented: Dave Wash. Second: Rhonda Moberly. Motion passed.

Employee/Guest Recognition/Introduction: Although she was unable to attend the Board meeting, Ashley Graham was presented as the new Residential Supervisor. Due to other responsibilities, most of her duties will be performed at night and on weekends. She has been an excellent Youth Care worker at AGC for some time and has the quiet ability to be firm in the rules and policies while maintaining a caring, loving relationship with the residents.

Development / Marketing Report:

Development Reports from Ronda May (attached)

Board members were able to review this before the meeting via email. An update on some of the plans follows:

Motorcycle Run (6/01/13)—Rhonda Moberly reported that registrations were beginning to come in. A location in Lawrenceburg for the pit stop is being secured. Board members were encouraged to take the printed flyers for this event and post them, if possible. Good prize packages and raffles are planned for this year. There has been good response to the fact that there are four different routes this year.

Taste of Jessamine County (5/10/13)—AGC will be one of the beneficiaries of the proceeds of this event. Board members were encouraged tocontact Ronda as soon as possible if they could volunteer to help with setup and/or cleanup. Flyers were provided for members to post.

Mom Prom(4/26/13)—In addition to the information furnished by Ronda May, Pam and Rhonda Moberly reported on the Mom Prom. It was a huge success with delicious food, great silent auction, recognition of residents who were graduatingand many other activities that contributed to an evening of fun and entertainment. Tasha, a former resident of AGC, gave a very inspirational speech. Pam suggested that, in the future, this event be planned closer to Mother’s Day.

Event at Euro Bar—Pam attended this with Ronda May where some very nice donations were given to AGC totaling $3,200. Also, contacts were made with representatives from Valvoline and the Children’s Golf Classic which could possibly result in being named one of the beneficiaries at their future events.

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Therapeutic Foster Care Report:

Report from Kathryn Maupin (attached). Board members were able to review this before the meeting via email. Referrals are coming in daily and there is a great need for homes that will take both a mom and her baby. While

this has become a very competitive business, AGC does not plan to participate in some of the advertising that has been seen. We would like for the community to learn about us by word of mouth and Board members were encouraged to share this part of our ministry whenever possible. Motion to accept the Development and Therapeutic Foster Care Reports: Dave Wash. Second: Becky Mackey. Motion passed.

Occupancy & Programming Reports:

Census Bed Days Report (attached) The numbers continue to look good. Although the numbers are ahead of last year, that seems to be leveling off somewhat. The Independent Living numbers reflect improvement, with two residents preparing to move to this facility. Karl has begun to chart the Foster Care Program data and that will be furnished to the Board at each meeting.

Executive Director Reports:

Resident Story: Pam shared more about Tasha who spoke at the Mom Prom. As stated, Tasha was a past resident at AGC. She remains married to the same man and they now have two children. Her Christian witness is very strong and is an encouragement to everyone.

Program Services (addressing measurable goals) and Staff Training are up-to date. Pam met with Teresa James (OIG) who desires PCC’s to be evaluated on a performance based report. That would mean the review would be conducted without knowing what other agencies in the State are doing. However, AGC has no concerns about this since reviews in the past have indicated no major discrepancies or changes that needed to be implemented. At present, several of the residents are doing so well that their levels have been dropped.

Incident Reports: None

Corporate Policy & Procedure Reports:

Policy #2.091—Indian Child Welfare Act was presented to the Board (attached). Motion to accept: Rob Amburgey. Second: Sheila Simpson. Motion passed.

Financial Reports – Treasurer

All bank statements are being reviewed by Treasurer Wayne Hayden who was unable to be present today.

October 2012 thru December 2012 financials (attached)– Karl called the Board’s attention to the ending balance and reminded members that $22,000 of this balance was committed to the proposed playground. He also reported that insurance costs are estimated to rise at least $1,500 in the coming year. OIG has informed AGC there will be no per diem raise for the next two years which means if our census drops, and as costs escalate, it will make the operation of this ministry more difficult. Motion to accept as presented: Rob Amburgey. Second: Becky Mackey. Motion passed.

Pam reported that the booth as Twice as Nice Consignment will be closing, but due to the large amount of donations on hand, a rummage sale to be held at AGC is being planned for this summer.

Karl will provide a report on the status of the yearly budget to the Board on a timely basis.

Endowment - $14,826 vs. $15,305 (2/28/13) ($+479) Finally back to the positive side. No Board action deemed necessary at this time.

Facility Reports

Playground update –Four donors have provided funds for this project. Construction will begin soon.

Human Resources Report

Employee Turnover Reports(attached) Karl reported that several employees have resigned and he is presently interviewing their replacements. He reported that he hired a worker who was in the teen support group before the Mother-Baby Home was opened in 1999. Now, her twin boys are 15 years old. She promises to be a good staff member for AGC as she is spiritually sound and desires to make a difference in the residents’ lives. Pam added that the residents often relate more readily to someone whose past is similar to what they are experiencing.

Karl Smith’s Evaluation was completed last month. Tommy Cobb and Wayne Hayden reviewed the compilation of the board’s evaluation with Karl. Board members who desire to view this compilation should contact Tommy.

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Risk Assessment

While issues listed here have been a part of the discussion at board meetings in the past, they are being grouped under “Risk Assessment” to keep board members apprised of situations or concerns that may need attention. Grievances: none presented at the present time--very few are presented by staff and/or residents, but each one is addressed and resolved in a timely manner

Insurance:a copy of liability insurance policy was presented to Board members (attached)—Board members are covered and protected. This coverage exceeds OIG and COA expectations.

Facility: in good condition. Maintenance continues to make improvements (i.e. light over the changing table, etc). Exterior paint on the front and sides of the main house needs to be redone. One quote for $4,000 has been secured, but the company has not indicated they will do this. Other quotes may be secured.

The water heater in the older section of the house quit. A new one is on order and will be installed as soon as possible. Pam reported that the residents have been cooperative in having only one shower to use (in the new section of the house.)

Treatment: Pam reported that a risk has been addressed—car seat safety and installation. An AGC staff member has received training and is now certified in this area. She does individual sessions with both staff and residents to make sure seats are being properly installed and used. This training protects both the agency and the board, so the risk is lowered .

CEO Talking Points

Board Training –D&O Policy discussed (attached)

Chief Executive Officer Absence and/or Succession Plan presented (attached). Board members were asked to review this and email any suggestions and /or changes to Karl or Tommy.

As a part of this, Karl stated that due to Pam’s physical condition, they needed to be in warmer weather some of the winter season. The Board was in agreement that this would present few problems due to the use of technology (i.e., Skype, email, etc). Karl reported there is adequate staff in place for the day-to-day operation of the facility. Tommy added that having Kathryn and Ronda on staff will make it much easier for Karl and Pam to be away. Rand Marshall will review the policies in place concerning time away and report if there are any legal issues that need to be addressed (i.e. policy changes that need to be made by the Board).

Additional Items:

Tommy asked Rand if the company in Washington had contacted AGC again about the name issue and he reported there had been no further contact.

Karl reported the website has been redone and is now up and running. It is more user friendly, and we have the capability to make internal changes ourselves. Ronda and Kathryn will be updating and making changes as needed.

Karl reminded Board members they received an email update on the status of the baseball fields and he is investigating that issue again.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:13 p.m.: Rand Marshall. Second: Rob Amburgey. Motion passed.

The next regular board meeting: July 3, 2013.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Mackey

Board Secretary

Tommy Cobb

Board Chairman