Take Away Homework!

Invaders and Settlers

Choose your homework from the menu below. The invaders below suggest the difficulty or challenge the homework may offer. You need to complete one per week until Christmas in order to be green on your Assertive Mentoring. Please note we will be focusing on the Romans (Invaders) until half term then moving onto the Vikings after the holidays (Settlers).

Any work completed on the computer/tablet can be emailed to and put F.A.O. Mrs Macdonald 4M or Miss Dobie 4D and it will be forwarded onto us.

Romans / Celtics / Vikings
Create a timeline of invaders and settlers from Romans to the Vikings. / Create a leaflet about an exhibit for the Romans/Vikings. / Write a newspaper report about the invasion of either the Romans or the Vikings
Draw a picture of something from the Roman times / Research one of the Roman Gods / Make a 3d model of an item from the Roman times
Write a secret message using Roman Numerals (with an alphabet key) / Write a report about Caesar’s invasion / Make a 3d model of one of the houses from the Viking times.
Design a roman Maze using reflective symmetry. / Design a job advert for a Roman soldier / Make a 3d model of Celtic roundhouse
Write your own Roman poem / Design a job advert for a Viking / Write a story with a Roman theme
Create a diary entry for a day in the life of a Roman/Viking. / Make some Roman armour and helmet / Write a story with a Viking theme
Create your own battle plan, ready to invade Britain. / Create your own Roman Mosaic / Compare and contrast the life of a Roman leader compared to a Roman soldier
Blog about Romans in 50 words / Blog about Romans in 100 words / Blog about Romans in more than 120 words