Narda Butler, 10501 Schuss Dr., Anchorage, AK 99507 907.346.1189
nardalyn@gmail. Com 907-250-6987 (cell & texting)
Chemistry ILP
Chemistry 242100/242200
Description: A beginning course that will include a study of the following concepts: atomic structure, mole concept, chemical periodicity, writing formulas and equations, nomenclature of compounds, chemical bonding, use of symbols, valence, physical and chemicalproperties, elements, mixtures and compounds, kinetic molecular theory of solids, liquid and gases. The second semester will include the additional major concepts: oxidation, reduction, reaction rates, chemical equilibrium, acids, bases, pH, ionization, stoichiometry, heat of reactions, gas laws, molar concentrations, solutions and solubilities. Laboratory skills will include: measure mass and volumes, measure temperature, measure melting point and boiling point, filtering and decanting, graphing, interpretation of data, observation, description, recording, measuring pH, titration, pressure of gases, calorimetry and preparation of solutions. The class begins with two weeks of math refresher information.
The class meets one time per week for two hours. Students are given daily homework assignments that are to be completed at home and overseen by parents.
- The Spectrum Chemistry by Wilemon and Dobbins, Beginnings Publishing; (to be purchased or requisitioned)
- Constructing Chemistry by Jason Neil (provided by the instructor)
Requirements: Students are expected to attend class regularly, complete homework assignments and participate in any online or in-class group activities offered. Students are also asked to bring to class the first day a 3-Ring Binder with 31 numbered dividers.
Grading: Letter grades will be assigned based upon percentage correct on homework assignments (10 points each), lab reports (10 points each), quizzes (50 points each) and one midterm and one final (150 points each).
Please requisition the texts ASAP. I have permission to distribute copies until the books come in. You will get them faster if you buy them personally then submit a request for reimbursement. It is important to request that the publisher ship them Priority Mail; otherwise it takes weeks to get them.
Please requisition "Chemistry Tutoring" from Narda Butler or DreamSpinner Learning for one year of instruction (service), for $450
Finally, parents, please go to: and print out the Tutorials Requirements and Commitment page. Read it and, if you agree, sign it and send it with your student on the first day of class.
Classes will be held on Wednesdays, 12:00-2:00 at 10501 Schuss Dr.
Directions: We live just off of Upper O’Malley Road. Go east on either O’Malley or Abbott. Turn onto Upper O’Malley (it’s at the 90 degree turn where O’Malley becomes Hillside). Schuss Drive is the second left. 10501 is the first real driveway on the right. Come to the sliding glass door on the lowest level (right now it’s behind the dumpster!).
Homework assignments will be available on the website:
Course Calendar
DateWeek #Topic
Sept. 5, 20121Math Review
Sept. 12, 20122Significant Figures, Scientific Notation
Sept. 19, 20123Density, Chemical Properties
Sept. 26, 20124Periodic Table
Oct. 3, 2012NO CLASS - ASD HSGQE Make-ups (If no one in class is affected by this, class WILL BE HELD.)
Oct. 10, 20125Atomic Theory
Oct. 17, 20126Electron Configuration
Oct. 24, 20127Introduction to Bonding
Oct. 31, 20128Bonding and Lewis Dot Structure
Nov. 7, 20129Unit Conversions
Nov. 14, 201210Chemical Nomenclature
Nov. 21, 201211Percent Composition, Chemical Formulas
Nov. 28, 201212Hydrates
(Note: there will be no class this day if class was held Oct. 3rd.)
Dec. 5, 201213Types of Reactions
Dec. 12, 201214Solubility
Dec. 19, 201215More on chemical reactions, redox equations
End of fall semester
Jan. 9, 201316Reactions review
Jan 16, 201317Oxidation Numbers
Jan. 23, 201318Application of reaction (Volcano Lab)
Jan. 30, 201319Stoichiometry
Feb. 6 201320Limiting Reagent
Feb. 13, 201321Gas Laws 1
Feb. 20, 201322Gas Laws 2
Feb. 27, 201323Phase Diagrams
March 6, 201324“George” and Specific Heat
March 20, 201325Solutions
March 27, 201326Molarity. Molality and % mass
April 10, 201327Concentrations
April 17, 201328Water, Acids & Bases
April 24, 201329Acid, Bases and Final Review
May 1, 201330 Comprehensive Final
May 8, 201331Make-Up day, if needed