Application for Peer Mentor Leadership Program Scholarship

Application Deadline: March 3, 2014

Program Goals

§  Support first year students’ academic and personal success in first semester and beyond.

§  Create opportunities for students to develop and apply leadership skills through service to university.

Duties and Responsibilities

§  Actively participate in a summer professional development program.

§  Attend class for an assigned section of U100 Threshold Seminar.

§  Facilitate small group discussions.

§  Respond to and Evaluate Peer Mentor Learning Journals.

§  Meet with assigned instructor.

§  Attend meetings with the program coordinator.


§  Completion of at least 2 semesters at IU South Bend or sophomore standing by fall 2014.

§  3.0 Cumulative GPA or better

§  Enroll in a minimum of 9 credit hours the semester they serve as a peer mentor and the semester following their service as a peer mentor

Scholarship for Peer Mentors

§  A $400 scholarship is awarded in the fall for completion of summer professional development.

§  An $800 scholarship is awarded in the spring for service as a peer mentor for a fall U100 Threshold Seminar class.

§  Peer Mentors who successfully complete the professional development and peer mentoring service are eligible to continue peer mentoring and will continue to receive $800 scholarship for each semester they peer mentor.

Application Requirements

Complete a Peer Mentor Leadership Program application (see next page) including two letters of recommendation from IU South Bend instructors or professional staff members and return to Tabitha Kingsbury, Program Secretary, 110 Administration Building, Student Services, 574-520-4272, by Monday, March 3, 2014.

Further Information:

Dr. Kathleen Sullivan, Education and Arts Building room 2234, 574-520-4195,

Application for Peer Mentor Leadership Program

Name ______

Address ______

E-Mail and/or ______@______

Phone ______Academic Major ______

IUSB Credits Completed ______IUSB Cum GPA ______IUSB Credits scheduled for F2014 ______

Have you taken U100?______

Work Experience ______



Fall 2014 Availability ______



Please provide a copy of your unofficial academic transcripts.

Recommendation from IU South Bend Instructor or Professional Staff

Identify two IU South Bend instructors or professional staff who will be providing letters of recommendation. Letters can accompany completed applications, be mailed to Tabitha Kingsbury, Program Secretary, 110 Administration Building, or sent by e-mail to Dr. Sullivan at .

1. ______

2. ______

Application Deadline: Monday March 3, 2014.

To: Tabitha Kingsbury, Program Secretary, 110 Administration Building, Student Services 574-520-4272,

Questions: Dr. Kathleen Sullivan, EDUC-U100 Program Coordinator

2234 Education and Arts Building, 574-520-4195,

Applicants will be contacted in March for interviews in late March/early April 2014.