Miniature Silky Fainting Goat Association

22105 Countryside Lane, Lignum, VA22726-2025

540-423-9193 fax: 540-423-9196

Information and criteria for submitting an

Application for foundation status in the MSFGA registry bycommittee approval.

The MSFGA is a registry designed to keep records and pedigrees on the Miniature Silky Fainting Goats. To widen the gene pool and yet maintain the overall look of the goats, the registry books are open to any goat that fits the standard. If you feel you have a goat that would meet the standard criteria for being accepted into the registry of the MSFGA, you can apply for foundation status by doing the following:

All Goats submitted for foundation approval must be at least 6 months old.

1.)First read the MSFG standard and decide whether you think that your goat has the look that would qualify it to be used in the breeding program. It is not required that the goat faints. Some goats in the registry are not fainters, like the long-haired Nigerian Dwarf Goats that we have used as foundation stock, to help reduce the size and add color. The does should have a skirt of hair on their legs and a tendency to have longer hair on their body. Some may have long hair on their back legs but the hair on the front legs might not be as long or skirted. The bucks should have long hair on both the hind and front legs, with preferably a skirt of hair all along the body. Bucks should also have bangs and an abundance of neck and chest hair. All goats that fit the look described and are within the height requirements in the standard will be seriously considered for foundation status. Please do not submit animals less than 6 months of age for foundation consideration.

2.)Take 4 clear, crisp photos of your goat; one of the right side, left side, front and rear. The photos should include the whole goat and be close enough that it is easy to see the conformation of the goat. The goat should be by itself, not in a group of goats. When taking the front and rear shots of the goat, try to place the legs so that we can see the width and depth of the front and width of the rear. The better your pictures are the better your chance of getting your goat approved by the committee. Please put your name and the goats name on each photo submitted.

3.)Because the MSFGA wants to accurately record and register animals to the best of our ability, we require that found animals that were not bred by the applicant may not be registered with the applicant’s farm name as a prefix. Your prefix should only be used on animals that you created or animals that are born to Does that you owned at the time of conception. If you would like to register a foundation goat and include your farm name then it should be used as a suffix. For example: instead of registering a foundation Doe as “Sol-Orr’s Foo Foo”, because I’m not the breeder, I could register her as “Foo Foo at Sol-Orr”. This lets future buyers and breeders know that I was the one that found this goat and also lets them know that this goat was not bred by me. It’s a more accurate way to record registered animals. Your prefix should be preserved for goats bred by you only; no one else will be able to register goats that you bred with their farm prefix. If you know the breeder and the breeder’s prefix, you should use that prefix. You may still add your farm as a suffix if you would like to, provided there is room for it in the name spaces allowed.

4.)Assign the goat a tattoo. You may use your prefix letters as Identification on found goats.

5.)Be sure to measure your goat at the withers, (highest point of the shoulder) andfill out the Foundation Applicationform and submit it with your pictures and a check to cover cost of application process. If your goat is accepted we will send you a certificate of registration. Regardless of whether your goat is accepted or not, you will receive a full report and evaluation of your goat.

You Must Have Your Herd Name Registered With MSFGA In Order to Register Goats With Us.

Committee Approval for Foundation Stock – Fees are non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the committee’s decision.




Miniature Silky Fainting Goat Association

22105 Countryside Lane, Lignum, VA22726-2025

540-423-9193 fax: 540-423-9196

Application for Registration by

Committee Approval for Foundation Status

Name of Animal:

(Animal names limited to 30 letters & spaces, including herd prefix. Please print clearly)

Date of birth: ______(mm/dd/yyyy)Sex: ______(Male or Female)

(If known, if not approximate age.)

Number in birth ____(if known) Males ____ Females _____

Breeder if known:(Person’s name not Farm) ______

Date Acquired: ______(mm/dd/yyyy) Please fill in this date if you are not the breeder.

Color description: ______

Does this goat faint? Yes_____No ______(choose one)

Horned _____ Polled _____ Disbudded______(choose one)

*All Goats Must Have Scrapies Tags or Be Tattooed or Micro-Chipped.

Goats can not be registered without this information.

Tattoo identification:right: _____ left: ______tail: ______

Microchip brand & number: ______

Location of microchip: ______Scrapies#: ______

Height at withers: ______

Sire: ______

(If known)

Dam: ______

(If known)


Farm or Business Name ______

Street Address______

City, State, Zip Code:______

Phone______Fax ______

Email address ______

Signature of owner: ______

Please fill out the above form and include 4 photos of the goat you wish to be considered for foundation status. See photo requirementsabove in Foundation Application Information. Photos of goats taken in a herd will not be accepted. Make check for registration fee payable to MSFGA and send to: 22105 Countryside Lane, Lignum, VA 22726.Fees forDoes & Wethers are $40.00, Bucks is $50.00, fees are non-refundable regardless of outcome of the committee’sdecision.

**Canadian residents: the only form of payment that will be accepted is a Postal Money Order in US dollars made out to Renee Orr. No other form of payment will be accepted.