Draft Minutes of the meeting of Carbrooke Parish Council

held on 12 December 2016 at Blenheim Grange Community Cabin

Present CllrsE Buscall (Chair), J Borrett, A Coppen, J Nind, P Sampher, M Wormall.

Cllr J Rogers (Breckland Council). In attendance N Hartley (Parish Clerk).

1. Apologies

Cllr Fishlock, who was working and Cllr Bowes.

2. To receive declarations of interests

Cllrs Nind, Sampher and Wormall in any matters relating to Blenheim Grange. Cllr Buscall in any matters relating to Carbrooke Village Hall.

3. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2016

It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true and accurate record.

4. Matters arising

The clerk noted that the Section 106 Agreement with Westmere Homes in respect of land at Blenheim Grange had been sent to Breckland Council for sealing.

5. Public Participation


6. Finance

a. Current balances

Current Account £92,150.39 Business Premium Account £51,320.89

b. Payments made and approved in accordance with the budget

Direct Debit. Veolia, waste collection at Carbrooke Village Hall, £66.74

Chq 101099 Carbrooke Parish Council, transfer to new Scottish Widows account, £75,000

101100 Carbrooke Parish Council (to be transferred to new account) £75,000

101101 N Hartley, clerk’s salary to November 2016, £456.60

101102 Thinking Rural CIC, payroll services, £12

101103 J Borrett, reimbursement of mileage re new councilor course, £50.40

101104 NALC, council guides, £6.92

101105 Mansfield Fencing, repairs to play area and installing defibrillator sign, £53

Signed...... date......

c. A Report of Actual to Budgeted Expenditure was presented to the meeting

7. Internal Control Officer’s Report

The Internal Control Officer confirmed that she had made all relevant checks and that everything was in order.

8. Planning

a. Breckland Council decisions

Mr Botting, White Cottage, Willow Corner 3PL/2016/1253/HOU

Erection of UPVC conservatory Approved

b. Applications considered

Barratt Homes, Former RAF Watton, Norwich Road 3PL/2016/1352/VAR

Residential development with associated access, carparking and open space (revised scheme)

The Parish Council objected for the following reasons:-As it stands the roads at Blenheim Grange are not fit for purpose and the addition of more housing can only add to the current problems. The infrastructure will not support more housing. The village school is near capacity and this application, as well as the 100 houses to be built by Westmere Homes, has the potential to push the school over capacity. In light of this, the Parish Council believes that as part of this application, a school should be built at Blenheim Grange. The Parish Council also believes that until the roads at Blenheim Grange are adopted, this application should not be approved.

Mr & Mrs G Bareham 3PL/2016/1432/LU

Sunnyside Cottage, Church Street

Certificate of lawfulness to create vehicular access from a private drive No objection

9. Village Website

A new website, Carbrooke Online, will incorporate and link all the village sites. It was agreed to make an initial set up payment of £500 and to pay the monthly costs (see budget).

10. New Penny News

It was agreed that Debbie Muller will collate the newsletter and that 100 copies will be printed by the Wayland Partnership and distributed to those who request a hard copy. It was noted that to date approximately 15 residents have requested a hard copy. The newsletter will be available online. Copies will be left for collection in the Village Hall, Community Cabin and local businesses, exact locations to be agreed.

Signed...... date......

11. Commuted Sum

The council will divide the balance of the commuted sum between three accounts, Scottish Widows, a second new account and the new Lloyds Bank account.

The commuted sum was paid in respect of the maintenance and upkeep of Blenheim Grange and all monies will be used for that purpose alone. The Council will introduce an Investment Policy in this respect.

12. Blenheim Grange

It was agreed to write to the developers stating that the Parish Council is not satisfied with its response regarding the finishing off and adoption of the roads, and requesting a timeframe in which the work will be completed. If this is not forthcoming, the council will be seeking legal advice.

It was agreed to write to the Planning Inspectorate to see what it can do to enforce completion of the outstanding works. The council also agreed to invite George Freeman to the estate, together with the EDP, to highlight the lack of progress.

13. Trees at Blenheim Grange

It was agreed to plant shrubs on the roundabout at Lancaster Avenue and to see if any local business will sponsor this.

It was proposed that the Residents Association apply for a grant for a Mapboard at the entrance to the estate to help visitors identify locations on the estate.

14. Front of the Village Hall

It was agreed to liaise with the local RAF cadets who may be able to carry out the works as part of their Duke of Edinburgh award.

15. Tree in Village Hall Car Park

It was agreed to follow the advice given by Andrew Balls and take the top five metres off the tree and to pollard it. Mr Balls had advised the tree is not dead and there is no fungus in the base. He will be asked to carry out the work.

It was agreed to remove the noticeboard while the tree work is done and then to reconcrete it into the ground to make it more stable.

Signed...... date......

16. Budget and Precept 2017/18

The Budget was set for 2017/18. The Precept was agreed at £24,000. The increase over last year was considered necessary due to the increased population of the parish and the increased expenditure.

17. Representatives’ Reports

It was noted that the project regarding the Village Hall toilets will cost between £37,000 and £40,000. The Hall trustees are currently applying for grants.

Due to the decreased number of trustees on the Millennium Green trust, it was suggested that the remaining trustees hold an Emergency Meeting to appoint new trustees.

18. Emergency Plan

It was agreed not to proceed with the creation of an Emergency Plan.

19. Future Agenda Items

An update re Westmere Homes.

Review of the Council’s Standing Orders.

20. Councillor Resignation

Cllr Buscall resigned from the council.

21. Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 9 January 2017.

There being no further business, the meeting was closed at9.30pm.

Signed...... date......