Sun Valley High School

Name of Course:Digital Design III

Teacher: Mr. NancarrowPhone: (610) 497-6300x2174


Course Description:This course continues the development of basic entry-level skills required for careers in the digital publishing industry. The content includes enhanced practical experiences in computer generated art and text, graphic design, graphic production, electronic design skills, preparation of electronic layouts and illustrations, and electronic scanning; and development of specialized skills in multimedia presentations. The course is taught via a multi-disciplined approach, which includes oral and written communications, problem solving, group work, and special projects.


  • Software Applications: Microsoft Suite, Adobe CS5 (Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash), and Prezi
  • Computing Fundamentals
  • Screen Printing Process and Operations

Contact: The best way to contact the teacher is via email. Please use the email address . I will respond to all emails within 24 hours. If there are any questions/comments/concerns regarding the class or your son/daughter’s grade please feel free to email.

Grading Scale:
Students will be graded on a scale that is in listed with their student handbook.

Attendance: Poor attendance could cause a reduction in grades or course failure. Please refer to the Student Handbook for District Policy regarding attendance. Student participation is an essential aspect of attendance in class.

Make-ups:In the event a student is absent, all work is due the following day they return. If a student has missed a test/quiz, that student will make up this work the following day after an absence from 2:15-2:55 PM. It is the responsibility of the student to approach the instructor to make up work. In the event of extenuating circumstances, the teacher/student will work out a compromise if the following day is not possible to complete the work.

Use of Online Grades:It is imperative that you periodically check your grades online. If there are any comments, concerns, or questions, please approach the instructor in a timely fashion, not the final day of a marking period/semester.

Classroom Rules Of Conduct:

This course will require a great deal of teamwork just as in business. Therefore, the teacher and students are expected to conduct themselves with RESPECT, present positive attitudes, and be team players at all times!

To be successful in learning and in the workplace, you will need to follow certain rules and procedures. Just like a job, attendance, being on time, dressed appropriately, and being ready to learn are particularly important. When entering the classroom, please be sure that you have all necessary materials for the class. Please enter prepared and ready to go to work; sit at your seat, and begin your bell-work assignment posted on the front board.

Student Expectations:

All students should be prepared to work professionally. I expect attention, preparation and commitment to excellence in everything you do in this class. All assignments and communications should reflect your commitment to professionalism, including proper grammar, spelling and etiquette. In addition, all assignments should be submitted in format directed.

  1. Students are expected to attend class regularly and be on time, that is, not tardy.
  2. Students are required to be an active participant in the day’s activities and discussions
  3. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments and/or tests were missed during an absence
  4. The student is responsible for meeting ALL DEADLINES.
  5. Students are expected to maintain a mature and respectful attitude at all times.
  6. NO food will be allowed in the classroom or lab.
  7. Students will be considerate of others in the class and allow others the right to learn in a positive environment.
  8. Practice good digital citizenship

Sun Valley High School

Digital Design III

Course Syllabus

Thisisagradedassignment.Returnthispageonlytotheteacher.Failuretoreturn thispageaftertheduedateresultsinacontinuedlossof pointsuntilthispageisreturned.

Student Name(Printed) Period#

Ireviewedthesyllabus andpolicieswith myson/daughter. Weunderstandwhatis expected of him/her.Iagreetosupportmyson/daughterandtheteachertoensurea successfulyear.Iunderstand I can keepapprised ofacademic progress via E-School and the teacher will work with me to resolve any behavioralissues.I understandthattheteacherisavailableeachschoolday,aswell asafterschool withpriorcoordination,tomeetwithme. Tocontacttheteacher,Iwill emailherorcalltheschool.

Parent/GuardianSignature StudentSignature

Parent ContactInformation




Cell Phone:______

Is Texting okay:______


Preferred method of contact:______

Best time to be reached:______



Cell Phone:______

Is Texting okay:______


Preferred method of contact:______

Best time to be reached:______