Chapter 9: Therapies: Ways of Helping

Essay/Discussion Questions:

1.  Many people have certain beliefs or expectations about psychotherapy based on what they see in the media, what they hear from friends or acquaintances, or their own experience. Describe in detail your perceptions of therapy and how you envision a typical therapy session would progress. Also describe why you believe some people who need help never seek it.

2.  After reading through the various approaches to psychotherapy, identify which type is most appealing to you and explain why. For example, if you like dream analysis you may prefer a psychoanalytic approach rather than a cognitive behavioral approach to therapy. What, if any benefit, do you believe psychotherapy could provide you at this point in your life?

3.  Online counseling has become increasingly popular in recent years, but not without its critics. Describe what you believe the pros and cons to online counseling are, detailing who you believe may be most and least benefited.

4.  Prior to introducing the chapter, present a number of brief case studies to the class and ask them what they believe the most effective treatment for each individual case would be. Be sure to elicit more specific responses if students suggest “therapy,” inquiring as to what techniques should be employed.

Jill began drinking in college and has continued for the past fifteen years. She has had difficulties maintaining relationships and keeping jobs as a result of her ever-constant intoxication. Both of Jill’s parents drank heavily, as did many of her relatives for many generations back. After experiencing nausea for 5 days, Jill went to her physician and discovered she is pregnant. Her physician warned her of the serious damage she could do to the fetus is she continued to drink and urged her to seek treatment. What, if any, type of treatment should Jill seek?

Bob began experiencing severe mood swings in high school, oscillating between manic highs and depressive lows with little to no forewarning. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. What, if any, type of treatment should Bob seek?

Craig had difficulty making friends and adjusting to the new, highly demanding environment when he first began college several months ago. Compounding Craig’s unhappiness in the past several weeks has been his difficulty eating and sleeping. What, if any, type of treatment should Craig seek?

5.  People often have strong opinions about the benefits and drawbacks of psychotherapy and/or the use of psychotropic drugs. Take an informal poll among friends and family about their personal beliefs and write about your findings. Try and identify whether beliefs are affected by gender, age, race, personal experience with therapy/psychotropic drugs, or any other factors.