Schools should have received a school specific email containing information to access your school URL. In addition to this information,Getting Started materials can be found onthe My Pearson Training website.

With MyPearsonTraining, you have access to live webinars and on-demand tutorials that will help you get started. To register, click the register link at the top of the home page and fill in the required information.You will need to provide your school customer number that was emailed with your school specific information. Once you complete the registration, you can begin to explore the site and access the many resources available to you include teacher and report guides.GradPoint is located in the High School drop-down menu, or you can find it under the All Products tab.

Once you have identified the GradPoint Administrator for your school site, that person will need to do the following. See GradPoint Administrator Guide pages 11-13 for detailed instructions.

1. Copy the courses you wish to use at your school using the Course Management Tool. School may elect to utilize the Prescriptive and/or Flex courses.

2. Set the course start date to the date you want the courses active and the end date tothe last date of the semester.

3. Students and teachers will need to be enrolled in courses – see section on Enrolling Users on page27, 34 of the Administrator guide. It is recommended that all students be enrolled in the Learning in GradPoint course. This is a short 2-hour overview of how to use GradPoint as a student, how to submit assessments, lessons, and how to view grades and progress. (Time for completion for setting up enrollments: 30 minutes – 1 hour).

Once you complete steps 2 and 3, your GradPoint is all set up for your students. Please be sure to share your school’s customer number with individual teachers who might be using GradPoint, so that they may access the GradPoint Teacher Guide and On-Demand Training opportunities.