Completed By: / Title: / Type of Proposal Requested: Budgetary Firm
End User Company :
Project Justification: / New Production Line Decrease Labor Costs Increase Production Capacity
Ergonomic Issues New Product Other:
Is Project Funded: / Yes No Budget Amount:
P.O. Timeframe: / 0-30 days 30-90 days 90-180 days 180 days to one year

1.Product Specifications

* Total number of different products to be run: / List all products below in the chart.
* Total number of different patterns to be programmed: / Include all patterns from chart & sketch

Provide specific information about all products to be palletized. Attach product list spreadsheets and patterns if needed.

Number / Product Description / Container
Type* / Outside Dimension (in.) / Product
(lbs.) / Products Per Minute / No. Per
Layer / Layers/
Load / Pattern
No. ** / Pallet Size
(LxW) / Qty Tier
L / W / H

*Container Types: 1. RSC case, 2. Wrap-around case, 3. Open top case, 4. Shrink wrap bundle, 5. Multi-wall paper bag, 6. Tote,

7. Pail/bucket, 8. Bundle, 9. Shrink wrap tray, 10. Tray, 11. Other (attach spec. or describe):______

**Pattern No.: Select pattern no. from pattern chart on next page or provide sketch if pattern is different.

Sketch pallet pattern(s) here if not shown on chart:

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Number of production lines running at one time:
Labels out required? / Yes No Display or other unique case positioning required ? Yes No
Top case seal: / Paper tape Plastic tape Glue No seal Fan fold Strapped
Bottom case seal: / Paper tape Plastic tape Glue Fan fold
Case quality issues: New Recycled Bulged Flap overlay Single wall Double wall
Triple wall Wax or clay coated
Receptive to alternative stacking patterns? / Yes No
Any unique product characteristics that must be considered? / Yes No If Yes, explain:

2. Infeed Conveyors

Number of infeeds required: / Case dimension across conveyor prior to infeed: Width Length
Upstream conveyor system / components required? / Yes No If yes, explain:
Bar code sortation required? / Yes No
Open flap detection required? / Yes No

3.Unit Load Removal

Number of palletizing stations required?
Build loads on: / Conveyor / Floor / Lift Section / Other
Loads to be removed by: / Forklift / Conveyor / Transfer Car / Pallet Jack
Are loads stable? / Yes No / If no, are loads currently conveyed or fork lifted? Yes No

4.Pallet Specifications

Cases palletized on: / Pallet
Sheet on pallet / Slip sheet
Conveyor w/out sheet or pallet
Indicate correct pallet(s) below or attach spec. (if pallets are plastic or steel, spec., or dwg is required)
Pallet #: / Width (A): / Length (B): / Height (C):
Pallet #: / Width (A): / Length (B): / Height (C):
Pallet #: / Width (A): / Length (B): / Height (C):
Empty pallet weight: / Lbs.
Pallet condition: / New / Used / Reconditioned / Captive
Handle pallets from: / End (A) / Side (B) / Either

5.Sheet Specifications

Bottom sheet required? / Yes / No
Material: / Corrugated Kraft Plastic Fibre board Plywood
Size: / Width (with tabs): / Length (with tabs): / Tab quantity: / Tab length:
Tier / Layer Sheets Required? / Yes No
Material: / Corrugated Kraft Plastic Fibre board Other:
Size: / Width: / Length (with tabs):
Top sheet required? / Yes No
Material: / Corrugated Kraft Plastic Fibre board Other:
Size: / Width (with tabs): / Length (with tabs): / Tab quantity: / Tab length:

6. Operating Description & Parameters

Number of Working days per year?
Number of Shifts?: / 1 Shift 2 Shifts 3 Shifts
Manual Palletizing Backup Required? / Yes No
Concept sketch attached? / Yes No
Customer floor plan submitted? / Yes No
AUTOCAD floor plan submitted? / Yes No
  1. Downstream Conveyor / Stretchwrapper (If Applicable)

Is downstream full load accumulation or transportation conveyor required? Yes No
If Yes, explain:
Stretch wrapper required? Yes No
How will load be moved between palletizer & wrapper? / Conveyor Transfer car
Load accumulation after wrapper? Powered Gravity None
Number of loads accumulation?
Preferred Stretch wrapper Vendor?

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