Whitehorse City Council- Global Fiesta 2014

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Form - Community Participation

Sunday 16 March 2014: 12pm - 5pm

Box Hill Gardens, Box Hill

Whitehorse City Council’s Global Fiesta is a free one day festival that embraces the vibrant cultural diversity in the City of Whitehorse. Join us in celebrating Cultural Diversity Week at this annual showcase of music, food, art and craft from around the world. Free activities for all ages and an information exchange to learn about local services and opportunities will also be on offer.

Why participate in Global Fiesta?

2,500 guests attended the fourth annual Global Fiesta in 2013. Whitehorse City Council is seeking your help to continue the growth of Global Fiesta in 2014. Join us in 2014 as we celebrate our gloriously multicultural society. Whitehorse City Council is proud to support you and your group through this opportunity for exposure and promotion in our community.

How can you participate at Global Fiesta?

  1. Community or Cultural Stall - Your display or activity needs to adequately fill one 3m x 3m marquee, be engaging, preferably interactive, relevant to your group’s core activity and encourage community participation;
  2. Cultural Activity - Plan an activity that relates to the ‘cultural/religious diversity’ event theme involving participants on the day; this could be a sport, a traditional game, or a craft/skill demonstration from your country of origin;
  3. Food Stall-Provide a multi-cultural flavour for the Fiesta by cooking for the community, which can also help your community group’s fundraising opportunities (commercial food vendors please complete the 2013/14 Festival Season Commercial Food Vendor EOI form- please contact Council to obtain this form)
  4. Performance Opportunities – Showcase your group’s combined talents as part of our entertainment program; we have 10-20 minute spots available for main stage acts.

What will Council supply?

  1. Community/Cultural Stall or Activity Stall or Food Stall- Council will provide free of charge:
  • Individual marquee (3m x 3m) (or 3m x 6m - Council approval required)
  • 2 x 6ft (183cm) trestle tables, 2 x chairs, 1 x display board; or
  • Space for your activity to occur
  • Any items for an activity can be negotiated with the Festival Coordinator
  1. Performance Opportunity - Council will provide free of charge:
  • 10 – 20 minutes on our main stage for your performance, supported by a professional sound technician, stage manager and stage crew.

If you have any questions about the event or this form please contact:

Railey Orger, Diversity Officer

Email: Tel: 03 9262 6101

Locked Bag 2, Nunawading DC VIC 3131 Fax: 03 9262 6490
GLOBAL FIESTA, Sunday 16 March 2014

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - Community Participation

Applications due:Friday 31 January, 2014

Contact Name: / Position:
Mobile: / Landline:
Email: / Website:
Postal Address:
Community/Cultural Stall
Cultural Activity
Food Stall
Equipment Order (please tick what you need):
3m x3m Marquee 2 tables & 2 chairs 1 display board
3m x 6m Marquee (Council approval required)
Do you require a vehicle to stay on site as part of your display?
Do you require power? NO YES
If yes- what for?
It will assist with our planning if you can attach a sketch of the‘floor plan’ of your set up or photos from previous years. / BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF YOUR DISPLAY/ACTIVITY:
Performance Opportunity
Length of Set: _____ minutes
No. of people on stage (approx): _____
Technical requirements: e.g. Microphones, stands, etc. / BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PERFORMANCE:
Please attach a copy of your Public Liability Insurance to your application
Whitehorse City Council may decline an Expression of Interest at its sole discretion. The Festival Coordinator has the right to determine the final location of the display/stall or performance time.
PRIVACY NOTIFICATION The information requested on this form is being collected for the purpose of organising the Whitehorse 2014Global Fiesta. The information will be used solely by Council for that primary purpose or directly related purpose and will not be disclosed to any other party except as required by law.

Please return forms to: Railey Orger, Diversity Officer

Email: Tel:03 9262 6101

Locked Bag 2, Nunawading DC VIC 3131 Fax:03 9262 6490

Global Fiesta EOI current at October 2013 Page 1 of 2