IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas


San José, Costa Rica (Hotel la Condesa)

7 – 10 May 2012

Agenda item / Responsibility
Individual travel to San José, Costa Rica
On arrivaltransfer from Juan Santamaria International Airport to Hotel La Condesa
09:00 / 1, / Welcome by IUCN Regional Director / Grethel Aguilar
Welcome By Minister of Environment
9:45 / 2. / WCPA Chair’s report 2011 / Nik Lopoukhine
  • Welcome participants and record apologies

  • Note changes in status/affiliation of SC members

  • Note any significant achievements

10:10 / 3. / GPAP Director’s report 2011 / Trevor Sandwith
11:00 / 4. / Preparations for the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2012 / Nik Lopoukhine
4.1 / Members’ Assembly (recommendations and resolutions) / Nik Lopoukhine
  • Target 11
  • World Heritage
  • Biodiversity, protected areas and key biodiversity areas
  • Other PA relevant Motions
/ Trevor Sandwith
Tim Badman
Stephen Woodley
Pedro Rosabal
11:15 / 4.2 / WCPA Members’ Meeting at WCC (WCPA Chair elections) / Nik Lopoukhine
11:30 / 4.3 / CEO Forum (hosted by Korean National Park Service) / Nik Lopoukhine
11.45 / 4.4 / WCPA Commission Mandate and final Report / Nik Lopoukhine
12:00 / 4.5 / WCPA Reserved Events – Working Group Sessions / Stephen Woodley
(i)Building awareness of nature through parks and protected areas / Nik Lopoukhine, Jamie Kemsey
(ii)Shaping the Future of IUCN's Protected Area Capacity Development Programme/PAs Categories project / Nigel Dudley, Eduard Muller and Dave Reynolds
(iii)Our Protected Planet: Achieving Aichi biodiversity targets through constituency building, science and action / Charles Besancon, Stephen Woodley
(iv)Beyond targets: protected areas as life insurance for the planet / Stephen Woodley, Trevor Sandwith and Kathy MacKinnon
(v) Protected Planet Pavilion / Jamie Kemsey and Charles Besancon
13:00 / LUNCH
14:00 / Other PA focused sessions at the WCC and WCPA Reserved Events – Working Group Session (cont.)
15:00 / TEA/COFFEE (Working Group can keep working during coffee break)
15:30 / 4.5 / Report from Working Groups
16:00 / 5 / Awards
  • Revised procedures
  • Kenton Miller Award (Award review volunteers)
  • Packard Awards and
  • IRF Young Conservation Award
/ Pedro Rosabal/ Stephen Woodley, Ernesto Enkerlin
16:30 / 6. / Publications
6.1 / Update on Status of “Parks: The WCPA Journal” / Sue Stolton, Nigel Dudley
6.2 / Best Practice Guidelines
  • Survey Results
  • Revised schedule of publications for review and approval by SC
  • Proposed re-launch of Best Practice Guidelines (WCC and WPC)
  • Revised Guidance for BPG authors for approval by SC
/ David Reynolds/Peter Valentine
6.3 / New Guidelines Updates
  • Urban Protected Areas
  • Restoration
  • Conservation Planning
  • Invasives
  • Climate Change Adaptation
/ Ted Trzyna
Karen Keenleyside
Peter Valentine (Bob Pressey)
Kathy MacKinnon
Marc Hockings
6.4 / Other Publications “Natural Solutions” / David Reynolds
17:30 / 7. / Reports on key policy initiatives since last SC meeting / Nik Lopoukhine
7.1 / UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP 12, Changwon, South Korea)
  • Policy outcomes and implications for IUCN and role of WCPA
  • Rio Conventions Pavilion (PA components) and side events
  • Next steps
/ Kathy MacKinnon
7.2 / Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD SBSSTA 15 and 16, Montreal, Canada)
  • Policy outcomes and implications for IUCN and role of WCPA
/ Stephen Woodley, Karen Keenleyside, Kathy MacKinnon and David Reynolds
7.3 / UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP17, Durban, South Africa)
  • Policy outcomes and implications for IUCN and role of WCPA
  • Rio Conventions Pavilion (PA components) and side events
/ Trevor Sandwith, Nigel Crawhall
7.4 / UpcomingRIO 2012 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  • Objectives
  • Rio Conventions Pavilion
/ Nik Lopoukhine and Kathy MacKinnon
18:30 / BREAK
19:30 / DINNER
09:00 / 8. / Task Force and Specialist Group priority activities for input and endorsement by WCPA Steering Committee
8.1 / IUCN Green List of Well-Managed Protected Areas – presentation and discussion of concept paper and proposed work plan / Marc Hockings and David Reynolds
09:30 / 8.2 / WCPA/SSC Joint Task Force on Biodiversity and Protected Areas – progress report and key issues for consideration / Stephen Woodley
10:00 / 8.3 / Protected Planet – further development / Charles Besancon and Trevor Sandwith
10:30 / 8.4 / Youth report and proposal / Svetlana Kopylova
11:00 / TEA/COFFEE
11:30 / 9.0 / WCPA Steering Committee, Task Force and Specialist Group reports
  • Overview of reports received and matters arising from 2011 reports
  • Setting goals for final year of 2009-2012 quadrennial programme
/ Nik Lopoukhine/Trevor Sandwith
13:00 / LUNCH
14:00 / 10. / World Parks Congress / Nik Lopoukhine/Trevor Sandwith
10.1 / Venue resolution
10.2 / Establishment of International Steering Committee
10.3 / WCPA Leadership in Programme Sub-Committee (content)
15.30 / TEA/COFFEE
16:00 / 11. / Report from the BIOPAMA Inception Workshop – Review of potential WCPA Contributions and how best to assure delivery / Pedro Rosabal/Nik Lopoukhine with SC
17:00 / 12. / REGIONAL VICE CHAIRS’ MEETING / Penny Figgis
17:30 / BREAK
19:30 / DINNER (Followed by information on the field trip)
06:30 / All Day FIELD VISIT: Visit to one of the farms where payments for ecosystem services are made followed by a visit to a National Park.
Return to the hotel around 17:00
Transfer to IUCN ORMA for Drinks and WCPA Dinner
9:00 / 13. / IUCN 2013-2016 Quadrennial Programme: Component programme for IUCN GPAP and IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas / Trevor Sandwith and Nik Lopoukhine
10:30 / TEA/COFFEE
10:00 / 14. / Other meetings and workshops in 2011-12
  • Asia Parks Congress
  • Conservation Biology Meeting -New Zealand
  • Mainstreaming PAS into national climate change responses
  • CBD Regional Workshops,
  • Marine PA certification,
  • IUCN Global Initiative on Professionalizing Protected Areas Management
  • SSC Specialist Group meeting in Abu Dhabi
  • other??
/ Kathy MacKinnon with Nigel Dudley, Eduard Muller, David Reynolds, Stephen Woodley, Dan Laffoley, Kim Seong-il
Ernesto Enkerlin
12:00 / LUNCH
Presentation by the Minister of the Environment
13:00 / 15. / Secretariat services to IUCN-WCPA / Trevor Sandwith
  • Membership
  • Communications
  • Financial management
  • WCC support

14:00 / 16. / Any other business
17. / Chairs’ summary of actions moving forward
18. / Closure of meeting
11th of May – Departures and beginning of field trip organized by Eduard Muller