Headteacher: Mrs J. Kelly B.Ed

2nd September 2015

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the start of a new school year in ‘Kingfishers’ Y1/2 class. I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday, and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your lovely cards and gifts at the end of the summer term.


Our topic for this half term is Castles, and has a History focus. We plan to go on a class trip to Warwick Castle later this half term; there will be a separate letter with more details shortly. If you would like to come along as a helper, please do let me know as soon as possible.

Meeting for Y1 parents

I will hold a meeting for Y1 parents on Monday next week (7th September) from approximately 3-3.30pm, in the library adjoining Kingfishers classroom. This is to give information about the Key Stage 1 curriculum and how it builds on from the curriculum in the Foundation Stage, to explain routines and procedures in Kingfishers class and give parents a chance to ask any questions they may have. Y1 parents are all warmly invited to attend.


Please put any letters to staff/money for the office in the basket on the cloakroom shelf, to ensure they do not go astray in children’s book bags.

Home Reading Books

We ensure the children change their home reading books every week, usually on a Friday. Children are encouraged to change books after school on other days; please help them to choose a book from the appropriate colour label book band on the shelf on the far side of the library. Please fill in your child’s Home Reading Record book with date, title and a short comment each time they read a book with you. If you feel your child may be ready to try a book from the next colour band, please pop a note in the reading diary and I will do an individual assessment first.


As from next week, all Y1 and Y2 children will bring home spellings each week on a Friday, containing keywords/patterns to learn to spell. Please practise these with your child by the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ method outlined. These will usually be tested on a Friday.

Maths homework (Y2s only)

As from next week, the Y2 children will be set a short ‘My Maths’ online activity each Friday, to complete as homework by the following Friday. This will usually be an activity which consolidates what they have been learning in class. Log in details will be sent soon.


P.E. will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays this term. Please make sure a full kit is in school, including plimsolls & jogging bottoms, and that all items are clearly named.

Healthy snacks

Please remember that the children are asked to bring a healthy fruit or vegetable snack for mid-morning (labelled with their name) and put it in their year group snack box. Free fruit is provided for mid-afternoon.

Water bottles

Please make sure your child brings in a labelled bottle of water every day and puts it in their year group water bottle box, as this will be brought in to the classroom for quick access during lessons.

End of the day

At 3.30 the children will line up at the classroom door, and be allowed to go when they have seen their parents. If anyone else is collecting your child, please let me know beforehand. Once children have been collected, please remind them not to stay and play in the playground, as teachers are busy working in classrooms and are not available to supervise.

As usual, if there is anything you wish to discuss, please do pop in and see me after school. You are also welcome to use the Reading Diaries for any home/school communication; I check these weekly - or for a more immediate response, please put a note in the letters basket, which is checked daily.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Fisher