Chapters 19-25-32

Latin America

AP Test Review

Identify the following:

Chapter 19

Hernan Cortes Encomiendas Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494

Hispaniola Taino Galleons

Tupac Amaru Francisco Pizarro

Chapter 25

Toussaint L’Overture Father Hidalgo Augustin Iturbide

Simon Bolivar Gran Colombia Jose de San Martin

Benito Juarez Marxists Dependency theory

Monroe Doctrine Guano Manifest Destiny


Chapter 32

United Fruit Co Fidel Castro Che Guevara

26th of July Movement Liberation theology Manuel Noriega

Banana Republics Good Neighbor Policy


Where did Spain set up colonies in the New World?

How did Europe compare to the Caribbean?

What were the conquistadors like?

What advantages did the Spanish have over native populations?

How did the Europeans affect the new world?

What were political and economic systems like under Spanish rule?

Compare the encomienda and mita systems.

What is bullion? How did it affect the Spanish economy? Affect Portugal?

How was mercury involved in the silver trade?

How did the Catholic Church affect the New World?

What are plantations? Where were they located and what did they produce?

How did plantations affect slavery?

Compare and contrast the Spanish and Portuguese empires.

How did social class systems arise in the Americas?

How did wars in Europe affect independence movements in the Americas?

How did Brazil get its independence? How did they end up differently from other newly independent Latin American countries?

In the 1800’s, what export crop became very important to Brazil?

What caused the Mexican-American War? What was its outcome?

What caused the Spanish-American War? What was its outcome?

What is the difference between 2nd and 3rd world countries? Exps?

What happened in the Guatemalan Revolution of 1954?

What was the outcome of the Cuban Revolution?

How did Castro reform Cuba?

What countries were affected by military coups in the 1950’s-1970’s?

What was life like under the military governments in Latin America?

What problems did democratic governments face in Latin American countries during the 1980’s?

How did the Cold War affect Latin America?

How did the US exert its influence over Latin America after WWII?