Copyright Infringement Evaluation Form

Contact Information

Full Address (Street, City, State, Zip):
Phone #s: / Email Address:

Infringement Information

1.  When did you take your photo(s) that have been infringed?:
2.  When did you first post your photo(s) that have been infringed online (if applicable) or publish it/them, including providing them to your original client (if applicable)?
3.  Where have you posted your photo(s) or otherwise authorized them to be used? Please be specific, including by providing exact urls/links).
4.  From where do you think that the infringer got your photo(s) (provide the exact url/links or information):
5.  Provide the exact url/links or information where/how the infringer used your photo(s) (also provide copies of the infringement, such as screenshots):
6.  Did the infringer remove your copyright notice/watermark/name/contact info from your photo(s)?
7.  When did the infringement start (to the best of your knowledge)?
8.  How did you discover the infringement?
9.  When did you discover the infringement?
10. Has the infringement stopped? If so, when (to the best of your knowledge)?
11. Is the copyright to your photo(s) registered with the U.S. Copyright Office?
a. If so, what is the Registration number? (Also provide a scanned copy of your Registration.)
b. If so, what is the effective date of your Registration?
12. What is your normal license fee charged for this use (i.e., what would you have charged if the infringer had asked for a license in advance)?
13. What is the infringer's name and contact info (mailing address, email address, phone number)? (Check for website contact info.)
14. What do you want to happen? (Ex: get cash damages; get photo removed.)
15. Have you contacted the infringer to try to resolve the matter? If so, what was the result? If not, why not?
Additional Information
How did you find out about Photo Attorney?
If we are not the first attorneys you have consulted
in this matter, who else did you consult?
Why are you no longer working with the attorneys you consulted previously?
Other Comments and Information:
Additional Materials to Provide
With this form, also provide copies of:
a.  the infringement (screenshots, etc.).
b.  any written correspondence, including emails, that you've had with anyone about the matter.
c.  scanned copy of your applicable Copyright Registration Certificate, if you have one.

Check your options for what you can do when you are infringed in the article at:

Gather the evidence of the infringement (check the tips on how to do so at and

Notice: Preparing and providing this form and information does not make you a client of the Law Office of Carolyn E. Wright, LLC. Instead, you must receive written indication that the firm represents you in a particular matter for you to be a client.

Notice: You may have a duty to preserve all evidence relevant to your claim as it may be the subject of pending litigation. This duty of preservation extends to, but is not limited to, data files, emails, calendars, telephone logs, access lists, and logs that are located on your computer networks, e-mail servers, mainframes, individual computer workstations, and external drives, or are located on any of those devices within your control but not owned by you, such as your web host.

Thank you!

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Law Office of Carolyn E. Wright, LLC | PO Box 430, Glenbrook, NV 89413 |