Zero conditional

A.  Complete the zero conditional sentences with the verb in brackets.

Use contractions where possible.

Principio del formulario

1.  If you press that button, the light ______(come) on.

2.  It's easier to sleep if ______( you / not / be) stressed.

3.  The teacher gets angry if ______(we / not / work) hard.

4.  If ______(I / go) on a boat, I always feel sick.

5.  His mother gets annoyed if ______(he / be) late.

6.  If ______(I / not / know) a word, I look in my dictionary.

7.  They play football if ______(they / not / have) any homework.

8.  If you freeze water ,______(it / turn) to ice.

B.  Choose the correct option for these zero conditional sentences.

9.  Principio del formulario

1. If you eat fast food,
a) you will gain weight.
b) you gains weight.
c) you gain weight.
d) you gained weight.
2. If you study hard,
a) you get good grades.
b) you got good grades.
c) you getting good grades.
d) you will get good grades.
3. When she works early,
a) she woke up early.
b) she will wake up early.
c) she wake up early.
d) she wakes up early.
4. When the radio plays,
a) it's hard to hear you speak.
b) it was hard to hear you speak.
c) it is hard to hear you spoke.
d) it's hard to hear you will speak.

5. I always wear a jacket
a) when it will be cold.
b) when it is cold.
c) when it was cold.
d) when it is being cold.
6. He never buys lunch
a) if he doesn't has cash.
b) if he no have cash.
c) if he won't have cash.
d) if he doesn't have cash.
7. When you heat water,
a) it boils.
b) it's boiling.
c) boils the water.
c) it was boil.
8. Does ice melt
a) if it is in the sun?
b) if it were in the sun?
c) if they are in the sun?
d) if it will be in the sun?
9. What do you do
a) if the teacher was sick?
b) if the teacher had been sick?
c) if the teacher will be sick?
d) if the teacher is sick?
10. Does the computer work
a) if you use batteries?
b) if you used batteries?
c) if you will use batteries?
c) if you had used batteries?

C.  Make zero conditionals:

For example:

(not / rain / the flowers / die)

If it doesn’t rain, the flowers die.

1. (I / wake up late / I / be late for work)


2. (my husband / cook / he / burn the food)


3. (Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke)


4. (children / not eat well / they / not be healthy)


5. (you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock)


6. (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat)


7. (you / smoke / you / get yellow fingers)


8. (children / play outside / they / not get overweight)


9. (you / heat ice / it / melt)


10. (I / speak to John / he / get annoyed)


First conditional

A.  Make the first conditional
1) If I______(go)out tonight, I______(go)to the cinema...
2) If you______(get)back late, I______(be)angry...
3) If we______(not/see)each other tomorrow, we______(see)each other next week...
4) If he______(come), I______(be)surprised...
5) If we______(wait)here, we______(be)late...
6) If we______(go)on holiday this summer, we______(go)to Spain...
7) If the weather______(not/improve), we______(not/have)a picnic...
8) They______(go)to the party if they______(be)invited...
9) If I______(not/go)to bed early, I______(be)tired tomorrow...
10) If we______(eat)all this cake, we______(feel)sick ...
B.  Choose the correct response for each of the sentences:
1. If you ______greasy food, you will become fat.
will eat
2. If your sister goes to Paris, she ______a good time.
will have
3. If he ______that, he will be sorry.
will do
4. If I leave now, I ______in New York by 8:00 PM.
will arrive
5. You ______on your test if you don't study.
won't do well
don't do well
6. They won't know the truth if you ______them.
won't tell
don't tell
7. If I bake a cake, ______have some?
will you
do you
8. If he ______you, will you answer the phone?
will call
9. If you don't go to the party, I ______very upset.
will be
10. If you get a haircut, you ______much better.
will look
C.  Fill the gap using the verb in brackets.Threegaps need aNEGATIVEverb and watch out for thethird person S!
1 / If Clare ______late again, the hockey trainer will be furious. (to arrive)
2 / You'll be sorry if you ______for your exams. (to revise)
3 / We ______if the weather's good. (to go)
4 / They ______you if you wear a wig and dark glasses. (to recognise)
5 / If the bus ______on time, I won't miss the football. (to be)
6 / If you ______your homework now, you'll be free all tomorrow. (to do)
7 / We______out if there's no food at home. (to eat)
8 / You'll find life much easier if you ______more often. (to smile)
9 / If it's hot, we______for a swim. (to go)
10 / You'll do it better if you ______more time over it. (to take)
A.Put the verbs into the correct form (future I simple). Usewill.
Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:
1.  You(earn)______a lot of money.
2.  You(travel)______around the world.
3.  You(meet)______lots of interesting people.
4.  Everybody(adore)______you.
5.  You(not / have)______any problems.
6.  Many people(serve)______you.
7.  They(anticipate)______your wishes.
8.  There(not / be)______anything left to wish for.
9.  Everything(be)______perfect.
10.  But all these things(happen / only)______if you marry me.
B. Write positive sentences in thefuture I (will).
1.  (I/do/this/later)______
2.  (we/go shopping)______
3.  (the sun/shine)______
4.  (Peter/call/you)______
5.  (they/be/there)______
6.  C. Complete the sentences in thefuture I (will).
1.  It(rain/not)______ tomorrow.
2.  I promise I(be/not)______ late.
3.  We(start/not)______ to watch the film without you.
4.  The bus(wait/not)______ for us.
5.  He(believe/not)______us.
D.  Write questions in thefuture I (will).
1.  (what/learn/they)______?
2.  (it/snow)______?
3.  (when/you/get/home)______?
4.  (she/forgive/me)______?
5.  (what/say/he)______?
A.  Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.
Principio del formulario
1.  She______(run) because she's late for her lesson.
2.  Our teacher always______(give) us lots of homework.
3.  We______(not want) to go to the concert.
4.  What time______(you / meet) Pete tomorrow?
5.  I ______(not work) today. I'm on holiday.
6.  People______(speak) English in Jamaica.
7.  Archie______( not use) his computer at the moment.
8.  ______(Tony / live) near the park?
B.  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the simple present or present continuous tense. You can use some of the verbs from the box more than once.
buy - stand
carry- take
cost- travel
do- use
go- visit
like - watch
miss - work
1 My brother ______this CD very much.
2 He ______in China this summer.
3 We ______to lunch now. Would you like to
join us?
4 We always ______Grandma on Sundays.
5 In this photo, we ______volleyball on the beach.
6 I ______tennis every day.
7 My father can’t come to the phone now. He ______a shower.
8 My father ______as an accountant in a big company.
9 I think this pen ______HK$8.
10 I can’t play online games now. My brother ______the computer to do
his homework.
11 A: ______you ______your homework now?
B: Yes, I ______.
12 This photo was taken when I was three. My father ______me on his
13 People ______always ______new mobile phones.
14 Can you see Anna? She ______at the bus stop.
15 ______you still ______TV?
16 A: ______they ______to Ocean Park on Sunday?
B: No, they ______.
17 She often ______class because of illness.
18 A: ______you ______Kelly Chan’s songs?
B: Yes, I ______, but my brother ______.
The imperative
Complete these sentences using an imperative form of the verbs in the box.
not call -check- not forget- get- have- leave- think- try- walk- not worry
1 ______the figures on my desk and I’ll put them into the spreadsheet for you.
2______a look on the computer. His email address should still be on there somewhere.
3 ______there’s a health and safety training session tomorrow.
4 We need to contact Owain urgently.______calling his mobile.
5 ______me between two and fi ve this afternoon. I’ll be in a meeting.
6 I need some fresh air after being at the conference all day.______back to the hotel.
7 ______with Jenny to make sure the invoices are ready.
8 –______we’ve got lots of time. The meeting doesn’t start until 10.30.
9 We need something to wake us up! ______a coff ee.
10 We’re all tired.______about it overnight and make the decision tomorrow.
C.  Rewrite the sentences in imperative. Keep the same meaning
Example:You can't step on the grass. - Don't step on the grass.
We must revise some new words. - Let's revise some new words.
Principio del formulario
He should have a job.______!
We mustn't stop now.______!
You must go to bed.______!
You should get up early.______!
You mustn't stand here.______!
She can have a drink.______!
They must clean the carpet.______!
We needn't wait for him.______!
We must have a shower first.______!
You can't park in this street.______!
You must be here soon.______!
They should taste this cake.______!
Principio del formulario
A. Turn the affirmative sentences in negative sentences
1. Close the door.
2. Stop.
3. Turn right.
4. Sit down.
5. Be quiet.
6. Go straight.
7. Pass the bank.
8. Cross the road.
9. Turn left.
10. Walk to the corner.
11. Look at the map.
12. Listen to the teacher.
13. Come here.
14. Read this book.
15. Practice with the exercises.