Computing Policy

Computing Policy

Mission Statement

To encourage all children to develop as confident lifelong learners, to be curious about the world around them and to achieve their full potential within our safe and caring Christian school family.


Document Purpose

This policy reflects the school values and philosophy in relation to the teaching of Computing. It sets out a framework within which teaching and non-teaching staff can operate and gives guidance on planning, teaching and assessment.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Lancashire Progression Document which sets out in detail what pupils in each Key Stage should study

Document Audience

This document is intended for all teaching staff, all staff with classroom responsibilities and school governors.

It is also available for parents, inspection teams and LA Advisors/ Inspectors.


‘A high quality computing education equips pupils to understand and change the world through logical thinking and creativity, including by making links with mathematics, science and design and technology. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, and how digital systems work. Computing equips pupils to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of media. It also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that pupils:

Can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation

Can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experiences of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems

Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems

Are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology’ (National Curriculum, 2013)

Aims and Objectives

At Ribby with Wrea Endowed CE Primary School we aim to

Provide all children with the opportunities and experiences to develop their ICT skills across a range of equipment and programs.

Provide all children with the opportunity to use ICT to support and extend their learning across the curriculum.

Provide appropriate software and hardware to allow progression in the development of ICT skills throughout the school.

Teach children to use ICT responsibly and with care.

Help children understand the applications and consequences of ICT both on an individual level and in society.

Use ICT to enhance the curriculum.

Teach children to write and debug algorithms.

Curriculum Planning/Schemes of Work

All children throughout their school career have the opportunity to develop their Computing capabilities in the areas of

Information Technology including

Text and Images

Images, Video and Animation


Data Handling

Digital Research – Searching

Digital Literacy including

Online Safety

Electronic Communication

Computer Science including


Simulations and Spreadsheet Modelling

Understanding Computer Networks

We use the Lancashire Schools Computing Key Learning Document to support planning, delivery and the progression of ICT skills.

The school has a bank of laptops, ipads, cameras and other peripheral equipment that can be used to teach ICT skills and to support all areas of the curriculum.

Recording and Assessment

Assessment is made through observation of children undertaking tasks and their results, through teaching, discussion and questioning. Examples of children’s work are kept by the Subject Leader.

Progress and attainment in Computing are reported to parents at the end of the academic year in a child’s annual report.

Class teachers maintain the Lancashire Pupil Tracker, entering children’s attainment levels for Computing at the end of each term. These levels are monitored by the Subject Leader.

E Safety

We take the safety of all members of Ribby with Wrea Endowed CE Primary School seriously and ask pupils, staff and visitors to agree to and sign our Acceptable Use of the Internet document before access to the internet is given. Discussions regarding the acceptable use of school technology and e-safety are held with all members of the school community as part of their induction.

At least two lessons of E-safety are taught to each class, each term, following our E-safety curriculum. Further lessons may also be taught at the discretion of the class teacher, as appropriate to the needs of each class.

Further details can be found in the E-Safety Policy.

Health and Safety

All electrical wiring is situated behind the children’s tables.

All electrical equipment is PAT tested annually.

Further details can be found in the school Health and Safety Policy


All computers and laptops are marked with the school postcode and all rooms are alarmed. The iPads are kept in the Peacock Room when not in use and this has bars across each window and skylight and is kept securely locked, with a coded lock, when not in use. The majority of laptops are kept in the laptop trolleys and are locked away over periods of school closure.

The computers in the office and Headteacher’s room are password protected. The passwords being known only to the secretary and head teacher.

All teachers have password protected areas on the network and these passwords are not shared with the children.

Further information can be found in the Information Access and Security Policy.


The school is well resourced, with interactive white boards in each classroom and laptops for all the teachers. We have a bank of laptops available for use throughout the day and a number of ipads.

See the stockbook for a list of current resources.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

In line with the SEN policy, no child shall be discriminated against because of ability in the teaching and use of ICT. Children with SEN often benefit from the use of the computer to support aspects of their learning and this is encouraged.

Equal Opportunities

All children have equal access and opportunity to use and operate ICT equipment. We also seek to ensure that all software in school does not contain any bias with regard to ethnic, gender or social context. If children are required to use ICT as part of their homework, provision is made in school for them to complete this if they do not have the necessary provision at home.

S. Hargreaves

Last reviewed October 2013

August 2014

October 2015