Chapter 32 Focus Questions:

Essay question: Explain how American tariff policy and policy on war debts and reparations contributed to deepening the Great Depression, even if they did not cause it.

Objective Questions:

1)  Describe the attributes that Warren G. Harding brought into the presidency which account for the level of success that he achieved in the nation’s highest elected office (see slide on end of ch. 31 ppt).

2)  What cabinet positions were held by: Charles Evans Hughes; Andrew Mellon; Herbert Hoover; Harry Daugherty; and Albert Fall?

3)  Which member of Harding’s cabinet proved to be incompetent and corrupt? Why?

4)  Republican economic policies under Warren G. Harding hoped to encourage what?

5)  During the 1920s, the Supreme Court often ruled against what kind of legislation?

6)  How did the Supreme Court rule in the Adkins v. Children’s Hospital case and how did that ruling compare or contrast to the ruling in Muller v. Oregon?

7)  The great event that essentially crippled organized labor throughout the 1920s was what?

8)  What nonbusiness group realized the most significant, lasting gains from WWI?

9)  What did veterans’ organizations like the American Legion successfully lobby Congress to give them?

10) What US interest was advanced by Harding in the Middle East?

11) What was the primary reason that Warren G. Harding was willing to seize the initiative on the issue of international disarmament?

12) What agreement was reached in the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928?

13) What was the long-term effect of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922 and the Hawley-Smoot Tariff on Europe?

14) What were the outcomes of the US high-tariff policy of the 1920s? (4)

15) What was the Teapot Dome scandal and who were the key people involved?

16) What saved Harding from having to answer for the many scandals of his presidency?

17) Describe the attributes that Calvin Coolidge brought into the presidency which account for the level of success that he achieved in the nation’s highest office?

18) During Coolidge’s presidency, government policy was set largely by the interests and values of what community?

19) After the initial shock of the Harding scandals, many Americans reacted by excusing some wrongdoers because of what reason?

20) What was the basic farm problem of the 1920s?

21) What impact did the advent of the gasoline-powered tractor have on farmers?

22) Define the McNary-Haugen Bill that was twice vetoed by Coolidge.

23) How were the Democrats divided in the election of 1924?

24) Who was the Progressive party candidate for president and what did they advocate?

25) What impact did the prosperity of the 1920s have on the progressive movement?

26) How was American armed intervention in the Caribbean and Latin America during the early 1920s inconsistent with the general trend of US foreign policy at that time?

27) What were the points made by the US and by the WWI allies regarding whether or not the US should collect on the debt owed to it by those allies?

28) Since we required war debts to be paid what effect did that have on France and Britain’s treatment of Germany?

29) What was the Dawes Plan?

30) Who were the candidates in the 1928 presidential election & what factors allowed Republican’s victory?

31) The Federal Farm Board, created by the Agricultural Marketing Act lent money to farmers primarily to help them do what?

32) What was the mood in the US just before the stock market crash in 1929?

33) What was the Hawley-Smoot Tariff and what impact did it make on the depression?

34) What impact did the Great Depression have on America? (4)

35) How did the depression affect the birth-rate in America?

36) After the stock market crash, how did President Hoover propose that the federal government deal with the problems of the depression?

37) What was Hoover’s belief about the federal government providing direct relief or benefits to the unemployed?

38) What is a Hooverville?

39) Why do some historians consider the criticism of Hoover for his handling of the Great Depression unfair? (4)

40) What was the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and how did Hoover hope to solve the depression through its program?

41) What was the Bonus Expeditionary Force (bonus army) and how did it affect Hoover’s popularity?

42) What was the response of the League of Nations to Japan’s invasion of Manchuria?

43) What was the American response to the Japanese/Manchuria situation?

44) What was the Stimson Doctrine?